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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. You can't have 2 different models on the same car.
  2. NeXuS™


    @#,+( _xiRoc[K]; > it's just formating, and it shouldn't generate any errors whichever version you use.
  3. Try to use isElement function.
  4. In what order do you use the load functions?
  5. @raynner, this is already a solved post, and was created back in April...
  6. Are you sure that the TXD files are correct too?
  7. NeXuS™

    Can't see any server.

    Did you try to disable your firewall?
  8. So, you'll have to use the returned variables. You have to add the 2 numbers to the position where you draw the image of the map.
  9. NeXuS™


    Search for each function in your script and just use the File functions for it.
  10. Nem tudom miért veszi ki, mert annak köze nincs a handlingFlags attributehoz. De ezzel működik. addCommandHandler("changetire", function(thePlayer, cmdName, newValue) if isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) then local pVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) local vehUpgrades = getVehicleUpgrades(pVeh) local hasHydra = false for i, k in ipairs(vehUpgrades) do if k == 1087 then hasHydra = true break end end local defHandling = string.reverse(string.format("%08x", getVehicleHandling(pVeh)["handlingFlags"])) local newHandling = string.sub(defHandling, 0, 2) .. newValue .. string.sub(defHandling, 5) outputChatBox("Default handling: " .. "0x" .. defHandling) outputChatBox("New handling: " .. "0x" .. newHandling) setVehicleHandling(pVeh, "handlingFlags", tonumber("0x" .. string.reverse(newHandling))) addedH = hasHydra and addVehicleUpgrade(pVeh, 1087) or false outputChatBox(addedH and "Readded hydraulics." or "Didn't have hydraulics.") end end)
  11. Ahh, és tényleg, egy kicsit várj, megcsinálom. Nézd meg ezt. addCommandHandler("changetire", function(thePlayer, cmdName, newValue) if isPedInVehicle(thePlayer) then local pVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(thePlayer) local defHandling = string.reverse(string.format("%08x", getVehicleHandling(pVeh)["handlingFlags"])) local newHandling = string.sub(defHandling, 0, 2) .. newValue .. string.sub(defHandling, 5) outputChatBox("Default handling: " .. "0x" .. defHandling) outputChatBox("New handling: " .. "0x" .. newHandling) setVehicleHandling(pVeh, "handlingFlags", tonumber("0x" .. string.reverse(newHandling))) end end)
  12. A projectcerbera oldalon lévő értékek szerint van a handling megcsinálva. Mire gondolsz?
  13. Itt amiről te beszélsz, az alapból nincs benne a kocsiban, tehát 0 marad. (Blade) Default handling: 0x12010000 New handling: 0x12400000
  14. Nem nyúl hozzá a HYDRAULIC GEOM flaghez, miután a value az ugyan az marad, melyik kocsinál próbálod?
  15. I know a lot about MTA @Pirulax. So I'm sure that the given weapon is not an element, just a texture, as you modified your comment in your edit.
  16. Nem. /changetire 11 -- Legkisebb /changetire 22 -- Kicsi /changetire 44 -- Nagy /changetire 88 -- Legnagyobb Ezeket tudod mixelni is.
  17. triggerServerEvents can't return the values they get by the function "return". You have to make an another event on clientside to trigger it from the serverside and have the table as an arg in it.
  18. No, the weapon is not an element @Pirulax.
  19. NeXuS™


    addEventHandler("onClientPreRender",root,function() for _,k in pairs(Element.getAllByType("player", true)) do local pts = k:getData("points") for i=1, #pts do dxDrawMaterialLine3D(pts[i][1],pts[i][2],pts[i][3],pts[i+1][1],pts[i+1][2],pts[i+1][3],texture,0.1) end end end) This'll only render lines towards the players who are streamed in for the localPlayer.
  20. You don't understand it correctly @Pirulax.
  21. The question will be followed by hungarian answers, so please move it to the Hungarian section. @Dutchman101
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