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Everything posted by Zorgman

  1. It's normal, the event is triggered only when you hit the colshape bounds. In your use case, you are already in the car's col, so no new hit event is detected. You can save the interaction colshapes that are 'active' for the player by using tables.
  2. There are just two easy steps you need to follow, if you can't do that then a video is not going to help you much. Put mtaserver.conf and acl.xml in server\mods\deathmatch folder. Put [Dystopia] folder in server\mods\deathmatch\resources folder. https://github.com/Zorangeorge/MTA-Dystopia-The-Incident
  3. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateLight
  4. water createWater ( int x1, int y1, float z1, int x2, int y2, float z2, int x3, int y3, float z3 [, int x4, int y4, float z4 ] [, bool bShallow = false ] )
  5. You can't play this outside MTA, however you can play single player on your local server.
  6. Hola! Gamemode was released, you can download the resources from Github: https://github.com/Zorangeorge/MTA-Dystopia-The-Incident
  7. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CloneElement Also, wrong section..
  8. engineSetModelLODDistance(model_id,distance) setLowLODElement ( objNormal, objLowLOD ) Try this ^
  9. Assuming the ped is really a ped, and not a player: peds cannot enter/exit vehicles the normal way. You'll have to either warp him in the vehicle or script the animations sequence yourself and then warp him in the vehicle.
  10. It means that argument has a value assigned and that the value is different from false. What you are looking for is: if not argument or type(argument)~= "number" then argument = getPlayerDimension(player) end
  11. if not argument then -- Do something end ^ This could also mean that argument == false. Irrelevant difference for OP's specific use case, but still
  12. Show the code you use for cycling weather types.
  13. That's a harder one, I remember I looked for ways to delete it from my map for quite a while. I'll check in my files and get back to you. IDs are 9100 and 9101 cheers
  14. Use getDistanceBetweenPoints3D or set up a colshape and listen to the onClientColShapeHit and onClientColShapeLeave events.
  15. local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) outputChatBox("Estás nas coordenadas "..x..", "..y..", "..z, player)
  16. https://dev.prineside.com/en/gtasa_samp_model_id/search/?q=pyramid
  17. For #2, there is a rifle crouch reload animation you could use.
  18. Yeah, looks like you also need the dff. Both files here: https://www28.zippyshare.com/v/fKBauVpH/file.html https://www28.zippyshare.com/v/y0pCncdK/file.html
  19. Invisible txd here: https://www120.zippyshare.com/v/7cmCyqPa/file.html
  20. You can add the original AK skin just like you add the custom new one.
  21. Line 34: if button=="mouse2" and press and button =="mouse1" and press then This will never work, "button" cannot be both mouse2 and mouse1 at the same time.
  22. You were attaching the player to the weapon object. Cheers!
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