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Everything posted by xeon17

  1. You are new on the forum so you probably don't know it but you shouldn't remove your code as it could help peoples who have the same problem.
  2. xeon17


    Yeah, complete my function please... executeCommandHandler ( 'load') So hard
  3. xeon17


    executeCommandHandler ?
  4. Sure, read this first viewtopic.php?f=91&t=47897
  5. Você tem que usar loop para teleportar todos os jogadores no servidor na posição desejada. isObjectInACLGroup getElementsByType('player') setElementPosition E para comando, addCommandHandler setElementPosition(argument1,argument2,argument+2)
  6. What do you mean 'it spawns me on the right place' i don't see any spawn function in your code However, try this: function onGuiClick() if (source == GUIEditor.button[1]) then local rowa = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( GUIEditor.gridlist[1] ) local namea = guiGridListGetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[1], rowa, columna) local rowb = guiGridListGetSelectedItem( GUIEditor.gridlist[2] ) local nameb = guiGridListGetItemText( GUIEditor.gridlist[2], rowb, columnb) if namea == "Pershing Square" then triggerServerEvent("pershingsquarespawn", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) elseif namea == 'Idlewood Gas Station (IGS)' triggerServerEvent("IGS", localPlayer) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) elseif nameb == "Army (287)" then setElementModel(287) end end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, onGuiClick)
  7. Very bad scripted, this will check does the team exists and not if the player is in team It should be like this, didn't tested it though addEventHandler('onPlayerStealthKill',root, function (targetPlayer) team = getPlayerTeam(source) if team then if team ~= getPlayerTeam(targetPlayer) cancelEvent() end end)
  8. Enjoy addEventHandler("onPlayerPrivateMessage",root, function() cancelEvent() end)
  9. Well, I guess i'll use maps in .map files, my machine is prety old and the client side map delay some time to load , but server side maps no.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/WorldCommunity ... 3325893994 Ovo su najnovije stvari koje su trenutno na našem serveru , trenutno sve ide dobro ali kako je SunArrow vec rekao nemamo previše vremena da radimo na ovom projektu zbog škole i privatnih obaveza. Ipak se nadam da čemo završiti do kraja Jula. Želim ponovo da napomenem , ako ima neko želi da pomogne u projektu može to da uradi kontaktirajući mene ili nekog drugog developera. Trenutno su nam najpotrebniji maperi i dizajneri.
  11. I couldn't understand anything what you wrote, could you explain a bit better?
  12. Simply no! addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot, function () setTeamFriendlyFire(getTeamFromName('NAME'),false) end)
  13. Are you guys kidding? What about this? setTeamFriendlyFire
  14. I'm glad to hear this, the current version is just awesome i can't imagine how the new version will look
  15. Yeah, has been added. Thanks for the feedback. The design is not really completed yet, tho i'm not very good with designing. I guess you have already planned it , but in my opinion the program should contain basic features as set dimension,interior,kick,ban,set nick,mute,freeze. About the design , you could create buttons on one side, and when you click on a button for example mute, a window should show up with a grid list which should contain 2,4,10 minutes and a edit(memo) for a custom duration. Also to make it look nice , you could add a icon per every button. And sorry if i'm boring ._.
  16. Awesome, the design could be better though. I got a suggestion if you allow, Near the edit(memo) for sending the message you could create another edit(memo) for name of the user who is using the program, so in server chat will appear his name and message. Good luck!
  17. He want that you add a command or a function to hide your hud. This should do it, didn't tested it. function showCustomHUD(bool) if not bool then return end if bool == true then addEventHandler('onClientRender',root,PointBlank) elseif bool == false then removeEventHandler('onClientRender',root,PointBlank) end end
  18. O script 'se fodeu' mostra o radar do gta em cada quadro usando 'onClientRender' evento procure e remova-o.
  19. Well, thank you for the fast answer, currently i'm creating my own server from scratch and i'm trying to create every script optimized so good as possible to prevent potential performance problems of my players. In some servers when i'm near some map big many objects , fps drops a bit. But however my PC isn't the best and maybe that's the reason why i had this problem, also i had some doubts because some big servers are using maps as lua files client side. Thanks again IIYAMA
  20. Hello there, I've got a little question about maps , i saw some servers convert the map into lua and use it client side but why? What's better for the server and client performance?
  21. Hello there, I've got a little question about maps , i saw some servers convert the map into lua and use it client side but why? What's better for the server and client performance?
  22. Why you guys not create a new zombie gamemode from scratch instead of working on dayz which is compiled and not editable and the owner doesn't care about this gamemode.
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