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Everything posted by [KFC]KungFu

  1. you only saved one point You have to go to four corners of the area and type !p so it would be !c then !p next corner !p next corner !p next corner !p last corner then !s
  2. If you don't have the area's set up you can use this script. I got this from http://www.aeron.tk It's best to use a heli when you set your area... The instructions are in the top of this script. Basically you type !c when you get there and then !p at the corners of the place to set the border. When you are done type !s Sloth: I just remember how bad I wanted to get KOTH running when Jax helped me... guess Im paying it forward ;Area-setup script ;This scripts makes costum area that are not defined yet. ;Steps to set a area: ;Clear the buffer, type: !c ;Stand in every corner of the area and type: !p ;Save the area with: !s ;Name the area as followed: on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { ;!c clears the buffer with pointers if (!c == $3) { !unset %area mta.say $1 Area cleared. } ;!p sets a area point if (!p == $3) { %area = %area $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,x),4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,y),4) mta.say $1 $calc($count(%area,$chr(44)) /2) point(s) set } ;!s saves the area to mta.data.ini if (!s == $3) { var %a if ($did(mta,$1 $+ 33) == GTA:3) !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA1 $right(%area,-1) $4- elseif ($did(mta,$1 $+ 22) == Stunt) !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4- else { !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4- !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA3 $right(%area,-1) $4- } !unset %area mta.say $1 Area saved as " $+ $4-" } ;!a Tells you in which area you are if (!a == $3) { mta.say $1 $mta.area($1,$2) } }
  3. Just edit posts instead of posting new ones... If you are using the latest GRS all of the locations are there already... you just go to the ammunation roof and type !area whatever it says you type !sethouse or part of the loc name
  4. for password type /msg kothlogin
  5. Written by UVA ZZZ aka Jax alias koth.password !return YOURPASSWORDHERE alias koth.hpick { var %a = $iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2) !return $readini(mta.data.ini,%a,$ini(mta.data.ini,%a,$rand(1,$ini(mta.data.ini,%a,0)))) } alias koth.owner { !hadd -m koth lastowner $hget(koth,owner) if ($mta.area($1,$mta.getid($1,$hget(koth,owner))) != $hget(koth,house2) || $hget(koth,owner) == No-one) { var %a = 0,%b,%c,%d while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if ($mta.name($1,%a) != Unknown && $mta.health($1,%a) > 0) { if ($mta.area($1,%a) == $hget(koth,house2)) { if (%b) { if ($mta.health($1,%a) > %c) { %c = $mta.health($1,%a) %d = $mta.name($1,%a) } } %c = $mta.health($1,%a) %d = $mta.name($1,%a) !inc %b } } !inc %a } if (%d) koth.newown %d if (%b) { if (!$readini(koth.ini,clans,%d)) !return %d else !return $readini(koth.ini,clans,%d) %d } else !return No-one } elseif (!$readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner))) !return $hget(koth,owner) else !return $readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner)) $hget(koth,owner) } alias koth.nxtmember { var %a = 0 while (%a < $mta.maxplayers($1)) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,%a)) == $2 && $mta.health($1,%a) > 0 && %a != $3) { !hadd -m koth owner $mta.name($1,%a) !return %a } !inc %a } !return -1 } on *:UNLOAD:{ !.timerkoth off !.timerkothcheck off } on *:SIGNAL:mta.disconnect:{ !.timerkoth off !.timerkothcheck off } on *:SIGNAL:mta.quit:{ !.timerkoth off !.timerkothcheck off } on *:SIGNAL:mta.command:{ var %a = $iif($4,$iif($mta.name($1,$4) != Unknown,$4,$mta.getid($1,$4)),$2) if ($readini(koth.ini,login,$mta.name($1,$2))) { if ($3 == !checkdelay) { if ($4 isnum 1-20) { set %checkdelay $4 !.timerkothcheck off !.timerkothcheck 0 $4 koth.check $1 mta.say $1 Koth > Check-Delay set to: $4 seconds } else mta.say $1 Koth > Check-Delay currently set to: $iif(%checkdelay,%checkdelay,3) seconds } elseif ($3 == !koth) { if ($4 == on) { if ($hget(koth,status) != on) koth.start $1 else mta.say $1 Koth > Status: Online $chr(124) Duration: $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,start),Unknown,$duration($calc($ctime - $readini(koth.ini,data,start)))) } elseif ($4 == off) { if ($hget(koth,status) == on) koth.stop $1 else mta.say $1 Koth > Status: Offline $chr(124) Duration: $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,stop),Unknown,$duration($calc($ctime - $readini(koth.ini,data,stop)))) } else mta.say $1 Koth > Status: $iif($hget(koth,status) == on,Online,Offline) $chr(124) Duration: $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,$iif($hget(koth,status) == on,start,stop)),Unknown,$duration($calc($ctime - $readini(koth.ini,data,$iif($hget(koth,status) == on,start,stop))))) } elseif ($3 == !sethouse) { if ($4) { var %a = 0,%b while (%a <= $ini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),0)) { if ($4 isin $readini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),$ini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),%a))) { !hadd -m koth house $gettok($readini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),$ini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),%a)),1,32) !hadd -m koth house2 $readini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),$ini(mta.data.ini,$iif($mta.game($1) == GTA:3,AREA1,AREA2),%a)) %b = 1 !break } !inc %a } if (%b) { mta.say $1 Koth > House set to: $hget(koth,house) } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , area: $+(',$4,') not found! } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Syntax: !sethouse } } elseif ($3 == !addclan) { if ($4) { if ($4 isin $mta.name($1,$2)) { if ($findtok($readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,1,44) == $null) { !writeini -n koth.ini clans $mta.name($1,$2) $4 !writeini -n koth.ini data clanlist $iif(!$readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,$addtok($readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,44)) mta.say $1 Koth > Clan: $4 Added $chr(124) By: $mta.name($1,$2) } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Clan: $4 already exists! } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , $+(',$4,') isn't in your name! } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Syntax: !addclan } elseif ($3 == !join) { if ($4) { if ($findtok($readini(koth.ini,data,clanlist),$4,1,44) != $null) { if ($4 isin $mta.name($1,$2)) { !writeini -n koth.ini clans $mta.name($1,$2) $4 mta.say $1 Koth > $mta.name($1,$2) added to $4 clan } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , $+(',$4,') isn't in your name! } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Clan: $4 doesn't exist! } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Syntax: !join } elseif ($3 == !leave) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$2))) { mta.say $1 Koth > $mta.name($1,$2) has left $readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$2)) !remini koth.ini clans $mta.name($1,$2) } else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , you havn't joined a clan! } elseif ($3 == !house) mta.say $1 Koth > Current House: $hget(koth,house) elseif ($3 == !owner) mta.say $1 Koth > Current Owner: $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner)),$readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner)) $chr(124) Landlord: $hget(koth,owner),$hget(koth,owner)) $chr(124) Duration: $duration($calc($ctime - $iif($hget(koth,starttime),$hget(koth,starttime),0))) elseif ($3 == !clan) { if (%a != -1) mta.say $1 $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,%a)),$mta.name($1,%a) $+ $chr(44) Clan: $readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,%a)),$mta.name($1,%a) hasn't joined a clan!) else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Error: ID not present } elseif ($3 == !kills) { if (%a != -1) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%a) has a total of $iif($readini(koth.ini,kills,$mta.name($1,%a)),$readini(koth.ini,kills,$mta.name($1,%a)),0) kills else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Error: ID not present } elseif ($3 == !area) { if (%a != -1) mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%a) is at: $mta.area($1,%a) else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) $+ , Error: ID not present } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.pm:{ if ($3 == kothlogin) { if ($4 == $koth.password) { if (!$readini(koth.ini,login,$mta.name($1,$2))) { mta.msg $1 $2 You have logged in to the KOTH script !writeini koth.ini login $mta.name($1,$2) 1 } else mta.msg $1 $2 You are already logged into the KOTH script! } else mta.msg $1 $2 KOTH Login: incorrect password } } on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{ !remini koth.ini login $mta.name($1,$2) } on *:SIGNAL:mta.kill:{ var %a = $readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$3)) if ($hget(koth,owner) != No-one) { if ($mta.area($1,$2) == $hget(koth,house2) || $mta.area($1,$3) == $hget(koth,house2)) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner))) { if ($mta.name($1,$2) == $hget(koth,owner)) { if ($mta.name($1,$3) != Unknown && $2 != $3) { koth.newown $mta.name($1,$3) if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$2)) == %a) { mta.say $1 Koth > $mta.name($1,$3) is the new Landlord! } elseif ($koth.nxtmember($1,$readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$2)),$2) != -1) { mta.say $1 Koth > $hget(koth,owner) has become the new Landlord! } else mta.say $1 Koth > $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$3)),$mta.name($1,$3) $+($chr(40),$readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$3)),$chr(41)),$mta.name($1,$3)) has taken over: $hget(koth,house) } elseif ($koth.nxtmember($1,$readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$2)),$2) != -1) { mta.say $1 Koth > $hget(koth,owner) has become the new Landlord! } else { mta.say $1 Koth > $mta.name($1,$2) has lost control of the house! !hadd -m koth owner No-one !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime } } elseif ($mta.name($1,$3) == $hget(koth,owner) || %a == $readini(koth.ini,clans,$hget(koth,owner))) { if ($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$2)) == %a) { mta.say $1 Koth > %a have killed one of their own! } else { !writeini -n koth.ini kills $mta.name($1,$3) $calc($readini(koth.ini,kills,$mta.name($1,$3)) + 1) !writeini -n koth.ini clankills %a $calc($readini(koth.ini,clankills,%a) + 1) mta.say $1 Koth > %a Killed an Intruder $chr(124) Total: $readini(koth.ini,clankills,$readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$3))) } } } elseif ($mta.name($1,$2) == $hget(koth,owner)) { if ($mta.name($1,$3) != Unknown && $2 != $3) { koth.newown $mta.name($1,$3) mta.say $1 Koth > $iif($readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$3)),$mta.name($1,$3) $+($chr(40),$readini(koth.ini,clans,$mta.name($1,$3)),$chr(41)),$mta.name($1,$3)) has taken over: $hget(koth,house) } else { mta.say $1 Koth > $mta.name($1,$2) has lost control of the house! !hdel koth owner !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime } } elseif ($mta.name($1,$3) == $hget(koth,owner)) { !writeini -n koth.ini kills $mta.name($1,$3) $calc($readini(koth.ini,kills,$mta.name($1,$3)) + 1) mta.say $1 Koth > $mta.name($1,$3) Killed an Intruder $chr(124) Total: $readini(koth.ini,kills,$mta.name($1,$3)) } } } } alias koth.start { !hadd -m koth status on !writeini -n koth.ini data start $ctime var %a = $koth.hpick($1) !hadd -m koth house $gettok(%a,1,32) !hadd -m koth house2 %a !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime !hadd -m koth owner No-one if ($hget(koth,house2) != Unknown) { var %a = $koth.owner($1),%b = $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$gettok(%a,2,32),%a) mta.say $1 - Koth Activated - mta.say $1 Koth > House: $hget(koth,house) $chr(124) Owner: $gettok(%a,1,32) $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$chr(124) Landlord: %b,) if (!%checkdelay) set %checkdelay 5 !.timerkothcheck 0 %checkdelay koth.check $1 !.timerkoth 0 60 koth.current $1 } else mta.say $1 House getin error! } alias koth.stop { !hdel koth status !writeini -n koth.ini data stop $ctime mta.say $1 - Koth Deactivated - !.timerkothcheck off !.timerkoth off } alias koth.check { var %a = $koth.owner($1),%b = $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$gettok(%a,2,32),%a) if (%b != $hget(koth,lastowner)) { if (%b == No-one) { mta.say $1 Koth > $hget(koth,lastowner) has left the house! !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime !hadd -m koth owner No-one } else mta.say $1 Koth > %b has taken over: $hget(koth,house) } } alias koth.current { var %a = $koth.owner($1),%b = $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$gettok(%a,2,32),%a) mta.say $1 Koth > Owner: $gettok(%a,1,32) $iif($numtok(%a,32) > 1,$chr(124) Landlord: %b,) has owned: $hget(koth,house) for $duration($calc($ctime - $hget(koth,starttime))) } alias koth.newown { !hadd -m koth owner $1 !hadd -m koth starttime $ctime }
  6. well since noone openly beta tested MTA yet it's not surprising that you have that opinion. It's pretty clear that you have nothing else to say and you are hoping you will get banned for calling ChrML a bitch, that way you can say they banned you because you "owned" them or some shit.
  7. If we can use the Rhino we could have MTAtari Combat. I'd play that.
  8. lol I thought this was a bump from years ago not last month Find another server
  9. until you try and join a server... for now get AntiCrash and run it while you try to pick your exe and it should work. I had the same problem linky
  10. echo echo echo Um sorry for the bad example... Diet Lime Coke is very good stuff and Im in america. /offtopic
  11. If the server sets the race they control the vehicles so I would think they could not include planes if they wanted or only include no guns planes for a sorta spec mode. This sounds like much more than just a racing release. There is definately a "market" for this and Im glad you are making it the first release. This is a great way for me to ease the ppl who have resisted trying MTA in the past into the game. thanks
  12. I am looking into this one http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html Seems to be a clearing house of helpful C/C++ tutorials
  13. That's another extreme and it's also faulty logic. You are a customer or consumer (so to speak) of online GTA games. Play the best one at the time and enjoy it. If there are two good ones play them both. That's what I plan on doing. Picking one or the other feeds into this Hatfield and McCoy situation where people get mad at MTA when SA:MP does something good. It's illogical and stupid. Respect anyone who gives of there time to make a fun game for you to play and play whatever makes you happy but don't exclude one because the other was around longer. I didn't get mad at Pepsi when Diet Lime Coke was released... it's idiotic and when Diet Lime Pepsi came out I didn't boycott it because they weren't first. I like the better one ( in this case Coke, bad example)
  14. thanks ... If you ever played Midtown Madness 2 they have a cops and robbers game where they race to get gold and then have to get it to a randomly generated finish line. Once someone gets it there a new random flag (gold in this case) is spawned... I would love that if it's possible Additionally, the car that is it is slowed down and the other cars heal damage... but that might be a bit too ambitious for this effort. ... thanks for the answers Im sure I wasn't the only one with those questions
  15. OK will you be able to choose from a few cars or will it be one car based on what the server is running? that would answer my next question Would you respawn right where you blew up (like Midnight Club or Midtown Madness) or back at a spawn location I assume these will be decisions for the people running the server but thought Id ask Good to hear the cars would be locked and you can't run around desynced jacking people. thanks
  16. You are spinning like a top! You aren't flaming? You havn't been waiting 18 months for a racing mod... it's false premise... it's complete bullshit... it's almost like someone is feeding you these lines.... You will be waiting 19, 20, 23 or god knows how long for an almost commerical level product made by ppl in thier spare time for no money. But a few months before that you are getting a free bonus racing game as well. Your gripes have been heard. They released a blog to keep you informed to the minute to prevent this type of misinformed flaming bullshit Meanwhile I have legitimate questions that are being taken off topic with the same old bullshit stfu already
  17. and remember where you heard it first we get it ransom... you are a super insider who gets the word first thanks for the news flash buddy... n1 the threads get a light on them when ppl post... no need to advertise what you posted in another thread. and no need to link it when you just repeated it
  18. damn... we heard the flamers... stfu already I just want to know more about the release You will still be waiting until X day for a full fledged deathmatch. They always got things like car sync done first but we never knew when and they never shared it with us that early. You are complaining over nothing. They are just giving you all a taste of the game in it's current state, they didn't wake up one day and decide to make Midtown Madness San Andreas f'n idiots are just gonna get this thread locked and we won't learn a thing more.
  19. It hasn't been explained properly before or I wouldn't have this question I don't mean for this to start that flame crap backup... I am still not clear on what it is... If you don't have an answer just say that.... don't be cryptic and say it's been explained before You say no foot sync... so.. does that mean that we will be desynced find a car and then find our way to the start of the race? or We spawn with the car and we cannot get out of cars? If it's just car sync and we have to wait for everyone to find a car and get to the start of the race I guess we won't know if someone is going for the same car until it takes off. will ppl be able to jack other ppl? told you I have a million questions
  20. I don't understand what this is going to be. Will you only have synced cars and no people getting out of them? Will you have ppl getting in and out of cars but it's not synced? Do the players line up at the start on thier own or are they placed there? How do you pick cars? I have a million more questions but I'll end with just those. thanks
  21. Isn't the beauty of GTA how they build ramps into blended in objects like trees and fences?
  22. My feelings on rules is that less is more but I will just read the rules you want and live with them or we won't play. No biggie
  23. Interested Server is already up it's in my sig Let me know
  24. Just had to bump this, but anyway there aren't so much bugs, its still perfect! LC is way better than a GTA 3 online. I love the skimmers sea sparrows, cars and how blunted the col creator made many things solid like the stadium, which is easy to get to! GTA 3 has died, and I don't see a blue version for that. LC has so much more, and we can still customize whatever we want such as the spawns, the cars, the skins, and what weapons spawn. I'll stick with LC-MP for now. I completly agree GTA:LC in multiplayer is the future of the Liberty City map. You get everything you get in GTA3 without as many bugs and support is almost identical as the VC version. I know MTA is focused on getting the Blue:SA project going but I sure hope they don't leave a project to get VC and LC in blue using the GTA:LC modification too far behind it. I had the opportunity to try the other multiplayer for GTA:LC and it blows the VC map out of the water in multiplayer when they are equally synced and playable side by side.
  25. Wheel or I named it quotewall and Wheel was the first to make it when we were talking about it in TeamSpeak or pm... can't remember... doesn't matter... but I digress
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