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Everything posted by Bilal135

  1. Bilal135


    Hi, Today I am going to release another map of my server, which I mapped, and I think it's really nice, and it can be used as a base for any clan, you are free to reply. Screenshots Feel free to report any bugs.. Download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... s&id=10187
  2. Bilal135

    Clan Base

    Hi, I made this map when I had a server, which is now dead, so I decided to release it. This is a simple map made by me, it is basically made for clans, you are allowed to edit this map as you want, but DO NOT remove my credits. Screenshots Download | First Public Release
  3. Hey guys, After a long time, I wan't you all to comment, this is SPAM! Do spam! aahahsoadianalonalndalhrouqhqhqroihqohrqieuhiuhuiiubqiubriq
  4. Damn! This topic will never end! Uncle Bilal's topic died C
  5. SAUR , NGC se hazaar guna zyada acha server hai..aur high populated bhi hai
  6. Anubhav bhi aik tarah ka Pakistani hai! wese welcome bro.
  7. lets start from ''T'' T
  8. dahshasoaoafonifabuobfouabiu
  9. Website link changed to, www.gtagamers.cf .. Our MTA Server is up and running! Take a visit. mtasa://
  10. Hi all, it's me Bilal, Today I've created a new community, called ''GTA Gamers'' , On the GTA Gamers, we discuss problems, and other things related to Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. I have also decided to open a Multi Theft Auto San Andreas server too. Which will be called ''GTA Gaming - The Grand Theft Auto Community - GameMode Here" , since I've not got much scripters and staff so I will not be opening it now, but as soon as I get some staff and scripters to help me develop a game mode for MTA SA. However the game mode is not decided, it's likely to be ''Freeroam" or "RPG".. I have created a temporary website and blog, the website is free and created on wix, how ever, I'll soon get a domain. What Do We Actually Do On The Site? [*]We discuss about the problems people are having with Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. [*]We also discuss about GTA SA Cleo Mods. [*]Cool images people have captured related to GTA San Andreas. [*]Multi Theft Auto Server. Website You are free to comment and tell your thoughts. Take a look at the website also.
  11. DadoMadoPadoKadoLasoDasoKasoBaso
  12. www.tinypic.com (Image Hosting Website) <--- Press Resize and select (Message Board 640x480) and upload picture. That will perfectly fit and the right side will not be cut off. I always upload images on Tiny Pic to post them on MTA Forum, and they perfectly get fit.
  13. I love [/b] See my [/b] power:
  14. Hello, If you're looking for paid a mapper, then you have come to the right topic! First of all I'll like to tell you a few things about me. First Name: Bilal. Last Name: Shahnawaz. Age: 16. Experience in MTA: I started playing MTA in 2012, it was the only game on which i had fun. I was inspired by people's maps on the community, and it was my will to become a mapper and today by the grace of god, I've become a good mapper. Some Of My Maps Air Base Golf Club Freeroam-Map ..And Some More Maps.. How Do You Buy Maps From Me? Well, there are some pricings for my maps. Per Object = 0.02$ (0.0001 Bitcoin) ---- Payment method is Bitcoin. My Bitcoin Adress: 17p6RtCUdZmgMuX6nf8DBw2WU8boDS4H1g ---- If anyone wants me to be his mapper, contact me on Skype (Bilal.Shahnawaz4)... He will have to tell me how the map should look like, and I'll tell him the price. After the mapping will be finished, before buying, I will let him see how the map actually looks like on my mapping server so he can decide whether he wants to buy it or not. ---- Thanks. -Bilal.
  15. Bilal135


    Anubhav is a nice scripter, and one of my good friends. And at least, he is not a scammer. Gl Anubhav
  16. Hi all, Community Of Mappers represent you a new map. It has just some more objects and trees which makes this place more beautiful. It is basically made for Freeroam servers. I hope you all will like it. This map is rated ''featured'' by 'COM' team. Map Name: Freeroam Map. Author: Bilal. Screenshots: *AFTER DOWNLOADING, UNZIP FILES FROM ''RAR'' AND PUT THE FREEROAM-MAP FOLDER IN RESOURCES FOLDER OR RESOURCE WONT WORK* DOWNLOAD
  17. Same to you, back to you, reverse to you and no returns.
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