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Everything posted by 5150

  1. hi all, i kinda feel stupid because im pretty far in learning how to make scripts and resources and such, but i have no clue where to save a script if its just one simple thing!! ok, in my case, i have a moving gate script that i want to add to my online server, i can make the script, i just dont know where to place it... and while im here among the smart people, what do i add to the gate script if i want it passworded and where do i add it? sorry so many questions lol. any help i appreciated, thanks
  2. OH i think i found it thanks guys
  3. ok. resources/freeroam/______? sorry im pretty much brand new to freeroam resource editing NEVERMIND
  4. Instead of being a "know-it-all" why don't you help him, give him an example of how to do what he requested when your "Scripting skill is 92%"? Anyway here, this should block all of the weapons you requested (Taken from the Wiki, i just added some more IDs) WeaponID = { [38] = true, --Minigun [35] = true, --Rocket Launcher [36] = true, --HS Rocker Launcher [24] = true, --Deagle [16] = true, --Grenade [27] = true, --Combat Shotgun [33] = true, --Country Rifle [29] = true, --MP5 [32] = true, --Tec9 [30] = true, --AK-47 } function blockWeaponsOnSwitch (previousWeaponID, currentWeaponID) if WeaponID[currentWeaponID] then toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", false) toggleControl(source, "fire", false) else toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", true) toggleControl(source, "fire", true) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWeaponSwitch", root, blockWeaponsOnSwitch) Make sure to place this script in a SERVER-SIDE script/file I could not find a way to block vehicles, do you want to block vehicles from being spawned, or block them from being entered? i want then to only be spawned by admins. i want them enterable if they are spawned though. so basically i want a block on spawning them. and by the way thanks for the script. i add it in like any other resource right? server/mods/deathmatch/resources?
  5. hi, i have an issue and i wanna see if the people of the internet can help.... i was wondering if someone could make me a script that blocks: minigun rocket launcher rocket launcher (HS) desert eagle grenade combat shotgun country rifle tec9 mp5 ak47 i am new to scripting still, and it would e really awesome having someone help. also, please tell me where i place the script after its made. is it the same process for vehicles too? ive looked in lots of places and its hard to find a simple answer
  6. i mean more like.... when you warp via the map on f1 you can parachute down instead of just teleporting
  7. i would like a resource/script that, when i do f1>map and click, i warp in the sky above that area, and parachute down (with an automatically given parachute). i think it would be cool for paratrooper missions and raids. is this possible? if so, please help! also, im fairly new to scripting so.... simple terms maybe?
  8. ok so i downloaded a resource from the mta site to add admin and staff tags, clear/freezechat, etc but now it shows two messages for me (and the supermod that i was with)... it shows the message with the staff tag, then below it, it shows the message without the tag... any way to fix? its really annoying
  9. And can I disable it only for the port, or do I have to disable the whole thing?
  10. hey i have a problem... i checked all ports with a port checker and it said ALL ports were open, and then closed it and tried to open all ports in mta. when the black box opened i typed openports and it said 22126 closed: players cant browse! the other 2 ports are open... how can i fix this? basically... 22126 is open, but server.exe doesnt connect to it or something
  11. update: i tried restarting... nothing happened. if i knew how to send a screenshot id put one in here. basically port checker says its open but server.exe says its closed... nothings working
  12. I'm a bit new to this... I allowed it to port forward, I'm pretty sure my firewall allows it, because it allows the other 2, and I know no other program is running it because I tested it and it said it was open... I'll try restarting now
  13. so i have a port tester that says all ports are open. i typed testports in the black server.exe box and it says port 22126 UDP is closed. players cant browse! i tested it again and it said all ports are open... anyone have a solution or anything to help me? any help is appreciated, thanks
  14. well i tried to delete this post, because i figured everything out, but now my only problem is my 22126 port. on my port tester it says its open, but on the mta black box it says its closed...
  15. so i set up my port forwarding on my router web page correctly, but there are so many things i did wrong after that and i dont even remember them (its been awhile) so i just want to start from the beginning. well, after the router web page part. i was wondering if someone could maybe tell me the steps to starting an online server, non-hosted. youre all awesome here, thanks. please no youtube links... trust me ive watched them all and i still had the same problem
  16. 5150


    thanks bro for your help i learned a lot. now im off to go see why i cant start my port forwarded server
  17. im not going to do some flashy topic post with all these crazy emblems and whatever (because i dont know how ) but heres what you should know and heres all that really matters: Psycho Mans Gang We originated from the SARP server, until it shut down, and now we are in the RPP freeroam server. we are the only gang there that is permitted to use personal, customized skins, vehicles and a HUGE base, spanning through ground level, underground, all the way to the air. we have about 30 members with PLENTY more on the way (i have an extension planned). we roleplay very often, and if youre a good player, it isnt hard to rise through the ranks. we have ranks (of course), rules, an admin system, and several social media platforms to keep in contact with each other... our vehicles were chosen specifically for certain roles the ranks have also. see my signature for more info on how to join, and how to contact. thank you the server is romanian/english, so if no players are on, its probably nighttime there so just try again later
  18. sorry its late, but i think i can help you. my gang does all that stuff, but more. we are the only gang with personal skin mods, edited vehicle mods, and a HUGE base. we are the largest on our server and are fun as hell. play your cards right and you can get into the high ranks, i give promotions very frequently. see my signature for info and directions on how to join or contact us. you wont regret it. -[PMG]DeathWatch5150[L]
  19. 5150


    keeps saying access denied... keep in mind you're dealing with a guy that knows barely anything about scripting and dealing with personal servers i do my research but theres barely anything on youtube, and the wiki never seems to help for some reason
  20. 5150


    sorry im such a bother lol, but i just copied what you gave me, edited the output message, saved it to .lua, then saved the meta to .xml, then saved it all to a "winRAR archive", then put it in gameplay. it didnt create the object or output a message when i typed it. did i do something wrong?
  21. 5150


    man youre the best thanks. now once its in [gameplay] it will appear in any server i start, and i will have to send it to the owner of any other server for it to be there?
  22. 5150


    Yes guys, I'm new to scripting but the tutorials don't help. All I need to know is where to put the script when I finish it, and wtf is metA and do I need it?
  23. 5150


    Yes thank you, but I do not understand what to do after I have this
  24. 5150


    i have tried for so long to make one simple script for an admin base i am making... it is a gate allowing access. i know how to make it, but i dont know what to do after i plug the info in (i use a model that apparently is bad or something) can anyone tell me the steps in successfully making this work in the server i play on, and any others i want to add it too... here is the script to check for errors. the tutorials never helped me, ive done my research . . . . . . admingate = createObject(10841, -1641, -36.7998, 1, 0, 0, 135.03295) function gateOpen() moveObject(admingate, 2000, -1641, -36.7998, 5,) end addCommandHandler("/adminbo", gateOpen)--Command /adminbo to open gate function gateClose() moveObject( admingate, 2000, -1641, -36.7998, 1,) end addCommandHandler("/adminbc", gateClose)--Command /adminbc to close gate
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