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Everything posted by Tekken

  1. Thank's, Read carefully what this site do. http://sharemods.com/
  2. For this you need to make an script using this functions. getPlayerTeam setElementModel getTeamName Ex: function setSkinForTeam() local team = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) if team == "Your_Team_Name" then setElementModel(source, 34) --You can change this how you want. else setElementModel(source, 0) --Setting default model cause his team is diferent! end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, setSkinForTeam)
  3. Tekken


    If you want a good encryption tool look at this:
  4. Tekken


    This is useless cause the player have to redownload the files every time and if you have like 300MB to download.... And also use onClientPlayerLogin and Walid function. Even if you do it the player will still have acces to files before login so...
  5. Hi, I made a global chat for community. In the file named chat_s.lua you will find a table named BannedWords in that table set up the word's that you don't want to be used in chat, and also you can set up tags for admins and players. Antispam: if player spam chat he will get 20 sec. muted! Antiflood: if player flood the chat he will get 20 sec. muted This chat include: Tags as [Admin], [VIP], etc.(You can set-up your own). Remove color codes from chat, but keep in player name. Banned words. Anti-spam.[NEW] Anti-flood.[NEW] Thanks for your time.
  6. You want to remove the Whole string or just the (lowercase or uppercase) letters. I use string.find(text, "WoRdS") and I want to remove that word iven if have lower or uppercase letters
  7. You can use sth like this string.match(Text here, patterns) patterns %l --- all lowercase letters. %u --- all uppercase letters. and if i want to remove it ?
  8. How do I check if a text have upper or lowercase letters?
  9. Update: Items of vehicles now are saved.
  10. Soryy, but I don't have time right now, not sure what line it is but function is named backupAllVehZ().
  11. Hello, I want to be in your team of developers and bring DayZ back to live, if you think I am good enought then for me it's ok. Greetings.
  12. I just verified and I put dbExec instead of dbQuery. Download latest version.
  13. Cause anybody want to make it in his way and I am pretty sure I am the only one who speak with -ffs-Sniper about this, cause he is the official owner of the Gamemode he must to know about this.
  14. NIce, way beter than `/debugscript` Thanks!
  15. I checked the function and the loop where it should save items is not even being called... Anyway I will fix it soon.
  16. I think this is what he want: setTeamFriendlyFire
  17. Update: Minor error in code ! I have inserted items from vehicle in wrong tabel. If you use this resource please update now to not have any problems and type /tentbk and /vehbk. Thanks for you'r time.
  18. Refresh Update: Items from vehicles is now saving! Version: 1.4
  19. Tekken


    Is encoded that means is COMPILED so you can't do enything to fix that.
  20. Tekken

    [WIP] Mask Shop

    Really nice. Keep up. What software you used to create them ?
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