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Everything posted by NeXuS™

  1. NeXuS™


    Try with guiSetProperty.
  2. Did you read the wiki page?
  3. Use [ code] tag next time.
  4. NeXuS™

    pickup sound

    I suppose you can use the setWorldSoundEnabled function for it, but test it.
  5. NeXuS™

    pickup sound

    Do you wanna mute the sound when hitting a pickup?
  6. Server-side function customEventHandler(thePlayer, givenAmount) if isElement(thePlayer) then givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, givenAmount) end end addEvent("customEvent", true) addEventHandleR("customEvent", getRootElement(), customEventHandler) Client side triggerServerEvent("customEvent", getRootElement(), localPlayer, ironMoney) Just supposed to work.
  7. givePlayerMoney on client-side does give money to the player, but only on his side. Use a custom event and trigger it with the player and the amount of the money as an arg.
  8. Giving money on client-side wont really work as you would expect.
  9. function SaveClientCash(quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then local MyIronMoneyz = getElementData( source, "moneyz.set" ) if (MyIronMoneyz) then setAccountData (account, "moneyz.saved", MyIronMoneyz) end end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), SaveClientCash) Why did you try to use the "MyIronMoneyz" variable as a function?
  10. recieved_money_for_iron = selling_iron*100
  11. You have to go inside an interior and then leave it to disable that sound which is already playing.
  12. Use setDevelopmentMode and the showsound command. Wait till you hear the wind sound and then use setWorldSoundEnabled to disable it with the given ID.
  13. What is this? You can type "setspawn", and your team will spawn whenever they die at the position you wrote the command in?
  14. NeXuS™


    As my knowledge, luac cant be reverted at the moment with the highest obfuscation. You don't have to upload the whole folder, just the client.lua.
  15. NeXuS™


    You know that you have to upload your files with .lua extension only, right? You cant upload a whole directory, you have to do it manually with each file.
  16. NeXuS™


    What does it contain that it is 87 MB?...
  17. NeXuS™


    Is it a Lua file?
  18. NeXuS™


    And whats the size of the file?
  19. No, your are "Looking for staff", thats LF stands for.
  20. Indeed, @!#NssoR_), it's "LF" as I looked through the post, and not "Offering".
  21. Ye, right, I misspelled it.
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