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Everything posted by #RooTs

  1. use the template arguments local pos1, pos2, pos3 = 1468.8785400391, -919.25317382813, 100.153465271 local pos4, pos5, pos6 = 1468.388671875, -918.42474365234, 99.881813049316 setCameraMatrix(source/localplayer, pos1, pos2, pos3, pos4, pos5, pos6 )
  2. use: setCameraMatrix(source, 1468.8785400391, -919.25317382813, 100.153465271, 1468.388671875, -918.42474365234, 99.881813049316)
  3. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    @Hornet. worked, thx. I can now improve. and create a stamina system. thanks! You want to join me to complete the system?
  4. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    @KariiiM, not work. maybe with??: toggleControl("sprint", false) addEventHandler ( "onClientKey", getRootElement(), function (button, press) if (button == "w") then setElementData (getLocalPlayer(), "w", press) else return false end if (button == "space" and press) then if (getElementData (getLocalPlayer(), "w")) then toggleControl("sprint", false) end end end) but it also did not work
  5. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    my attempt was this. but it did not work function test(thePlayer, command) toggleControl("sprint", false) outputChatBox ( "test1" ) end addCommandHandler ( "test", test )
  6. tente usar takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, tonumber(amount) )
  7. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    @KariiiM, nothing happens. addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, function ( key, press ) if (key == "w") then if (getKeyState("space")) then cancelEvent() outputChatBox ( "test" ) end end end)
  8. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    server or clientSide ?
  9. usa setElementData(thePlayer, "suborno", true ) no /aceitar_suborno. mais ou menos assim if getElementData(thePlayer, "suborno" ) takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 5000 ) outputChatBox ( "o suborno foi aceito" ) else outputChatBox ( "o suborno não foi aceito" ) end estude um pouco setElementData getElementData que você consegue fazer qualquer mode com essa função
  10. você pode usar takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, tonumber(amount) ) ou definir um valor para ser retirado! takePlayerMoney ( thePlayer, 5000 )
  11. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    I think. I did not express myself right. when I press w + space. it runs faster. I want to cancel it and after a while activate again
  12. tem que presta mais atenção quando está programando..... olha a linha 10 local money_suborno = getPlayerMoney(tonumber(amount))
  13. eu acho que você quis tentar isto. local money = getPlayerMoney(thePlayer) if (money > 1000) then -- maior ou menor < > --code end
  14. if getPlayerMoney(tonumber(amount)) then você não definiu o elemento "jogador"; acho que definiu a quantidade de dinheiro e não o jogador.
  15. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    I will cancel the bind of an event that I do not know what it is?
  16. http://imgur.com/dPmsW0k | ( to access, http://www.mtasa.com.br ) I will be making available to administrators. attention administrators and moderators .. contact me for I to send the html site. (zipped)
  17. #RooTs

    cancel bind

    is there any way for me to cancel the "w" and "space" for me I get to create a stamina system. I want to cancel so I can not run. ( "w" and "space" )
  18. no decription https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8458 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=9064 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=12373 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=12879 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8521 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=3396 Description little or no https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=6514 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10861 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8773 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=7226 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ails&id=78 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=1660 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10947 delete https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10407 resource created by another author https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=12487 DONE
  19. já temos um projeto BR para o MTA http://www.mtasa.com.br , "talves" seu esforço será inutil ( ou não ) se quiser se juntar-se a nós, será bem vindo.
  20. @CodyL. thank you so much.
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