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Everything posted by pa3ck

  1. Hey. I didn`t get from the context whether you are willing to pay for it or not. Just to let you know ( in case you didn`t ), scripters aren`t making resources on request as far as I know. If they do, it's rather a small one, < 100 lines. If you really want to have an own, unique resource like this on your server you want to either learn LUA or pay for other people to do it for you. I know, that sounds insane for some people, because MTA is free. Look at it this way: HTML and CSS is free, so why the hell people ask for money for making a website? You are paying for their TIME not for the tools and or software they use making it.
  2. Actually when you are dealing with 30-50+ files, it would be much easier to use a tool instead. I created a simple program that will get the job done for you in a couple of seconds. Virus scan: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/5e07 ... 432041177/ Download link: http://www11.zippyshare.com/v/EqvURqpe/file.html How to use it: Just download and extract the folder. Place all the files in the "files" folder and run the exe. A meta.xml file will be created in the root directory of the folder.
  3. Less than 10 seconds? Maybe you would get the meta done in 10 seconds... Read the title, [sHOW] --> he's showing a resource he made, not requesting it.
  4. And when will this version of MTA be available? I mean the stable version, ofc.
  5. pa3ck


    You don't need serverside script at all... local marker = createMarker( 0, 0, 3, "cylinder", 5 )
  6. pa3ck


    Depends, what event is the function attached to? For example if you create the marker outside the function, it will be seen by every single player.
  7. What I would do is, I would place an invisible object / platform higher than the ground and the bike will travel on that instead of travelling on the ground.
  8. You are probably using freeroam and I'm pretty sure it has a /kill command. There's no way that piece of code kills you twice...
  9. function ok() setElementHealth ( localPlayer, 0 ) end function kill() setTimer ( ok, 5000, 1 ) end addCommandHandler ( "kill", kill, false, false )
  10. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawCircle Just copy the whole code, paste it into your script and use dxDrawCircle ( arguments ).
  11. Hey, So I'm making an RP gamemode from scratch for a fairly big community. I cant decide how and what way should I share the information between players like accountID, items, age etc etc. At the moment all of these details are being saved temporarily with setElementData. I'm using MySQL but I don't think having a direct MySQL connection with the client is efficient. For example loading a particular vehicle's details like owner, database ID etc, I'm using elementdata, I'm not getting the data from MySQL each time a player enters a car. Each player has about 30 elementdatas and other elements like vehicle, markers etc have some as well. So we are talking about couple of thousands of elementdatas. I'm looking for some experienced people's opinion and idea on what way would it be the most efficient, keeping in mind that I don't want to overload the server either.
  12. The variable 'twzer' is only available server side and just after triggering. You would either trigger back from server side or simply use a server side event to create your GUI with all the information from server side.
  13. local startTick bindKey("space","both", function(key,state) if state == "down" then startTick = getTickCount() elseif state == "up" then local pressed = getTickCount() - startTick outputChatBox("you pressed "..key.." for : "..pressed.." ms") end end )
  14. lol = {} lol.lal = function () outputChatBox("remove event from table ") end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lol.lal) setTimer(function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lol.lal) end,1000,1)
  15. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/ProcessLineOfSight It gives you the positions, material etc. where it hits the ground. Second example comes handy in your situation.
  16. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedStat
  17. pa3ck

    Get time

    "This function gets the server or client (if used client sided it returns time as set on client's computer) real time and returns it in a table"
  18. I dont like the design either, could be much, much better.
  19. pa3ck

    Math help

    giveWeapon(attacker, 22, 1, true) -- here wSlot = getSlotFromWeapon (weapon) tAmmo = getPedTotalAmmo (attacker, wSlot) tAmmo = tAmmo + 1 takeWeapon(attacker, 22) giveWeapon(attacker, 22, tAmmo, true) Why do you give the player a weapon with 1 bullet?
  20. pa3ck

    Simple question

    root is the predefined word for getRootElement() It's an other word for "everything". For example, when you use outputChatBox, you have to specify the player element or you can use getRootElement() to display the very same message to every single player. An other example: At triggerClientEvent() the first argument is the sendTo -> which is the player you want the function to run on. But, if you use getRootElement() as the sendTo element, it will run for every single player.
  21. I had a problem like that when I modded the sniper and showPlayerHudComponent crosshair was disabled.
  22. True dat... viewtopic.php?f=108&t=73630&hilit=selling
  23. pa3ck


    Sorry for bumping this topic, but I'm looking for the same answer, I don't want to open a new topic though. How do you convert a date time from a timestamp?
  24. Ah, so that wasn`t a code... lol, silly me. Thanks for the replies and the codes, I`ll test your them whenever I get the chance!
  25. It`s the one Necktrox said: x0 + math.cos(angle [in rad]) * distance
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