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HeySlickThatsMe last won the day on October 14 2021

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About HeySlickThatsMe

  • Birthday July 31


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  1. Dude 6000x6000 ends somewhere here
  2. Alternate method: Replace any other object (Something unused or interior only object) then change the default canopy id to your object id in the parachute script
  3. The player spawns near the objects thus not loading the object Solution: Spawn the player somewhere out of the world and then spawn him again in vice city after he logs in
  4. There should be an option in Map Editor to use LOD's Look in the settings
  5. I didn't use any of MTA map editors My map was using San Vice as a base , so i used MED (Map Editor for San Andreas Singleplayer) to load the whole San Vice map on my second gta installation then i was copying the positions to gta3.map (or whatever is your .map named)
  6. Firstly it "Warning's Long Execution" because its not for Map Editor Secondly: Its in one dimension since its like a placed map objects Thirdly: Map Editor sets your dimension to 500? i think or something different , you can change that in map editor files
  7. You propably installed a cheat called "Galaretka"
  8. Your Collision is too detailed Make it lower quality
  9. It doesn't have Required animations , so it won't work afaik
  10. HeySlickThatsMe


    It would be like 800mb and if you convert the newest one then something around 1,4gb
  11. Yep i know that its visible to only player , i said that before Also no , its not possible to Force GTA 3.img and about the animation arm bug , then i don't know
  12. You actually can change stuff in gta3.img You need to enable "Use modified files" in settings I know because i did it before (Using modified animations like Rifle.ifp , Colt45.Ifp and also Ped.ifp from anims folder)
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