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About W4LK1NG

  • Birthday 01/01/1995


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  1. How do I delete an object inside an interior? I select the "World Object Remove" and click on the object but do not delete, thank you already
  2. I do not speak English very well so sorry if you have some mistakes. Hello Community, beauty? A while ago I joined a RPG server and I came across a very cool Mod, it removes the "ports" of the buildings and leaves open in the style GTA V or GTA VC and I found it very interesting, I tried to do something like editing. Col But it didn't get the same I wanted to know how you do this or you have to download, I thank you from now on Print of how is the Mod https://prntscr.com/h97t3f
  3. No, I always like to do things on the server side and that's not the problem Interesting, so if I find an old download of Gta I'll have these animations visible
  4. no bindkey está com o L maiúsculo, não sei se realmente interfere mas tenta usar colocando ele minusculo bindKey ( source, "l", "up", changeCarLock )
  5. Thank you, it worked, and thanks for the tip of source
  6. W4LK1NG

    [Help] Team

    function team (source) local playerTeam = getPlayerTeam ( source ) local playeraccount = getPlayerAccount ( source ) if getAccountData (playeraccount,"Police", source) then outputChatBox ("text.", source, 255,0,0 ) cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker, team)
  7. Excuse me if my English is wrong I need to create a Rank but I do not get what I want, I managed to create a table and insert values in it, and with a command leaves them from the largest to the smallest, the problem is that I want to enter the name of the player beyond the values and do not know how to get the values and the name together List = {} function ShowRank (source) setElementData (source,"WalkinG",15) setElementData (source,"WG",10) setElementData (source,"AL-KinG",5) for _,player in ipairs (getElementsByType ("player")) do Value = getElementData (player,"WalkinG") Value2 = getElementData (player,"WG") Value3 = getElementData (player,"AL-KinG") table.insert (List,Value) table.insert (List,Value2) table.insert (List,Value3) end end addCommandHandler ("renk",ShowRank) function ShowList () for i=1,3 do ordenaLista (List) outputChatBox (List[i]) end end addCommandHandler ("rank",ShowList) function ordenaLista (lista) for rodada=1,#lista do for i,valor in ipairs (lista) do if lista[i]<lista[rodada] then local seguravalorantigo = lista[rodada] lista[rodada] = lista[i] lista[i] = seguravalorantigo end end end end
  8. Hello Community, sorry if you do not understand what I mean, my English is not so good So I want to create a Prostitutes Script or just a brothel, I have a project done with some blowjob animations but it's not enough, I've seen some script use sex animations, I even have them, the problem is that I do not see them Some friends see, I read on some topics that these animations have been removed, but some people still can see them, could they explain or help me solve it? Thank you very much in advance
  9. I want to make the Player say something in the chat without using OutputChatBox because my server has a system of tags, is it possible to use ExecuteCommandHandler to do that? It would be like ExecuteCommandHandler ("Say", Source, "Hello World")
  10. Ahh Yes, in the case of onPlayerLogin actually the arguments change as other events as well, as I said "see always the arguments of the event"
  11. kkk Você é muito animado de fazer painéis em DX eu particularmente não gosto faço pq os cara pede e eu vendo, mas só de pensar em deixar um painel ajustável em todas resoluções ficar colocando x* e y* em todas coordenadas do DX hmmmmmm nossa chega da preguiça só de falar kkkk, mas desejo boa sorte pra vc e muito sucesso
  12. kkkkkkkkk tive que forçar pra ler mas ta valendo, Boa sorte com seu servidor, Amo RPG pq posso criar coisas realistas, desejo que seja um grande server e que eu possa jogar lá qualquer dia
  13. Seja muito Bem-Vindo, mesmo eu sendo novo aqui na comunidade tb tenho conhecimento sobre Lua, Como o @Lord Henry disse ali qualquer duvida solta ai na comunidade que nos tiramos ela, vlw flw
  14. Ahh sim, vocês se referem a trapaça do GTA San, bom o Super Soco com a animação de voar para longe não ficará uma coisa bonita, e se der pra fazer será um pouco trabalhoso, mas se você quiser outras trapaças de GTA aqui a função setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled
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