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Hi i have a problem In debugscript 3 i get this bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected got nil) Here is the script function loadAllVehs(thePlayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then local vehFile = xmlLoadFile ("vehs.xml") if (vehFile) then local vehs = xmlNodeGetChildren(vehsFile) for i,v in ipairs (vehs) do local model = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "model") local x = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "x") local y = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "y") local z = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "z") local rotx = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "rotx") local roty = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "roty") local rotz = xmlNodeGetAttribute (v, "rotz") vehCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, rotx, roty, rotz) attachElements(vehCol, veh, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(vehCol, "parent", veh) setElementData(veh, "parent", vehCol) setElementData(vehCol, "vehicle", true) setElementData(vehCol, "MAX_Slots", 10) local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(getElementModel(veh)) setElementData(vehCol, "Tire_inVehicle", 4) setElementData(vehCol, "Engine_inVehicle", 1) setElementData(vehCol, "Parts_inVehicle", 1) setElementData(vehCol, "spawn", { model, x, y, z }) setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", 100)-- function getVehicleAddonInfos(id) for i, veh in ipairs(vehicleAddonsInfo) do if veh[1] == id then return veh[2], veh[3], veh[4] end end end vehicleFuelInfo = { {470, 0.1} } function getVehicleAddonInfos(id) for i, veh in ipairs(vehicleAddonsInfo) do if veh[1] == id then return veh[2], veh[3], veh[4] end end end vehicleFuelTable = { {470, 100} } function getVehicleMaxFuel(loot) local modelID = getElementModel(getElementData(loot, "parent")) for i, vehicle in ipairs(vehicleFuelTable) do if modelID == vehicle[1] then return vehicle[2] end end return false end function onPlayerEnterDayzVehicle(veh, seat) local col = getElementData(dayZVeh, "parent") local id = getElementModel(dayZVeh) if not seat == 1 then return end local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(id) setVehicleEngineState(dayZVeh, false) setElementData(dayZVeh, "maxfuel", getVehicleMaxFuel(col)) setElementData(dayZVeh, "needtires", tires) setElementData(dayZVeh, "needengines", engine) setElementData(dayZVeh, "needparts", parts) if getElementData(col, "Tire_inVehicle") or 0 < tonumber(tires) then setVehicleEngineState(dayZVeh, false) return end if getElementData(col, "Engine_inVehicle") or 0 < tonumber(engine) then setVehicleEngineState(dayZVeh, false) return end if not getElementData(col, "Parts_inVehicle") then setElementData(col, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)) end if getElementData(col, "fuel") or 1 >= 0 and not getElementModel(dayZVehBob) == 509 then triggerClientEvent(source, "displayClientInfo", source, "Vehicle", "No tank left in this vehicle!", 22, 255, 0) setVehicleEngineState(dayZVehBob, false) outputChatBox("Toate vehiculele ao fost REINCARCATE!", thePlayer, 0, 100, 255) return end end end end end end addCommandHandler("loadvehs", loadAllVehs)
Whi is this script not working ? local chatMessages = { { "Pentru a interactiona cu playeri apasati M apio Click dreapta pe Player" }, { "Pentru a viziona statisticile contului dumneavoasta apasati F10" }, { "Pentru o lista a Staff-ului Online scrieti /admins" }, { "Apasati F6 pentru PrivateChat" }, { "Pentru a deveni membru VIP vizitati forumul nostru [url=http://romaniadz.forumz.ro/]http://romaniadz.forumz.ro/[/url]" }, { "Puteti face misiuni la punct-ul galben de pe mapa" } } function initRes() setTimer (printChatMessage, 60 * 1000, 0) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root(), initRes) function printChatMessage() local theMessage = chatMessages[math.random(0, #chatMessages)] outputChatBox(theMessage, root, 255, 255, 255, true) end
Salutare comunitate romana de pe MTA Forum! As vrea sa va prezint server-ul meu, dar cred ca nimic nu o face mai bine ca o poza Dece sa veniti la noi ? In momentul de fata este singurul server romaesc care se ocupa cu dezvoltarea GM-ului original MTA DayZ 0.6r292! Si de asemenea este singurul care are un numar decent de playerii! Cel putin 1 membru al staff-ului on care sa aiba grija ca tot-ul sa fie in ordine! Ce oferă serverul? Un medium realist de supravieţuire cu o oarecare tentă de roleplay; Un sistem avansat de asistenţă ce ne permite sa ne distribuim atenţia către toţi jucatorii; Un sistem de crafting realizat special pentru a permite crearea de iteme; Prezenţa banilor pe server putând achiziţiona diverse obiecte; Un echilibru între jucătorii noi si cei vechi: zone non PvP cu iteme ce pot constitui un echipament bun pentru începutul jocului pe server; Updateuri si bugfixuri frecvente; Influente RPG precum un sistem de nivele/bani; Un UCP unde jucatorii isi vor putea administra contul si unde isi vor putea vedea statisticile de cand joaca pe server; Sisteme dinamice cum ar fi zone de protectie pentru baze (aparendu-ne astfel de ModSADb); Un sistem administrativ care consta in peste 100 de comenzi ; Un sistem de notificari situat deasupra radarului care va va infoma in legatura cu statutul de supravietuire (pierderi de sange, nevoie de hrana, sugestii si sfaturi pentru sporirea duratei de viata); Un sistem de inventar secundar implementat, alaturi de iteme noi cu diferite atribute (efecte vizuale, viteza jocului, gravitatia, controlul jucatorului etc.) cat si iteme precum lasere, franghii (posibilitatea de a lega un jucator), explozibili de diferite tipuri and so on; Skin-urile zombiilor originale din ArmA II; Un script care salveaza masinile + tent-urile; Posibilitatea de a te agata de elicopter; Posibilitatea de a te lasa pe franghie din elicopter folosind tasta B Posibilitatea de a sta pe burta si sa tragi cu arma; Functia zombiilor de a zbiera; Mapa Cernarus (Facuta de ViTo) Mai multe skin-uri pe o masina; Cel mai mare numar de playeri on a fost de 53 inregistrat pe data de 7/12/2014 In media sunt cam 25-30 playeri pe zi! Forum: http://apocalipz.net IP: mtasa:// As fi recunoscator daca un scripter cu experienta m-ar ajuta s-au m-ar invata sa scriptez! Progresul Server-ului! Mai sus spuneam ceva de niste poze asa ca:
try this function aduty(player) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin") ) then setElementData(player, "blood", 9999999) outputChatBox("Admin "..getPlayerName(player).." Is Now OnDuty!",getRootElement(),255,0,0) outputServerLog("Admin "..getPlayerName(player).." Is Now OnDuty!") end end addCommandHandler("onduty", suicidex, false) function aoffduty(player) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin") ) then setElementData(player, "blood", 12000) outputChatBox("Admin "..getPlayerName(player).." Is Now OffDuty!",getRootElement(),255,0,0) outputServerLog("Admin "..getPlayerName(player).." Is Now OffDuty!") end end addCommandHandler("offduty", suicidex, false) function heal_func ( player ) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." ..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin") ) then if heal == "an" then setElementData( player, "food", 250 ) setElementData( player, "thirst", 250 ) setElementData( player, "blood", 12000 ) end end end addCommandHandler("aheal", heal_func, false)
tath means you have COMPILED Version, so you have to buy decompiled one or make an script
goto survivorSystem.lua and find setElementData(playersource, itemName, getElementData(playersource, itemName) nill) adn replace "nill" with"-1" ,olso do it for other animations
Show us the script.
I know Dayz 0.6 r292 already has Zombie sounds, but not activated! How do I enable them?
go to mtaserver.conf and remove this line
try to add in acl this on Admin group
Hi guys i added a mute verification on globalchat but is not working function globalMessage(thePlayer, cmd, ...) if isPlayerMuted ( playersource ) then outputChatBox ("You are muted!", playersource, 255, 128, 22, true) return end local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " ); local name = getPlayerName(thePlayer); local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then outputChatBox("#DEFF00#FFFFFF"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then outputChatBox("#DEFF00#FFFFFF"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) return else outputChatBox("#00E6FF#FFFFFF"..name..": #FFFFFF"..message,root, 255, 255, 255, true) return end end addCommandHandler("global", globalMessage); addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for index,player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player,"x", "down", "chatbox", "global"); end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), function() bindKey(source, "x", "down", "chatbox", "global"); end )
I create this for VIP System But i want to be used 1 time per life wath should i doo ? function SpawnDayZSanchez(thePlayer) accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("VIP")) then do local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) veh = createVehicle(468, x + 5, y, z) vehCol = createColSphere(x + 5, y, z, 4) attachElements(vehCol, veh, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(vehCol, "parent", veh) setElementData(veh, "parent", vehCol) setElementData(vehCol, "vehicle", true) setElementData(vehCol, "MAX_Slots", 6) local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(getElementModel(veh)) setElementData(vehCol, "Tire_inVehicle", 2) setElementData(vehCol, "Engine_inVehicle", 1) setElementData(vehCol, "Parts_inVehicle", 1) setElementData(vehCol, "spawn", { 468, x, y, z }) setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", 30) setTimer(outputChatBox, 50, 1, "#6002B1[VSC]#FFFFFF-Ai Spawnat Sanchez!", thePlayer, 171, 205, 239, true) end else outputChatBox("#6002B1[VSC]#FF0000-Nu esti VIP!", thePlayer, 171, 205, 239, true) end end addCommandHandler("vips", SpawnDayZSanchez) vehicleAddonsInfo = { { 468, 2, 1, 1 } } function getVehicleAddonInfos(id) for i, veh in ipairs(vehicleAddonsInfo) do if veh[1] == id then return veh[2], veh[3], veh[4] end end end vehicleFuelInfo = { {468, 0.1} } function getVehicleAddonInfos(id) for i, veh in ipairs(vehicleAddonsInfo) do if veh[1] == id then return veh[2], veh[3], veh[4] end end end vehicleFuelTable = { {468, 80} } function getVehicleMaxFuel(loot) local modelID = getElementModel(getElementData(loot, "parent")) for i, vehicle in ipairs(vehicleFuelTable) do if modelID == vehicle[1] then return vehicle[2]
Ok iti multumesc de raspuns Dar totusi ar fi fost mai bine sa caute un nume original (cat de cat)
Hei Show am auzit ca Yordake o sa deschida RomaniaZ este adevarat sau ma mintit ala ?
This is my aduty script function giveblood (thePlayer) local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Admin,Moderator,Owner")) then end outputChatBox ("#1AFF00 Adminul "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#1AFF00 este on Duty",root,255,255,255,true) setElementData(thePlayer, "blood",999999999) end addCommandHandler("aonduty", giveblood) function bloodback(thePlayer) local account = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. account, aclGetGroup("Admin,Moderator,Owner")) then end outputChatBox ("#FF0000 Adminul "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).."#FF0000 este off Duty",root,255,255,255,true) setElementData(thePlayer, "blood",12000) end addCommandHandler("aoffduty", bloodback) And for armabox function tentdayz(thePlayer) accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer)) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup("Admin")) then do local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) tent = createObject(3243, x , y +4 , z -1) setObjectScale(tent, 0.5) tentCol = createColSphere(x , y, z, 4) attachElements(tentCol, tent, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(tentCol, "parent", tent) setElementData(tent, "parent", tentCol) setElementData(tentCol, "tent", true) setElementData(tentCol, "vehicle", true) setElementData(tentCol, "MAX_Slots", 40000) setElementData(tentCol, "M4", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "M4 Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "PDW", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "PDW Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Mp5", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Mp5 Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Winchester 1866", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "1866 slug", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Tent", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Hatchat", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Hunting Knife", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Wirefence", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Lee Enfield", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Lee Enfield Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "CZ 550", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "CZ 550 Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "AK-47", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "AK Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Pizza", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Milk", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Coyote Backpack", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Cooked Meat", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Soda Bottle", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Medic Kit", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Morphine", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Full Gas Canister", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Engine", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Tire", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Tank Parts", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Ghillie Suit", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Map", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "GPS", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Toolbox", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Watch", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "M9 SD", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "M9 SD Mag", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Grenade", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "O.S Pack", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Camouflage Clothing", 999) setElementData(tentCol, "Civilian Clothing", 999) end else end end addCommandHandler("armabox", tentdayz)