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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Tekken

    Server Time

    I don't understaind
  2. Tekken

    Server Time

    how to uncompile it? and script time went but stopped just watch but I want to stop time that is not to do night
  3. Tekken

    Server Time

    It did not work look: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-oKx4 ... titled.png
  4. Tekken

    Server Time

    It did not work But I have another problem with animation when you eat or do something nature never stops, but I know how to fix it but do not know how to open files .lua_dayz
  5. Tekken

    Server Time

    Like this : function setMinuteDuration setTime( 1000, 1,) end
  6. Tekken

    Server Time

    How to lock time on a server to be 12:00 all time?
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