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Everything posted by #RooTs

  1. stolen https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=12813 this script was stolen from a hosting
  2. Hello friends. I did a panel to create vehicles, and after 5 seconds after I created. I want it to be destroyed. and I want the time to stop, after I enter the vehicle my attempt -- onDestroyVehicle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", veiculo[source], function() if isTimer(veiculo[source]) then killTimer(veiculo[source]) end end) addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", veiculo[source], function() veiculo[source] = setTimer(function(source) if isPedInVehicle(source)== false then if ( isElement ( veiculo[source] ) ) then destroyElement ( veiculo[source] ) end end end, 5000, 1, source) -- arrume o tempo em milisegundos nessa linha tempo atual ? "5000" end) part of my script that is working perfect function destroirCarro() if veiculo[source] and isElement(veiculo[source]) then destroyElement(veiculo[source]) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), destroirCarro) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), destroirCarro) addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), destroirCarro) -- onVehicleExplode function VehicleExplode() local isCreatedByPlayer = false; for k, v in pairs( veiculo ) do if ( v == source ) then isCreatedByPlayer = k; break; end end if ( isCreatedByPlayer ) then setTimer ( function( vehicle, owner ) destroyElement( vehicle ) veiculo[owner] = nil end , 5000, 1, source, isCreatedByPlayer ) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", root, VehicleExplode)
  3. I'm having problems with the latest version. the console in my host is shutting down randomly. ie is closing for no reason. some solution for this case ?. My game mode is GamePlay / Freeroam
  4. Stolen: https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=12805 look in description "des-compiled"
  5. no description https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... s&id=12776 DONE
  6. add mod in acl admin "resource.radar" the image is being drawn with fetchRemote
  7. @FelipeMallmann. Desculpe man, mais não pude resistir quando o @brunob22 falo essa besteira KKKKKK, garoto estupido....
  8. @DakiLLa, for serving that. "-1" ???
  9. sua estupidez me surpreende. como você acha que os "Inventários" são feitos? logicamente que, com botões, só são adicionado transparecia nos "botões" não seja estupido, se não sabe ajudar. por favor não atrapalhe quem está ajudando
  10. because this happens with the animations?
  11. There is some animation that when you use them. they make you get you going floor. but I'm using this function setElementFrozen ( localPlayer, true ) this function freezes me, with bad aspect of walking yet. is there any way to fix this? my example: function AninSmoke() setPedAnimation(source, "SMOKING", "M_smkstnd_loop") -- Syntax? setElementFrozen ( source, true ) end addEvent("onAninSmoke", true ) addEventHandler("onAninSmoke", getRootElement(), AninSmoke)
  12. solved, thanks @toni012899
  13. LOLL, worked. I was thinking it was not possible more with the cursor over an image and another. the sound is repeating endlessly.
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