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Everything posted by Anubhav

  1. [url=https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientExplosion]https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnClientExplosion[/url]
  2. Man!! I fixed the problem and now you posting? Farming Posts~!
  3. No problem. You didn't defined veh thats why.
  4. function handleVehicleDamage(attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tyre) if (weapon and getElementModel(source) == 432) then outputChatBox(""..weapon.."") end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage",getRootElement(), handleVehicleDamage)
  5. function vehicle(player,command,id) if (id) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) veh = createVehicle(tonumber(id),x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle ( player, veh ) else outputChatBox("You need to have vehicle ID!",player,255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler("v",vehicle)
  6. function tele1 (player) local accountname = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(player)) if ( hasObjectPermissionTo ( player, "command.mute", true ) ) then setElementPosition ( player, 2488, -1670, 14 ) setElementDimension(player,1) end end addCommandHandler ( "cj", tele1 ) function command (source) end addCommandHandler ( "teles", command )
  7. Did see my post? And his picture shows that script.lua wasn't found. That's why it was failed to start it.
  8. Anubhav

    MTA Skins Bugging

    True. When the new update came today it was bugging my skins . Making it small. After i install it starts mta and again asks for update and finishes in 1sec and again same thing. PLEASE FIX THIS! EDIT: Search SARU Server and click on it , it will ask for update update it and it will be fixed. Same thing happend for me
  9. Anubhav


    text = guiGetText(EditBoxName) function addText() if text then tonumber(text) setElementData(localPlayer, "drugs", text) end Not sure about this script
  10. script.lua is not found. thats why.
  11. KRZO I know you wrote on phone. I will correct it. local currentDrugs = getElementData(localPlayer, "drugs") or 0 editbox = guiCreateEdit(.....) drugss = guiGetText(editbox) setElementData(localPlayer, "drugs", currentDrugs+drugss)
  12. Try removing matchingDimension from functions.
  13. You didn't defined it\ function advan_racingv2 ( playerV ) local playerV = getPlayerFromName ( checkedPlayerName ) if ( playerV ) then if ( isPedInVehicle ( playerV ) ) then local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( playerV ) local success = addVehicleUpgrade ( theVehicle, 1080 ) if ( success ) then outputConsole ( " Se ha instalado nuevas llantas.", player ) else outputConsole ( "No se pudo instalar nuevas llantas.", player ) end else outputConsole ( "Nesecitas estar en un vehiculo!", player ) end end addEvent( "onWheelInstall", true ) addEventHandler( "onWheelInstall", getRootElement(), advan_racingv2 )
  14. WASSIm he is talking about kickPlayer not giveWeapon. IPanda try using sourcePlayer
  15. Sorry for bumping. I am sad to say that server has ended because the other owner has left the server. We have no staff , nothing . .
  16. No problem. If you need help you can ask me in PM or post it here:)
  17. Still it got problem which i fixed there. Its not LocalPlayer its localPlayer
  18. 1. You didn't create team that's why its nil. 2. Replace LocalPlayer with localPlayer
  19. function requestNewMarkers () local poopMarkers = { {1816.8000488281, -2517.1000976563, 12.60000038147}, {-1348.6999511719, -235, 13.199999809265}, {416.20001220703, 2503.8000488281, 15.5}, {1572.0999755859, 1472.1999511719, 10.800000190735}, } local x,y,z = unpack(poopMarkers[math.random(#poopMarkers)]) reach = createMarker(x,y,z) guiSetVisible(jobWindow, false) local blipD = createBlipAttachedTo(reach, 51) end function LS (hitElement) if source == reach then if hitElement == thePlayer then triggerServerEvent("onChakka", thePlayer, "yokohama") destroyElement(reach) setTimer(requestNewMarkers, 5000, 1) setBlipSize(blipD,0) end end end addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), LS)
  20. Saml1er you have mistake in your script. addCommandHandler( "infernus", function () if (getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(LocalPlayer)) == "New World Order") then txd = engineLoadTXD ( "infernus.txd" ) engineImportTXD ( txd, 411 ) dff = engineLoadDFF ( "infernus.dff", 411 ) engineReplaceModel ( dff, 411 ) end end ) You forget to add this ( before getTeamName.
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