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Everything posted by Fist

  1. i can't change title tho. can you make it to "[International] DayZ Epoch" ?
  2. Server IP: Server is internationally, so anyone here is welcome but in global chat can only be spoken in English, Latvian and Russian, also server is translated to those languages. Server has 150+ cars, Custom Scripts, New Inventory, New Group system, and much, much more. Everybody is welcome here! You can ask anything related to the server on PM or through my skype: reals12
  3. don't need to be like super quality, just enough to understand. Reason for chernarus is for dayz servers of course, imagine how much better it would be to play mta dayz on a chernarus map. So much better plus i'm sure if you'd export it, it would be used all over servers.
  4. wouldn't work anyway, MTA SA checks GTA SA files.
  5. chernarus from arma 2. It's a little bit too big tho, half of it or something like that would be amazing.
  6. So you're telling me to, download first files in server and then send them to client through triggerLatentClientEvent? Then what's point of me doing that if i can just keep files on server and then just send them through latent? I'm just new into this stuff idk what's better but i've heard i can create custom downloader through fetchRemote. Just wanted to do that. If you know any better solutions i'd be glad to hear it.
  7. does anyone know how i can get download progress of fetchRemote and display it on screen, more like an mta's built in when you download files before joining the server?
  8. i'm sure, it didn't work if you cancel it afer you check line of sight. Syncing seems fine with blowVehicle on client side, i even reconnected and vehicle stayed destroyed.
  9. i actually found better way doing this. addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage",root,function(attacker,wep,loss,x,y,z,tyreid) if (wep == 63 or wep == 51 or wep == 19) then cancelEvent(); local aX,aY,aZ = getElementPosition(attacker); local tX,tY,tZ = getElementPosition(source); iprint(isLineOfSightClear(tX,tY,tZ,aX,aY,aZ,true,false,false,true),aX,aY,aZ,tX,tY,tZ) if isLineOfSightClear(tX,tY,tZ,aX,aY,aZ,true,false,false,true) then blowVehicle(source,true); end end end); had to cancel event first though, otherwise it's already too late to cancel it after you checked if line of sight is clear.
  10. addEventHandler("onClientExplosion",root,function(x,y,z,type) if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" or getElementType(source) == "player" or getElementType(source) == "ped" then local tX,tY,tZ = getElementPosition(source); if not isLineOfSightClear(x,y,z,tX,tY,tZ,true,false,false,true) then cancelEvent(); end end end); funny is that when it cancels it, it just deletes grenade or explosion before it explodes but when someone else is near that is in sight it still explodes and even those that are not in sight but are near explosion still explodes.
  11. Is there a way to block a grenade or any other explosion on other side of the wall if it's near to blow/damage anything besides the wall? I saw it a long time ago on 1 server, but never realized how i can make it nor i can find anything on forums about this.
  12. you've seen passwordHash and passwordVerify in work? You can check wiki's example.
  13. There's no point using it, in order to work, you have to save hash to their account in order to verify it later on which means if someone gets a copy of your database, he'll know every passwords hash key to unhash it. Better is to make your own which requires custom functions in order to unhash it, not mta's built-in which can do anyone with no scripting knowledge.
  14. there's no need for that type of script, just disable control "action". Not sure if it's being used by other things but i just disable it when weapon is aiming but you can just put it in any client script and it'll work. toggleControl("action",false);
  15. it is, i tested like 4 different type of vehicles and engine sounds were gone driving, so i', pretty sure rest of them are too. but whatever, i'll just leave original sound and put new one over it, sounds bit ugly but what can you do if mta lacks of few things.
  16. yep, it does look like only solution. Sad thing is that i can't find that many engine sounds for each vehicle type.
  17. yeah forgot to mention that. You can actually tell that if there's an original sound playing from heli while new sound is playing over. So that's why i want to remove it otherwise if it wouldn't be that noticable i wouldn't care then.
  18. but still if someone flies pass you with heli, you'll hear engine sounds from it.
  19. what? Did you even read topic and comments?
  20. i did that, i found which group and index needs to be turned off through showSound command in console and it gave me 40 0 but that group and index is for every vehicle for engine.
  21. i want to disable helicopter engine sound, i did that with setWorldSoundEnabled(40,0,false) but thing is that, it also disables normal vehicle engine sounds too. I don't want that to happen, i only want to do it for helicopter. Is there any work around for this?
  22. I don't see him being any racist in within that code. Only what i see he used "gay" word instead of "guy" as judging off his grammar, he surely doesn't understand difference between "gay" and "guy"... Oh btw, if you didn't know, "gay" is not a race.
  23. show full code or we can't help you.
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