Hello everybody,
So, after I speaked with -ffs-Sniper he let me to work on DayZ only if the files are encoded.
I am feeling really bad because, he don't want to be Open Source.
But anyway here is the first release and his changes.
Outdated! Latest version
Safe *.luac with extra obfuscation encode.(Details)
Rewrite everything and check all functions.
Animation bugs fixed.
A completly new backup system.(Download from here[Not included in GM])
Fixed minor bugs.
Fixed pain camera movement.
Removed server name and player slots limitation.
Radiochat key moved to U.
You can chose if you want players to be kicked when loot refresh. (editor_server.lua)
internal.db is no more needed.
Day and Night fixed.
Now player feel pain efect beter.
Weather rainy and sunny.
You can set minute duration to whatever you want. (editor_server.lua)
Planing to do(Project suspended!):
Clothes system.(Only CJ skin with clothes)
New saving system.(MySQL/SQLite)
Make animals to follow players and try to attack them.
Change backpack slots.
New inventory.(Not 100% sure)
Gender selector.
Fix zombie moan.
Adding more weathers.
And more to come.
Recommended addons: (Still recommend this addons)
Sorry for your time.