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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Sory for spiking in Romanian Sall, deci as vrea sa se faca ca pe sv tau(sa apara singur) dar cand scriu /vip pur si simplu mi-l pune ca pe un item si nu-l pot folosi chiar daca il dau jos si il i-au dupaia
  2. Thanks Still not working function kitvip ( player ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount (player) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then setElementData(player, "Map",1) setElementData(player, "Toolbox",1) setElementData(player, "Box Of Matches",1) setElementData(player, "Watch",1) setElementData(player, "Morphine",1) setElementData(player, "Medic Kit",1) setElementData(player, "Blood Bag",1) setElementData(player, "GPS",1) setElementData(player, "M9 SD",1) setElementData(player, "M9 SD Mag",60) setElementData(player, "M4 Mag",200) setElementData(player, "M4",1) setElementData(player, "CZ 550",1) setElementData(player, "CZ 550 Mag",50) setElementData(player, "Water Bottle",5) setElementData(player, "Camouflage Clothing",1) setElementData(player, "Pizza",5) setElementData(player, "Coyote Backpack",1) setElementData(player, "Infrared Goggles",1) setElementData(player, "Night Vision Goggles",1) outputChatBox("Iteme VIP selectate!", player, 0, 255, 0, false) end end addCommandHandler("vip",kitvip)
  3. Tekken


    Si as mai face asta cu altii 100 ca tine. M-am saturat de incapabili care-si fac servere si nu fac altceva decat sa ia playeri de pe serverele bune. Spor. Ba dc ai inchis serverul ?
  4. You have to wear by yourself, right click and wear it. You think, I did not know this, but not working
  5. What you don't understand i create it for when type /vip to get this items but backpack have this problem is not usable Look: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-93QX ... iozdan.jpg
  6. But Moderator Not work Solved i will upload when i am home Line 10 and 11 must be remuved
  7. I know it's already added but i cant use it i don't know why it's there like an item and i kent put on back
  8. I create this script for vip items and i want to add an backpack how to do ? Script function kitvip ( player ) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount (player) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then setElementData(player, "Map",1) setElementData(player, "GPS",1) setElementData(player, "M9 SD",1) setElementData(player, "M9 SD Mag",30) setElementData(player, "M4 Mag",90) setElementData(player, "M4",1) setElementData(player, "CZ 550",1) setElementData(player, "CZ 550 Mag",37) setElementData(player, "Water Bottle",5) setElementData(player, "Camouflage Clothing",1) setElementData(player, "Czech Backpack",1) setElementData(player, "Pizza",5) setElementData(player, "MAX_Slots",100) setElementData(player, "Infrared Goggles",1) setElementData(player, "Night Vision Goggles",1) setElementData(thePlayer, "MAX_Slots",26) outputChatBox("Iteme VIP selectate!", player, 0, 255, 0, false) end end addCommandHandler("vip",kitvip)
  9. I created one but when I write it write 2 times mihayy5: mesaj mihayy5: mesaj What to do? Server function globalMessage(thePlayer, cmd, ...) local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ); local name = getPlayerName(thePlayer); local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then outputChatBox("#FF0000<Admin>#00FF00"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000<Global>#00FF00"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) end local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then outputChatBox("#FF0000<Moderator>#00FF00"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox("#FF0000<Global>#00FF00"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("global", globalMessage); addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for index,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player,"x", "down", "chatbox", "global"); end end)
  10. So i just found an other one but it only work on press T and i want to press other Lettre so wat to edit ? Server -- DISCLAIMER --[[ Any user of this resource is allowed to modify the code for personal use, and are not allowed to share their own version with people. Do not attempt to resell this resource as it is avaiblable for FREE. Anyone caught breaking the disclamer will find themselves in trouble with the law under the Copyright Act 2008. You may use / edit only for PERSONAL USE. This code is copyrighted to Christopher Graham Smith (Urangan, Queensland, AUS). ]] -- Settings - These settings will change the scripts functions and allow you to disable certain parts. settings = { ['enableTeamChat'] = true, ['adminTag'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['ACL'] = { -- A bit more advanced. { 'Admin', '#00B7FF[Admin] ' }, { 'SuperModerator', '#F200FF[s.mod] ' }, { 'Moderator', '#A1FF9C[Mod] ' }, { 'Everyone', ' ' } } }, ['swearFilter'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['swearCost'] = 0, ['swears'] = { -- Allows you to set the blocked swear words, syntax is ['WORD'] = 'REPLACEMENT' ['asshole'] = '*******', ['fuck'] = '****', ['slut'] = '****', ['bitch'] = '*****', ['cunt'] = '****', ['whore'] = '*****', ['pussy'] = '*****', ['fag'] = '***', ['perro'] = '*****', ['puta'] = '****', ['joder'] = '*****' } }, ['antiSpamFilter'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['execeptionGroups'] = 'Admin', -- Groups which can spam, eg. 'Admin,SuperModerator,Moderator' ['chatTimeOut'] = 1.5 -- Set in seconds. }, ['freezeChat'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['command'] = 'freezechat', -- Command to use when activating frozen chat. ['allowedGroups'] = 'Admin,SuperModerator', -- Groups which have access to this command. ['resetTime'] = 5 -- Time in minutes before it automatically resets. }, ['clearChat'] = { ['enabled'] = true, ['command'] = 'clearchat', ['allowedGroups'] = 'Admin,SuperModerator' } } -- Required variables spam = { } stopChat = false function chatbox(message, msgtype) if stopChat then cancelEvent() outputChatBox('#FF0000[FREEZECHAT] #FFFFFFAn admin has recently frozen chat.', source, 255, 255, 255, true) return end local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) local name = getPlayerName(source) local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) local text = message:gsub("%a", string.upper, 1) local check = 0 local spamCheck = false if settings['swearFilter']['enabled'] then for i, v in pairs(settings['swearFilter']['swears']) do while text:lower():find(i:lower(),1,true) do local start, end_ = text:lower():find(i:lower(),1,true) local found = text:sub(start,end_) text = text:gsub(found,v) if settings['swearFilter']['swearCost'] ~= 0 then takePlayerMoney(source, settings['swearFilter']['swearCost']) end end end end if msgtype == 0 then cancelEvent() if not settings['adminTag']['enabled'] and not spam[serial] then message = RGBToHex(r, g, b) .. name .. ':#FFFFFF ' .. text if 128 <= #message then outputChatBox('#FF0000Error: The message you entered is too big, please lower it!', source, 255, 255, 255, true) else outputChatBox(message, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) aclgroup = split(settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'], ', ') or settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup(v)) then spamCheck = true end end if not spamCheck then if settings['antiSpamFilter']['enabled'] then spam[serial] = true setTimer(function() spam[serial] = false end, settings['antiSpamFilter']['chatTimeOut']*1000, 1) end end outputServerLog('CHAT: ' .. name .. ': ' .. text) end return end for _,v in ipairs(settings['adminTag']['ACL']) do if isObjectInACLGroup('user.' .. account, aclGetGroup(v[1])) and check == 0 and not spam[serial] then local message = v[2] .. RGBToHex(r, g, b) .. name .. ":#FFFFFF " .. text if 128 <= #message then outputChatBox('#FF0000Error: The message you entered is too big, please lower it!', source, 255, 255, 255, true) check = 1 else check = 1 outputChatBox(message, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) if settings['antiSpamFilter']['enabled'] then aclgroup = split(settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'], ', ') or settings['antiSpamFilter']['execeptionGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup(v)) then spamCheck = true end end if not spamCheck then spam[serial] = true check = 1 setTimer(function() spam[serial] = false end, settings['antiSpamFilter']['chatTimeOut']*1000, 1) end end outputServerLog('CHAT: '.. v[2] .. name .. ': ' .. text) end elseif spam[serial] and check == 0 then outputChatBox('#FF0000Error: Please wait '..settings['antiSpamFilter']['chatTimeOut']..' seconds before saying a message!', source, 255, 255, 255, true) check = 1 end end elseif msgtype == 1 and not settings['enableTeamChat'] then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), chatbox) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() local serial = getPlayerName(source) spam[serial] = false end ) -- Freeze chat addCommandHandler(settings['freezeChat']['command'], function(player) if not settings['freezeChat']['enabled'] then return end aclgroup = split(settings['freezeChat']['allowedGroups'], ', ') or settings['freezeChat']['allowedGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup(v)) then check = true end end if not check then return end if not stopChat then outputChatBox('#FF0000[FREEZECHAT] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(player)..' has frozen the chat!', getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) stopChat = true frozenTimer = setTimer(function() stopChat = false end, (settings['freezeChat']['resetTime'] * 60000), 1) else outputChatBox('#FF0000[FREEZECHAT] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(player)..' has unfrozen the chat!', getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) stopChat = false end end ) -- Clear chat addCommandHandler(settings['clearChat']['command'], function(player) if not settings['clearChat']['enabled'] then return end aclgroup = split(settings['clearChat']['allowedGroups'], ',') or settings['clearChat']['allowedGroups'] for i, v in ipairs(aclgroup) do if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)), aclGetGroup(v)) then check = true end end if not check then return end for i = 2, getElementData(player, 'chatLines') do outputChatBox(' ') end outputChatBox('#FF0000[CLEARCHAT]#FFFFFF '..getPlayerName(player)..' has cleared the chat', getRootElement(), 255, 255, 255, true) end ) function RGBToHex(red, green, blue, alpha) return string.format("#%.2X%.2X%.2X", red,green,blue) end Client -- Set chatbox layout data. chatLines = getChatboxLayout()["chat_lines"] setElementData(localPlayer, 'chatLines', chatLines)
  11. I say this because I screwed something and thought not talk to me and that anyway thanks
  12. Hi i use this resource for global cheat and i want when i type on chat to get tag Server \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -- GlobalChat MTA:DayZ addon 1.1 -- Made by -ffs-Sniper -- You are free to edit this addon --/////////////////////////////////// --Add the resource as addon to DayZ function addAddonInfo ( name, description ) return call ( getResourceFromName( "DayZ" ), "addAddonInfo", name, description ) end addAddonInfo ( "GlobalChat", "" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- --Your Code --Please edit the settings in the meta.xml or admin panel instead of changing those colorCodesDefault = { } colorCodesDefault.colorcode1 = "#1FDCF5" colorCodesDefault.colorcode3 = "#1FDCF5" colorCodesDefault.colorcode2 = "#FFFFFF" colorCodes = { } colorCodes.colorcode1 = get ( "colorcode1" ) or colorCodesDefault.colorcode1 colorCodes.colorcode2 = get ( "colorcode2" ) or colorCodesDefault.colorcode2 colorCodes.colorcode3 = get ( "colorcode3" ) or colorCodesDefault.colorcode3 --Check color code on start for i, v in pairs ( colorCodes ) do if not getColorFromString ( v ) then colorCodes[i] = colorCodesDefault[i] --if the admin fails to enter a valid hex color code outputChatBox ( "Bad " .. i .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", root, 255, 0, 0, false) outputDebugString ( "Bad " .. i .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", 2 ) end end outputLimit = 128 --character limit for chatbox outputs (do not change this) messagePrefix = get ( "prefix" ) or "[GLOBAL]" --prefix for the outputs onlyLatinCharacters = get ( "latinchars" ) == "true" and true or false timeBetweenMessages = tonumber ( get ( "messagedelay" ) ) or 1000 --time to wait between chat messages playerTickTable = { } --create a table with tick counts of the most recent chat message --The message output function playeGlobalChat ( playersource, cmd, ... ) if cmd == "globalchat" then --Check whether the player is muted first if isPlayerMuted ( playersource ) then outputChatBox ("You are muted!", playersource, 255, 128, 22, true) return end local msg = table.concat ( {...} , " " ) --concat the arguments from table to a string seperated by spaces local msg = string.gsub ( msg, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) --remove color-codes --Anti-spam checks local onlyLettersMsg = string.gsub ( msg , "%A", "" ) --extract letters only if onlyLettersMsg == string.upper ( onlyLettersMsg ) and #onlyLettersMsg > 6 then --check if there are more than 6 uppercase letters without any lowercase letters outputChatBox ( "Turn off your capslock!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if string.find ( msg, "http://" ) then --disallow links outputChatBox ( "Do not spam the chat with links. Please use a private message instead!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if onlyLatinCharacters then local noSpacesMsg = string.gsub ( msg, " ", "" ) local onlySpecCharMsg = string.gsub( noSpacesMsg, "[%a%d]", "") --extract special chars only if #onlySpecCharMsg > 10 then --check if there are more than 10 non-latin characters used (including russian, chinese, etc. characters) outputChatBox ( "Do not spam the chat with special (language) characters!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end end local var, spacesCount = string.gsub( msg, " ", "") --get the count of spaces if ( #msg / spacesCount ) > 20 and #msg > 20 then --check if there is at least one space per 20 or less characters outputChatBox ( "Do not spam the chat with long words!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if playerTickTable[playersource] then --check if a table entry for the player exists local tick = getTickCount ( ) --get the current tick count in ms local timePassed = tick - playerTickTable[playersource] --calculate the time that passed between two messages if timePassed <= timeBetweenMessages then outputChatBox ( "Please refrain from chat spam!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end else playerTickTable[playersource] = getTickCount ( ) end --End of anti-spam checks local message = messagePrefix .. colorCodes.colorcode2 .. string.gsub ( ( getPlayerName ( playersource ) .. " : " ), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) .. colorCodes.colorcode3 .. msg --precreate the message string local message = string.sub ( message, 1, outputLimit ) --since the chatbox won't display messages with more than 128 characters we just drop the ones at the end local r, g, b = getColorFromString ( colorCodes.colorcode1 ) outputChatBox ( message, root, r, g, b, true ) playerTickTable[playersource] = getTickCount ( ) end end addCommandHandler ( "globalchat", playeGlobalChat ) --Admin panel resource settings checks addEventHandler ( "onSettingChange", root, function ( setting, oldValue, newValue ) local setting = gettok ( setting, 2, string.byte ( "." ) ) if setting == "colorcode1" or setting == "colorcode2" or setting == "colorcode3" then if getColorFromString ( fromJSON( newValue ) ) then --if the admin fails to enter a valid hex color code colorCodes[setting] = fromJSON( newValue ) else colorCodes[setting] = colorCodesDefault[setting] outputChatBox ( "Bad " .. setting .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", root, 255, 0, 0, false) outputDebugString ( "Bad " .. setting .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", 2 ) end end if setting == "messagedelay" then --update message delay when changed if tonumber ( fromJSON( newValue ) ) then timeBetweenMessages = tonumber ( fromJSON( newValue ) ) or 1000 --maximum securtiy is usually best end end if setting == "prefix" then --update message prefix when changed if fromJSON( newValue ) then messagePrefix = fromJSON ( newValue ) or "[GLOBAL]" --maximum securtiy is usually best end end if setting == "latinchars" then --update onlyLatinCharacters setting when changed onlyLatinCharacters = fromJSON ( newValue ) == "true" and true or false end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) playerTickTable[source] = nil --remove a leaving player from our cached table end ) Client --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -- GlobalChat MTA:DayZ addon 1.1 -- Made by -ffs-Sniper -- You are free to edit this addon --/////////////////////////////////// --Define your desired chat key GlobalChatKey = "x" addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement ( ), function ( ) bindKey ( GlobalChatKey, "down", "chatbox", "globalchat" ) outputChatBox ( "Apasati " .. string.upper ( GlobalChatKey ) .. " pentru a folosi chat-ul global." , 255, 255, 255, true ) end ) meta
  13. Tekken


    Nici aici nimic!
  14. I have this script for superman and all players can access it i can only admins to use it Client.lua -- Copyright (c) 2008, Alberto Alonso -- -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, -- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this -- list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other -- materials provided with the distribution. -- * Neither the name of the superman script nor the names of its contributors may be used -- to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior -- written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -- LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR -- CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. local Superman = {} -- Settings local ZERO_TOLERANCE = 0.00001 local MAX_ANGLE_SPEED = 6 -- In degrees per frame local MAX_SPEED = 1.0 local EXTRA_SPEED_FACTOR = 1.85 local LOW_SPEED_FACTOR = 0.40 local ACCELERATION = 0.025 local EXTRA_ACCELERATION_FACTOR = 1.8 local LOW_ACCELERATION_FACTOR = 0.85 local TAKEOFF_VELOCITY = 1.75 local TAKEOFF_FLIGHT_DELAY = 750 local SMOKING_SPEED = 1.25 local GROUND_ZERO_TOLERANCE = 0.18 local LANDING_DISTANCE = 3.2 local FLIGHT_ANIMLIB = "swim" local FLIGHT_ANIMATION = "Swim_Dive_Under" local FLIGHT_ANIM_LOOP = false local IDLE_ANIMLIB = "cop_ambient" local IDLE_ANIMATION = "Coplook_loop" local IDLE_ANIM_LOOP = true local MAX_Y_ROTATION = 55 local ROTATION_Y_SPEED = 3.8 -- Static global variables local thisResource = getThisResource() local rootElement = getRootElement() local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() local serverGravity = getGravity() -- -- Utility functions -- local function isPlayerFlying(player) local data = getElementData(player, "superman:flying") if not data or data == false then return false else return true end end local function setPlayerFlying(player, state) if state == true then state = true else state = false end setElementData(player, "superman:flying", state) end local function iterateFlyingPlayers() local current = 1 local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player") return function() local player repeat player = allPlayers[current] current = current + 1 until not player or (isPlayerFlying(player) and isElementStreamedIn(player)) return player end end function Superman:restorePlayer(player) setPlayerFlying(player, false) setPedAnimation(player, false) setElementVelocity(player, 0, 0, 0) setElementRotation(player, 0, 0, 0) --setPedRotation(player, getPedRotation(player)) setElementCollisionsEnabled(player, true) self:destroySmokeGenerators(player) self.rotations[player] = nil self.previousVelocity[player] = nil end function Superman:createSmokeGenerator(player) local generator = createObject(2780, getElementPosition(player)) setElementCollisionsEnabled(generator, false) setObjectScale(generator, 0) return generator end function Superman:createSmokeGenerators(player) if not self.smokeGenerators[player] then local smokeGenerators = {} smokeGenerators[1] = self:createSmokeGenerator(player) attachElementToElement(smokeGenerators[1], player, 0.75, -0.2, -0.4, -40, 0, 60) smokeGenerators[2] = self:createSmokeGenerator(player) attachElementToElement(smokeGenerators[2], player, -0.75, -0.2, -0.4, -40, 0, -60) self.smokeGenerators[player] = smokeGenerators end end function Superman:destroySmokeGenerators(player) if self.smokeGenerators[player] then for k, v in ipairs(self.smokeGenerators[player]) do destroyElement(v) end self.smokeGenerators[player] = nil end end function angleDiff(angle1, angle2) angle1, angle2 = angle1 % 360, angle2 % 360 local diff = (angle1 - angle2) % 360 if diff <= 180 then return diff else return -(360 - diff) end end local function isPedInWater(ped) local pedPosition = Vector3D:new(getElementPosition(ped)) if pedPosition.z <= 0 then return true end local waterLevel = getWaterLevel(pedPosition.x, pedPosition.y, pedPosition.z) if not isElementStreamedIn(ped) or not waterLevel or waterLevel < pedPosition.z then return false else return true end end local function isnan(x) math.inf = 1/0 if x == math.inf or x == -math.inf or x ~= x then return true end return false end local function getVector2DAngle(vec) if vec.x == 0 and vec.y == 0 then return 0 end local angle = math.deg(math.atan(vec.x / vec.y)) + 90 if vec.y < 0 then angle = angle + 180 end return angle end -- -- Initialization and shutdown functions -- function Superman.Start() local self = Superman -- Register events addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", getResourceRootElement(thisResource), Superman.Stop, false) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", rootElement, Superman.onJoin) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", rootElement, Superman.onQuit) addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, Superman.processControls) addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElement, Superman.processFlight) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", localPlayer, Superman.onDamage, false) addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", rootElement, Superman.onDataChange) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn", rootElement, Superman.onStreamIn) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamOut", rootElement, Superman.onStreamOut) -- Bind keys bindKey("jump", "down", Superman.onJump) -- Register commands addCommandHandler("superman", Superman.cmdSuperman) -- Initializate attributes self.smokeGenerators = {} self.rotations = {} self.previousVelocity = {} end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(thisResource), Superman.Start, false) function Superman.Stop() local self = Superman setGravity(serverGravity) -- Restore all players animations, collisions, etc for player in iterateFlyingPlayers() do self:restorePlayer(player) end end -- -- Join/Quit -- function Superman.onJoin(player) local self = Superman local player = player or source setPlayerFlying(player, false) end function Superman.onQuit(reason, player) local self = Superman local player = player or source if isPlayerFlying(player) then self:restorePlayer(player) end end -- -- onDamage: superman is invulnerable -- function Superman.onDamage() local self = Superman if isPlayerFlying(localPlayer) then cancelEvent() end end -- -- onStreamIn: Reset rotation attribute for player -- function Superman.onStreamIn() local self = Superman end
  15. Hello I have a problem with a server dayz when I press Tab appears two tables how to get rid of the little one? https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-70yr ... _00002.jpg
  16. Cen you give me your survivorSystem.lua ? Because i cen't edit mine
  17. Tekken

    Server Time

    Actually my problem is that when night comes alive real server becomes black: How it should be: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/--6yK ... _00002.jpg How it is: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-YKoH ... _00004.jpg What should I do?
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