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  1. Guys, need help with the map of Vice City. Initially the map is San Andreas, I download a map of Vice City and everything works fine, but after rebooting the server there are some errors in the textures of San Andreas and they begin to appear where possible. No bug - https://imgur.com/a/UoXtu Restart Server and we see Bug - https://imgur.com/AcibPwG
  2. idk, can u help me? this file: https://yadi.sk/d/DiQCsNB63Jh8eL
  3. This error occurs when write in chat say /ame ..... The error itself comes from admin-panel
  4. function checkClient(checkAccess,player,...) if client and client ~= player and g_Prefs.securitylevel >= 2 then local desc = table.concat({...}," ") local ipAddress = getPlayerIP(client) outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client/player mismatch from " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")", 1 ) cancelEvent() if g_Prefs.clientcheckban then local reason = "admin checkClient (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")" addBan ( ipAddress, nil, nil, getRootElement(), reason ) end return true end if checkAccess and g_Prefs.securitylevel >= 1 then if type(checkAccess) == 'string' then if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, checkAccess ) then return false -- Access ok end if hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) then outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client does not have required rights ("..checkAccess.."). " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")" ) return true -- Low risk fail - Can't do specific command, but has access to admin panel end end if not hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "general.adminpanel" ) then local desc = table.concat({...}," ") local ipAddress = getPlayerIP(client or player) outputDebugString( "Admin security - Client without admin panel rights trigged an admin panel event. " .. tostring(ipAddress) .. " (" .. tostring(desc) .. ")", 2 ) return true -- High risk fail - No access to admin panel end end return false end Errors: ERROR: adminp\server\admin_server.lua:1416: Admin security - Client/player mismatch from **.**.***.** (onElementDataChange isAmeShowing) ERROR: adminp\server\admin_server.lua:1416: Admin security - Client/player mismatch from **.**.***.** (onElementDataChange isAdoshowing) Help me, please
  5. So, the 2nd warning was removed, it remains to deal with the 1st, thank you very much
  6. addEventHandler("onPlayerInteriorChange", getRootElement( ), function( a, b, toDimension, toInterior) if toDimension then triggerEvent("frames:loadInteriorTextures", source, toDimension) -- Adams setElementDimension(source, toDimension) end if toInterior then setElementInterior(source, toInterior) end local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if not vehicle then end fadeCamera ( source, false, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) fadeCamera ( source, true, 1, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementFrozen(source, false) setElementAlpha(source, 255) interiorTimer[source] = false end ) and function switchGroundSnow(toggle) if getResourceState ( getResourceFromName( "shader_snow_ground" ) ) == "running" then triggerClientEvent( thePlayer, "switchGoundSnow", thePlayer, toggle) end end Warnings: 1. Bad argument @ 'getPedOccupiedVehicle' [Expected ped at argument 1, got root] 2. Bad argument @ 'getResourceState' [Expected resource-data at argument 1, got boolean]
  7. А что делать если возникают данные ошибки? [2017-03-28 22:38:08] WARNING: vehicle-system/s_vehicle_system.lua:627: Bad argument @ 'toggleControl' [Expected player at argument 1, got ped] [2017-03-28 22:38:09] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1305: FUNCTION new_database.TO_SECONDS does not exist Помогите пожалуйста
  8. А когда приблизительно будет новая версия сервера?
  9. Где-то тут находится ошибка: local timeString = ("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d"):format(r.year+1900, r.month + 1, r.monthday, r.hour,r.minute, r.second) exports.mysql:lazyQuery("INSERT INTO `owl_logs` VALUES ('"..timeString.."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(tostring(actionStr) or "") .."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(tostring(sourceStr) or "").."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(tostring(affectedStr) or "").."', '".. exports.mysql:escape_string(tostring(data) or "").."')") Вот сам текст ошибки: [2017-03-26 15:47:17] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:105: call: failed to call 'mysql:lazyQuery' [string "?"] [2017-03-26 15:47:17] INFO: MYSQL ERROR 1305: FUNCTION luigi_rich.TO_SECONDS does not exist Помогите, умоляю Вас!
  10. Link on gamemode, maybe it's help - https://dfiles.ru/files/t0tyh9kvk
  11. You can read more, link to what?
  12. Please tell me that is experiencing this problem. As I understand it, the problem with the Database that's already been in everything and I can't find the damn place to_secods, please help)
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