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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. @maksam07, the tocolor thing won't work, as the syntax is not what he wrote. About changing the size of a colshape, you can't do it with just changing a variable. This is not a reference variable. After the colshape has been created the variable could be reassigned anything, and it would not effect the size of the colshape at all.
  2. NeXuS™


    local leftTimer = setTimer(function() end, 60000*5, 1) local timeLeft = getTimerDetails(leftTimer) local timeLeft = timeLeft/1000 local minLeft = math.floor(timeLeft/60) local secLeft = timeLeft % 60 local timeText = string.format("%02d", minLeft) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", secLeft) Try it like this.
  3. What defines that you are a staff, or not? You are using the setPlayerTeam function to become a staff?
  4. @shay103, that won't work also. @SuperCroz, because that variable doesn't define the size of the element after it had been created.
  5. Test it yourself mate. You ain't even trying to do the script yourself, we are doing the whole thing for you.
  6. @SuperCroz, changing a variable won't change the element's size at all.
  7. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    We'll not create you the code, unless you try to do it. @SuperCroz's code is wrong about the fact that the table is not indexed as he'd think.
  8. No, it's not possible without removing and then recreating it.
  9. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    As I said @iLimix, you'll have to use the function which I provided you earlier (getVehicleOccupants), use the given example on the wiki page to count the players inside the vehicle and check if the vehicle has 0 passengers (which means the vehicle is unused), and then delete it.
  10. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    That's totally not what he wants @MR.S3D.
  11. You can create a function which would do it for ya.
  12. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    Because this is still not the right way. Check the example on the WIKI page. Thats the way you can get the occupant count of the vehicle. And you can check if the count is greater than 0 (in which case, the car is occupied).
  13. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    Because this is not the right way to do it. You'll have to use getVehicleOccupants fuctions.
  14. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    And check if it has any passengers before destroying it with destroyElement.
  15. NeXuS™

    Vehicle Car

    You'll have to cycle through the cars and check if they have any passengers.
  16. Then you did not replace the script with mine...
  17. function onSavePress() Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if Vehicle then row = guiGridListAddRow(grillist) guiGridListSetItemText(grillist, row, column,getVehicleName(Vehicle), false, false ) else outputChatBox("Ei toimi") end end "thePlayer" doesn't exist.
  18. You can use the onClientVehicleCollision event.
  19. You can use geolocation, or a panel where the player can select which country he is from and then using commandhandlers to write.
  20. outputChatBox(tostring(isElement(lp)) .. " " .. tostring(lp == localPlayer)) outputChatBox(getElementData(lp,"Tode")) Try this.
  21. Is "lp" defined as localplayer?
  22. Try to debug it. Output the number when you log in.
  23. Database is not your elementdata, whenever you log in, you have to set the player's elementdata to the one which he has in the database.
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