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Everything posted by Anubhav

  1. Lol? It will destroy Source? addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode",root,function() local car = createVehicle(yourArguments) -- It will destroy this car. destroyElement(car) end)
  2. LOL. You are posting on every topic .
  3. Realy? What about your spam?
  4. Anubhav


    Try using that. Make the copy of old one.
  5. Anubhav


    Hmm. Try updating it to latest version.
  6. Anubhav


    Any debug errors?
  7. setPedControlState( ped, "fire", true ) I found this. Use setPedControlState function.
  8. My pro friend. createPed setPedStat setPedOnFire setPedWalkingStyle setPedWeaponSlot setPedArmor killPed
  9. Ok then you can maybe use setTimer for second one. set its timer to display after one is done.
  10. If you are using dxDrawText for it , use removeEventHandler.
  11. Did you even read the topic?
  12. WhoAmI Its not written there that it will on remove scripts sirens.. Atleast try it. And thanks
  13. function sirens ( theVehicle, seat, jacked ) if ( getElementModel ( theVehicle ) == 433 ) then removeVehicleSirens( theVehicle ) else return end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), sirens )
  14. I know this problem. Rename your folder to anything. Rename your script to server.lua. Remember to change the meta. I hope it fixs. It happend to me. If din't work try make it zipped.
  15. Lol. P isn't defined. I didn't defined it but this should work. local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) )
  16. Hello. What about adding destroyBlip function? It will be good for destroying one blip. Arguments: blipName: The blip variable name you want to destroy. It would be better for destroying 1 blip or maybe 2.
  17. LOOOOOL. Did see the whole console message ? see script.lua wasn't found. Realy man how can you help without seeing whole picture?
  18. Compiling scripts encrypt them to Luac .
  19. Are you sure you entered same R,G,B of setVehicleColor?
  20. Did you added any shader/effect for vehicle? It maybe the problem.
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