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function countdownFin() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, eventszamlalas) end local countdown = setTimer(countdownFin, 5000, 1) local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function eventszamlalas() local x = getTimerDetails(countdown) local timeLeft = math.ceil(x/1000) dxDrawLine((screenW * 0.4111) - 1, (screenH * 0.1244) - 1, (screenW * 0.4111) - 1, screenH * 0.1589, tocolor(254, 254, 254, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(screenW * 0.6118, (screenH * 0.1244) - 1, (screenW * 0.4111) - 1, (screenH * 0.1244) - 1, tocolor(254, 254, 254, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine((screenW * 0.4111) - 1, screenH * 0.1589, screenW * 0.6118, screenH * 0.1589, tocolor(254, 254, 254, 255), 1, false) dxDrawLine(screenW * 0.6118, screenH * 0.1589, screenW * 0.6118, (screenH * 0.1244) - 1, tocolor(254, 254, 254, 255), 1, false) dxDrawRectangle(screenW * 0.4111, screenH * 0.1244, screenW * 0.2007, screenH * 0.0344, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 161), false) dxDrawText("Az event elkezdődött! Vége: "..convertSecondsToMinutes(timeLeft), screenW * 0.4118, screenH * 0.1244, screenW * 0.6118, screenH * 0.1589, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.00, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false, false, false) end function eventstart() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, eventszamlalas) end addCommandHandler("asd", eventstart) function convertSecondsToMinutes(sec) local temp = sec/60 local temp2 = (math.floor(temp)) local temp3 = sec-(temp2*60) if string.len(temp3) < 2 then temp3 = "0"..tostring(temp3) end return tostring(temp2)..":"..tostring(temp3) end i created a command, which displays the dx elements, and the timer, but the timer starts with the script, and when it expires, the command doesn't working.. i want, when i type command, show dx elements to everyone, and start timer, how to fix this ? sorry for my very bad English..:|
what is the ID for this object?
Oh, but which object good for the wall, because I cannot find good object for the wall
I searched but could not find :c
i want create a cool building map, but i dont know which objects are good for this i do not want use jetdoor object, because this not so nice can anyone recommend object for this? sorry for my very bad English:c
function rablasletrehozasa() rablashelye = createMarker ( 252.3,-54.6,0.9, "cylinder", 1, 255, 255, 255, 170 ) outputChatBox("A kisboltot újra kitudjátok rabolni", root, r,g,b,true) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,rablasletrehozasa) function animaciovege(tp) setPedAnimation(tp,false) end function apenz(tp) local penz = math.random(100000,600000) givePlayerMoney( tp, penz ) outputChatBox("Gratulálok! Kiraboltad a boltot. Kaptál érte: "..penz.." Forintot!",tp,r,g,b,true) setTimer(apenz,7000,1,thePlayer) end function beleallas(thePlayer) if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, rablashelye) then outputChatBox("Írd be a rabláshoz, hogy /kirabol!",thePlayer,r,g,b,true) end end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", rablashelye, beleallas ) function kirabol(thePlayer) if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, rablashelye) then setPedAnimation ( thePlayer, "INT_HOUSE", "wash_up") setTimer(animaciovege,7000,1,thePlayer) setTimer(apenz,7000,1,thePlayer) destroyElement(rablashelye) else outputChatBox("Ez a parancs csak a kisboltban található markerben használható.") end end addCommandHandler("kirabol", kirabol)
rablashelye = createMarker ( 252.3,-54.6,0.9, "cylinder", 1, 255, 255, 255, 170 ) function beleallas(thePlayer) outputChatBox("test",thePlayer,r,g,b,true) setPedAnimation ( thePlayer, "DANCING", "dnce_m_b") end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", rablashelye, beleallas ) setTimer( function(thePlayer) setPedAnimation(thePlayer,false) end,1000,0)
i rented a server from a hosting, and run online five days, but the server does not appear in the server browser why? With the IP address, i can join to the server
- 15 replies
- notif
- notifacition
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addEvent('addNotification', true); function addNotification(text, type) if (text and type) then if (notificationData ~= nil) then table.remove(notificationData, #notificationData); end table.insert(notificationData, { StartX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2), EndX = (displayWidth / 2) - ((dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20 + 25) / 2), Text = text, Width = dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20, Alpha = 0, State = 'fadeIn', Tick = 0, AlphaTick = getTickCount(), CurrentX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2), CurrentWidth = 0, Type = type or 'info' } ); playSoundFrontEnd(11); end end addEventHandler('addNotification', root, addNotification);
- 15 replies
- notif
- notifacition
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same problem
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- notif
- notifacition
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function onPlayerWin(player) outputChatBox("#0088FF[Reakció teszt] #FFffFFTe #FFffFFírtad be leghamarabb a szót. Ezért megnyerted a #0088FF"..thePrize.."Ft-ot!",player,255,255,0,true) exports["rangos_bejelentkezes"]:addNotification(player, "Megnyerted a reakció tesztet!", "success") givePlayerMoney(player,thePrize) removeCode() end
- 15 replies
- notif
- notifacition
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same problem
- 15 replies
- notif
- notifacition
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exports["rangos_bejelentkezes"]:addNotification(player, "Megnyerted a reakció tesztet!", "success") i added this line to a script, but the notification show everyone how to fix this? |Sorry for my very bad English:c|
- 15 replies
- notif
- notifacition
- (and 6 more)
x,y = guiGetScreenSize() image = guiCreateStaticImage( x*0.05, y*0.1, x*0.9, y*0.7, "border.png", false) local browser = guiCreateBrowser(x*0.113, y*0.045, x*0.673, y*0.605, false, false, false, image) guiSetVisible ( image, false ) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser(browser) addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function() loadBrowserURL(source, "http://tinyurl.com/lysqs6y") end ) function funct() if guiGetVisible ( image ) == false then showCursor ( true ) guiSetVisible ( image, true) else showCursor ( false) guiSetVisible ( image, false) end end addCommandHandler("honfoglalo", funct) why not working? when i change the URL to "http://youtube.com" the YT is working, but this why not?