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Everything posted by #RooTs

  1. no work, always 0% in all weapons my code local fireRate = getWeaponProperty ( getPedWeapon(getLocalPlayer(), weaponslot) , "poor" , "anim_loop_start" )
  2. why is there no percentage? local fireRate = getWeaponProperty ( 31 , "poor" , "anim_loop_start" ) my code local fireRate = getWeaponProperty ( getPlayerWeapon(getLocalPlayer(), weaponslot) , "poor" , "anim_loop_start" )
  3. humm, o engraçado é que..... o meu setSoundVolume(sound, 100) funcionou sem qualquer erro
  4. try this (tested) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() local Vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if Vehicle then local Type = getVehicleType(Vehicle) if Type == "Plane" or Type == "Helicopter" then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (getLocalPlayer()) dxDrawText("ALT:", 707+2, 8+2, 773+2, 42+2, tocolor(0, 0, 0), 0.70, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawText("ALT:", 707, 8, 773, 42, tocolor(67, 150, 39), 0.70, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawText("" ..tostring(math.floor (z)).. "m",777+2, 10+2, 866+2, 42+2, tocolor(0, 0, 0), 0.70, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawText("" ..tostring(math.floor (z)).. "m",777, 10, 866, 42, tocolor(67, 150, 39), 0.70, "bankgothic", "left", "top", false, false, true) dxDrawImage(773+1, 4+1, 68+1, 34+1,"imgs/speeds.png", 0,0,0, tocolor(0, 0, 0)) dxDrawImage(773, 4, 68, 34,"imgs/speeds.png", 0,0,0, tocolor(67, 150, 39)) end end end) function getElementSpeed(element,unit) if (unit == nil) then unit = 0 end if (isElement(element)) then local x,y,z = getElementVelocity(element) if (unit=="mph" or unit==1 or unit =='1') then return math.floor((x^2 + y^2 + z^2) ^ 0.5 * 100) else return math.floor((x^2 + y^2 + z^2) ^ 0.5 * 100 * 1.609344) end else return false end end
  5. #RooTs


    there are bugs and errors in the script "customblip", I tried to report the bug in the forum, but I am disconnected Look Report bug https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 08&t=28741
  6. #RooTs


    @Walid, forgot to add a comma try this BlipsTable = { [1]={2355.98145, -1660.65625, "image/icon.png" }, [2]={2480.66650, -1666.94678, "image/icon.png" } } addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart" , getResourceRootElement(getThisResource ()), function () for i=1,#BlipsTable do local x, y , pic = BlipsTable[i][1], BlipsTable[i][2],BlipsTable[i][3] local Blips = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( x, y, 16, 16,pic, 100 ) exports.customblips:setCustomBlipRadarScale(Blips, 1) end end)
  7. #RooTs


    to my not work also. even on the client side.
  8. #RooTs


    @nk0zkh0z, you it is using this script? https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=960
  9. @Walid, no other way to do this count? the idea would be to score 5 out of 5 because it would weigh less on my server.
  10. 0.png, 5.png, 10.png, 15.png, 20.png, 25.png, 30.png........ (100.png)
  11. Yes, 0.png, 5.png, 10.png, 15.png, 20.png, 25.png, 30.png........
  12. what is wrong?, I put for account of 5 on 5 in dxDrawImage local nitro = getVehicleNitroLevel(getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer())) local id = 8 local slot = getVehicleUpgradeOnSlot(vehicle, tonumber(id)) if slot then if nitro ~= false and nitro ~= nil and nitro > 0 then dxDrawImage(x*960+x2, y*470+y2, 306, 232, "files/nitro/"..(math.ceil(nitro/5)*5)..".png", 0,0,0, tocolor(255, 255, 255 , 255)) end end
  13. @TAPL, perfect. my problem now is no longer the case bindkey. because when I turn on the light he has to make a sound if ( enablelight ) and ( getVehicleOverrideLights ( theVehicle ) ~= 2 ) then dxDrawImage.. playSound("files/lightswitch.mp3") else dxDrawImage end OBS: the lighthouse is connected by freeroam panel. what function to use for this type of bindkey?
  14. Worked, thanks. more passenger pressure, and makes the sound. how to check if I'm passenger and not make the sound?, what is the function?
  15. I do not know another way to do this
  16. @Dealman, Your example is very complicated. I know how to work with variables, more, where add, the dxDrawImage(....... which line?
  17. @ALw7sH, I tested your code that is simpler, and when he gets precionado he repeats the sound. the same with the function to lock the car doors if ( enablelock ) and ( isVehicleLocked( theVehicle ) ) when the car is with the door locked he repeats the sound I did not know is that complicated
  18. @ALw7sH, I'll try. then I tell you if it worked
  19. sorry, more I did not understand local hb_Image = "files/2/hb.png" where's dxDrawImage?
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