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Everything posted by #RooTs

  1. short description https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=8383 NO NEED TO REMOVE
  2. #RooTs


    @El_Zorro, poste the your code. please
  3. #RooTs


    no support, sorry Bug
  4. COMMENTS OF USER... is the same user CHECK IP AND SERIAL MTAPlayer76 Level: MTA:DM Player Registered: 22/07/2015 ----------------------------------- mikepl Level: MTA:DM Player Registered: 22/07/2015 Add to friends ----------------------------------- al1enx Level: MTA:DM Player Registered: 22/07/2015 Add to friends
  5. LOLLL possible virus ? Delete account of user is one hacker https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=11792
  6. cara só toma cuidado com certas host por ai. porque tem certas hosts que rouba seus mods e scripts para criar outros servidores e vender só não vou citar nomes para não fazer uma "Divulgação" alheia
  7. very nice Job. man. Your code is good organized congratulations.....
  8. #RooTs

    Help please

    omg, it's in the images of folder
  9. #RooTs

    Help please

    this ? https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10638
  10. tento usar a função "unbind" no evento "onPlayerJoin" ?
  11. I made the example for you, friend. not work ?
  12. try this function draw () local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( getLocalPlayer() ) if ( theVehicle ) then dxDrawRectangle(929, 619, 170, 33, tocolor(57, 59, 50, 100), false) dxDrawRectangle(929, 576, 170, 33, tocolor(57, 59, 50, 100), false) dxDrawRectangle(929, 533, 170, 33, tocolor(57, 59, 50, 100), false) dxDrawRectangle(929, 490, 170, 33, tocolor(57, 59, 50, 100), false) dxDrawRectangle(929, 447, 170, 33, tocolor(57, 59, 50, 100), false) dxDrawRectangle(929, 404, 170, 33, tocolor(57, 59, 50, 100), false) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, draw)
  13. #RooTs

    Skin Problem

    why not try ??? function bitchwork () setPedSkin ( source, 101 ) end addCommandHandler ( "fkawork" , bitchwork ) or some function is removing his command. search for removeCommandHandler
  14. Talves eu não tenha explicado direito
  15. nao cara nada ve baixando = false terminei de baixa = true MAIS JÁ CONSEGUI RESOLVER, DEPOIS DE 6 DIAS TENTANDO infelizmente novamente -1 pro forum
  16. continua a mesma coisa function onJoin() setElementData ( source, "DownMOD", true ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,onJoin) ele me setando o TRUE quando começo a fazer o download ? sério que você disse isso ?
  17. Hi friends. The thing is, the idea of this script is that. when I'm downloading the server I can use the command / bike to pick up the bike or other vehicle. after I finish the server download it blocks the command, giving notice that I can no longer use command. only that this is not happening. I'm on download and the warning comes for me not allowing the use of the command. What I did wrong ?, there is error in the debug and Warnings Obs* sorry my english Server local Veiculos = {522} -- IDs dos Veículos. RooTs = {} function Create (source) if getElementData (source, "DownMOD") then -- inicio if getElementData (source, "Pegou", true) then outputChatBox ('#FF7300Aguarde #ffffff20 #FF7300segundos para pegar novamente.',source,255,255,255,true) return end if isElement(RooTs[source]) then destroyElement (RooTs[source]) RooTs[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local Cars = Veiculos[math.random(#Veiculos)] RooTs[source] = createVehicle (Cars,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,RooTs[source]) outputChatBox ('#000000.:║ #00FF7FVEICULO #000000║:. - #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(source)..' #6C6C6CPegou uma Moto digitando #00FF7F/moto', root, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData (source, "Pegou",true) setTimer ( function() setElementData (source, "Pegou",false) end, 20000, 1 ) else outputChatBox ('#ff0000[Aviso] #6C6C6Co download já foi feito e #00FF7Fvocê #6C6C6Cnão pode usar o comando de novo', source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler ("moto", Create) function DestroyVeiculo () destroyElement (RooTs[source]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", resourceRoot, function ( ) destroyElement ( source ) end ) function onJoin() setElementData ( source, "DownMOD", false ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,onJoin) function onDownloadFinish() setElementData ( client, "DownMOD'", true ) end addEvent("DownLoad",true) addEventHandler("DownLoad",root,onDownloadFinish) Client addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() triggerServerEvent("DownLoad",getLocalPlayer()) end )
  18. Oi amigos. É o seguinte, a idéia deste script é que. quando estou fazendo o download do server eu consigo usar o comando /moto para pegar a moto ou um outro veiculo. depois que eu termino o download do servidor ele bloqueia o comando, dando o aviso de que não posso usar mais o comando. só que isso não está acontecendo. eu estou em download e o aviso vem pra mim não permitindo o uso do comando. Oque está errado ai?, não tem erros e Warnings no debug Server local Veiculos = {522} -- IDs dos Veículos. RooTs = {} function Create (source) if getElementData (source, "DownMOD") then -- inicio if getElementData (source, "Pegou", true) then outputChatBox ('#FF7300Aguarde #ffffff20 #FF7300segundos para pegar novamente.',source,255,255,255,true) return end if isElement(RooTs[source]) then destroyElement (RooTs[source]) RooTs[source] = nil end local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) local Cars = Veiculos[math.random(#Veiculos)] RooTs[source] = createVehicle (Cars,x,y,z) warpPedIntoVehicle (source,RooTs[source]) outputChatBox ('#000000.:║ #00FF7FVEICULO #000000║:. - #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName(source)..' #6C6C6CPegou uma Moto digitando #00FF7F/moto', root, 255, 255, 255, true) setElementData (source, "Pegou",true) setTimer ( function() setElementData (source, "Pegou",false) end, 20000, 1 ) else outputChatBox ('#ff0000[Aviso] #6C6C6Co download já foi feito e #00FF7Fvocê #6C6C6Cnão pode usar o comando de novo', source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler ("moto", Create) function DestroyVeiculo () destroyElement (RooTs[source]) end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", root, DestroyVeiculo) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExplode", resourceRoot, function ( ) destroyElement ( source ) end ) function onJoin() setElementData ( source, "DownMOD", false ) end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,onJoin) function onDownloadFinish() setElementData ( client, "DownMOD'", true ) end addEvent("DownLoad",true) addEventHandler("DownLoad",root,onDownloadFinish) Client addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() triggerServerEvent("DownLoad",getLocalPlayer()) end )
  19. You can add me to Admins Offline and Online ? local gAdminTable = { }; addEvent( "getAdminTabel", true ); addEventHandler ( "getAdminTabel", root, function( table ) if table and type( table ) == 'table' then gAdminTable = table; else error( 'No table.'); end end ); addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, function( ) local index = 0 for admins in pairs( gAdminTable ) do if admins and getElementType( admins ) == 'player' then local color = tocolor( getPlayerNametagColor ( admins ) ); dxDrawAdminsLabel ( admins, index, color ); index = index + 1; end end end ); function dxDrawAdminsLabel ( player, index, color ) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local px, py = sx - 200, sy * 0.4 + 20 * sy / sy * index dxDrawText ( getPlayerName ( player ):gsub('#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), px + 1, py + 1, px, py, tocolor ( 10, 10, 10, 255 ), sy / sy, 'default-bold', 'left', 'top', false, false, true, true, false ) dxDrawText ( getPlayerName ( player ), px, py, px, py, color, sy / sy, 'default-bold', 'left', 'top', false, false, true, true, false ) end please add function AdminOffline ( player, index, color ) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local px, py = sx - 200, sy * 0.4 + 20 * sy / sy * index dxDrawText ( "Offline", px + 1, py + 1, px, py, tocolor ( 10, 10, 10, 255 ), sy / sy, 'default-bold', 'left', 'top', false, false, true, true, false ) dxDrawText ( "Offline", px, py, px, py, color, sy / sy, 'default-bold', 'left', 'top', false, false, true, true, false ) end
  20. no description: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10525 DONE
  21. @DNL291, o cara não entende o que eu falo; e quer tirar onda ? porque não faz um exemplo de script pro cara ? ele ta iniciando LUA e pede ajuda o que o @NewAge faz ? manda só as funções pro cara tipo falando ( as funções e essa, essa, essa e essa. "se vira" ) affe tenho raiva de gente assim que está aqui pra ajuda e faz isso peço desculpas se ofendi alguém, mais pensa nisso
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