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  1. WeCan

    Error In Mysql

    Thank you Be polite , You don't have to Answer
  2. WeCan

    error in local

    yes i just changed script name not more ... how i can write code to that if value nil then break function ?
  3. WeCan

    error in local

    i have error in script : local ERROR: faction\factionadmin_s.lua:507: attempt to index local 'maxrow' (a nil value) function adminDutyStart() local result = mysql:query("SELECT id, name FROM factions WHERE type >= 2 ORDER BY id ASC") local max = mysql:query("SELECT id FROM duty_allowed ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 1") if (result) and max then dutyAllow = { } dutyAllowChanges = { } i = 0 local maxrow = mysql:fetch_assoc(max) maxIndex = tonumber(maxrow.id) or 0 while true do local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result) if not row then break end table.insert(dutyAllow, { row.id, row.name, { --[[Duty information]] } }) i = i+1 local result1 = mysql:query("SELECT * FROM duty_allowed WHERE faction="..tonumber(row.id)) if result1 then while true do local row1 = mysql:fetch_assoc(result1) if not row1 then break end table.insert(dutyAllow[i][3], { row1.id, tonumber(row1.itemID), row1.itemValue }) end end end setElementData(resourceRoot, "maxIndex", maxIndex) setElementData(resourceRoot, "dutyAllowTable", dutyAllow) mysql:free_result(result) mysql:free_result(result1) mysql:free_result(max) else outputDebugString("[Factions] ERROR: Duty allow permissions failed.") end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, adminDutyStart) how i can fix that ?
  4. WeCan


    hi i have gate thats open when player hit marker i want to invisible the marker how i can ? i mean only invisible not remove that !
  5. Thank You Bro @Patrick2562 now i see : ERROR: veh-system\s_veh_system.lua:283: cannot resume dead coroutine [string "?"] ERROR: veh-system\s_veh_system.lua:283: cannot resume dead coroutine [string "?"] [DUP x8] the code is function resume() for key, value in ipairs(threads) do coroutine.resume(value) end end
  6. hi i have Error in Loading ticket script SCRIPT ERROR: ticket-system\s_ticket.lua:99: ')' expected near 'Santos' ERROR: Loading script failed: ticket-system\s_ticket.lua:99: ')' expected near 'Santos' s_ticket.lua:99 is line 1 if (getTeamName(team) == "Los Sa326 Enterprises(getTeamName(team) == "Los Santos Police Department") or (getTeamName(team) == "San Andreas State Police") then if not (theVehicle) or not (amount) or not (tonumber(theVehicle)) or not (tonumber(amount)) or not (...) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" ..theCommand.. " [vehID] [amount] [reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
  7. WeCan

    Error In Mysql

    Hi i have Error in my script can you Help me ? i think i should make column for my Database Game mode ! This is my error in Server Log ! INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1146: Table 'mta.elections' doesn't exist
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