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Everything posted by 5150

  1. 5150

    Major server error

    this is the line its saying i dont have access to. what does this mean? the admin resource is in the admin acl to add, i can still do /start /stop and /restart. just cant do it in the panel
  2. 5150

    Major server error

    thats what i meant, sorry. ill update then respond back just tried, didnt work. its the same issue
  3. 5150

    Major server error

    will this solve the log in issue as well? it worked fine until i reset my server then restarted everything
  4. so i have two errors in my server: the first is when people try to do /register, it says unknown error. second, when i try to click stop/start/restart resource on the admin panel, it doesnt do anything. only delete and settings works. what resources/scripts would cause this to happen?
  5. sounds great. itll be the first resource i add on the update. thanks
  6. sorry so late haha, was out for a few days. after they succeeded in wiping my server to default they wanted me to upload my local server to my hosted one in a zip via filezilla, to test and compare the two. i closed the ticket and told them its too much to do for one resource. if you guys have an easier solution id love to hear it, otherwise ill have to stick to using either only the map, or just sticking to my local server. its really weird. both servers are confirmed 1.5.2
  7. so i updated my server but when i did, it wiped my ACL and .conf back to default so i need to fix all that before i can test the resource
  8. messaged my host, ill let you know what they say
  9. i tried switching the meta setting back to 1.5.2, and i got this message [2016-08-22 17:21:16] Not starting resource cinemaexperience as this server version is too low (1.5.2 required) [2016-08-22 17:21:16] ERROR: Unable to restart resource cinemaexperience [2016-08-22 17:21:32] Not starting resource cinemaexperience as this server version is too low (1.5.2 required) [2016-08-22 17:21:32] startResource: Failed to start resource 'cinemaexperience' im positive im running 1.5.2, is there any way to solve this without restarting the server preferably? UPDATE: i did a server restart (had to be done anyway) and still no luck
  10. 5150

    hide hud issue

    whats wrong with this? addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, function () setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "ammo", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "weapon", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "armor", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "health", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "money", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "breath", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "clock", false ) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ( source, "radar", false ) end )
  11. swtiched it to minimum version 1.5 through the meta, but now it says timed out cant connect to API or something. i have it in the admin ACL, what can i do? (P.S. i switched i to 1.5 because the default version it was set at was incompatible with my server. not sure why but it only worked on my local server. my server is 1.5.2)
  12. i need it intertwined with my admin tags script, or else it wont work though
  13. not sure i understand, this script you posted what is that? just whatever goes before my tag script?
  14. 5150

    anti warp

    is there a way to create a colshape, and in that colshape it disables any type of warping from F1? for example say i have a custom prison, i dont want warping in and out (regardless of the int or dim)
  15. what would be the most efficient way of doing this, and how would i do it? seems colshape isnt too effective. my servers pretty loaded as of now, dont really need extra lag. ive seen most RP servers jut have a simple T = local, Y = team, and G,B, or U for global. i just wanted the local for T, but i wanted it to have the same characteristics as freeroam chat, in the sense where it contains player colors and staff tags
  16. im not the mot experienced scripter, haha. not sure how i would do that
  17. how can i make this into a local chat? i know i use local chatRadius = 50 but where exactly does it go?
  18. thats what ive been trying to do. i want to remove the animation while idle, so he can shoot but i dont know how to cancel the flight anim when he stops. im not the best scripter
  19. it wouldnt work. try the script and see what i mean
  20. 5150

    gta 5 skin

    haha if anyone can find a simple way to do this youll be my new favorite or something. (btw thanks for opening a 7 month thread haha)
  21. so i edited this superman script a little, but i cant figure out how to make it so you can shoot while idle. i did -- on the idle animations but now it just leaves me with the flight anim when im idle. can someone help? also if you could help make it so its not for admins only, but a certain team instead
  22. 5150

    [MAP] Normandy 1944

    well if you ever decide to stop the project, let me know and I will finish it haha. dont want something this big to go to waste
  23. 5150

    admin panel

    what is the file that has the list of vehicles in the admin panel? like, there are XML files inside [ADMIN] for skin, weather, interior, etc but where is the one for vehicles? i want to delete some vehicles from the vehicle spawn list on the admin panel
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