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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. You could use this useful function, or inteporlateBetween.
  2. We used a video on youtube.
  3. If you use my example, it'll only trigger the client-sided script for the hitElement.
  4. NeXuS™


    But let's wait for someone's answer.
  5. triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "GoPro", hitElement) triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "ShowIron", hitElement)
  6. @Zorgman, we have a GTA V scene on our server, which is played through HTML on full-screen, and works just perfectly.
  7. NeXuS™


    I don't think it's a bug, as the performancebrowser works perfectly (or maybe works perfectly whenever I use it). Maybe it does recognized that it is already in memory and it doesn't need to be loaded again.
  8. Since the beginning mate. Look at the link I already sent.
  9. It'll be kinda hard with the MTA's mechanics. You'll have to use peds, setPedControlState and a ton of timing.
  10. If MTA's debug doesn't output any error, there is no error in it. Use an outputChatBox to see if the server-sided script is getting loaded in or not.
  11. Are you sure you've commented the whole resource out?
  12. Try to write something else in the first line.
  13. function shootProjectile() if not isTimer(shootCooldown) then shootCooldown = setTimer(function() end, 1000, 1) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) -- Only create projectile if we are inside a vehicle if getElementModel(vehicle) == 411 then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) createProjectile(vehicle, 19, x, y, z) end end end bindKey("vehicle_fire", "down", shootProjectile) Try it like this.
  14. setElementData(hitElement, "Iron.pres", (getElementData(hitElement, "Iron.pres") or 0)+1) Try it like this.
  15. Try to comment out the whole resource except the first line.
  16. mytable = {} function insertGangTable() local connection = dbConnect( "sqlite", "data.db" ) local gang_list = dbQuery( connection, "SELECT id,name FROM gang_list" ) local gang_list_result = dbPoll(gang_list, -1) if gang_list_result then for _,row in ipairs( gang_list_result ) do mytable[row["id"]] = row["name"] --- { [id] = "name" } end end end
  17. Does your script contain any UTF-8 codes? If it does, set the coding for it to UTF-8.
  18. You'll have to try that out yourself.
  19. You could, but you'll have to use onClientPlayerWeaponFire and removeWorldModel I think.
  20. Yep, there is a way. Using createObject, attachElement, and maybe the onClientObjectDamage event.
  21. The "true" in your getElementData is not required, as it's optional arguments is true too. Does this not work, or what? You miss an "end", maybe thats why.
  22. NeXuS™


    Nothing else. You can only use dxDrawText under an onClientRender mate.
  23. NeXuS™


    Because you have to put it under onClientRender.
  24. function spawnVehicleF(x,y,z,VehicleName) id = getVehicleModelFromName(VehicleName) spawnVeh = spawnVehicle(id, -2322.58496, -1622.78491, 483.70908) end addEvent("onSpawnVehicle", true) addEventHandler("onSpawnVehicle",getRootElement(),spawnVehicleF) You can't name the function the same as you'd call the default MTA function or it'll recreate it.
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