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Everything posted by Gallagher

  1. hello my friends! I'm making a map, and I want the players and peds die when they enter the water, how do this? thks
  2. Hello! I use this resource on my server for dayz, but I think it has something malicious. can verify? https://mega.co.nz/#!nlB2gBQZ!u7Qr9JqZb ... bIVRWBw3Yg
  3. how to detect when the player to aim in a cuboid?
  4. this works, the ped is created and makes the animation function makePed ( ) ped1o = createPed ( 73,20.038000106812,-327.09165039063,3.0661196708679 ) setPedRotation ( ped1o, -90 ) setPedAnimation ( ped1o, "CRACK" , "crckidle1" ) end addCommandHandler("ped",makePed ) but if I relog and it is up to the ped this stopped
  5. yes, the ped is created, but it does not make the animation
  6. HEllo! when I start the resource ped does not do the animation function makePed ( ) ped1o = createPed ( 73,20.038000106812,-327.09165039063,3.0661196708679 ) setPedRotation ( ped1o, -90 ) setPedAnimation ( ped1o, "CRACK" , "crckidle1" ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), makePed )
  7. I need to use this script, you could delete this scam and send me the file?
  8. Hello" I found this script mta dayz, it is compiled, and has a addcommandhandler the script, I think it can do harm to the server can check for me? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6ga ... 1400759763
  9. Hello I'm doing this script and was wondering how do I check if the player to type "t" / go in this group acl "PRO"? local player = getLocalPlayer() function mob(player) guiSetVisible ( los, true ) end function timer ( player ) setTimer ( mob, 5000, 1 ,player ) outputChatBox ( "let's go!", player, 10, 250, 1 ) end addCommandHandler("go", timer)
  10. Gallagher


    hello! how to disable / showCol ? this shows the tents hidden in the dayz mod!
  11. script false! https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=9232 DONE
  12. Gallagher

    voice chat

    Is there any resource voice Where? If I speak in the local voice chat "z" only players that are up to 20 feet away from me can you hear me? I tried using this but it does not work here. local nearbyPlayers = {} addEventHandler( 'onPlayerVoiceStart', root, function() local chatRadius = 20 local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition( source ) local chatSphere = createColSphere( posX, posY, posZ, chatRadius ) nearbyPlayers = getElementsWithinColShape( chatSphere, "player" ) destroyElement( chatSphere ) local empty = exports.voice:getNextEmptyChannel ( ) exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(source, empty) for index, player in ipairs (nearbyPlayers) do exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(player, empty) end end) addEventHandler("onPlayerVoiceStop",root, function() exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(source) for index, player in ipairs (nearbyPlayers) do exports.voice:setPlayerChannel(player) end nearbyPlayers = {} end)
  13. I have a server mta dayz. Some players do loggin before Download finish, so they do not see the tents and other mods. How to make them so they can log the download has finished?
  14. Hi guys. I have this script to create an image on the screen, but wish he begins guiSetVisible false. But when I start the resource in the image appear without me typing "t" /head How to make the image appear only after typing /head? local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() gRoot = getRootElement() gResRoot = getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", gResRoot, function () imag = guiCreateStaticImage ( 0.505, 0.378, 0.05, 0.05, "head.png", true ) end ) function changeVisibility ( ) if guiGetVisible ( imag ) then guiSetVisible ( imag, false ) else guiSetVisible ( imag, true ) end end addCommandHandler("head", changeVisibility)
  15. mta 1.4 can already be used?
  16. "jacks.png" cache="false" /> Result META.xml <file src="jacks.png" download="false" /> dont work
  17. ve if you can help me. got this from the client side script local screenWidth,screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function createText1 ( ) if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "grung") >= 4 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "grung") <= 7 then grung1= dxDrawImage(screenWidth * 0.93, screenHeight * 0.85, screenHeight * 0.070, screenHeight * 0.070, "image1.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(250, 100,100)) end if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "grung") >= 1 and getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "grung") <= 5 then grung2= dxDrawImage(screenWidth * 0.93, screenHeight * 0.85, screenHeight * 0.070, screenHeight * 0.070, "image2.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor(250, 150,150)) end end function HandleTheRendering ( ) if render then removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, createText1 ) render = false else addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, createText1 ) render = true end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, HandleTheRendering ) bindKey( 'F3', 'down', HandleTheRendering ) as I lay fetch that script? image1 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t29gjlF4SKo/U ... 0/icon.png image2: https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hp ... 7854_t.jpg server function startImageDownload( playerToReceive ) fetchRemote ( "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-t29gjlF4SKo/U016K2-27-I/AAAAAAAAAH0/xZwrXlbqxos/s1600/icon.png", myCallback, "", false, playerToReceive ) end function myCallback( responseData, errno, playerToReceive ) if errno == 0 then triggerClientEvent( playerToReceive, "onClientGotImage", resourceRoot, responseData ) end end addEvent( "onClientGotImage", true ) addEventHandler( "onClientGotImage", resourceRoot, function( pixels ) if myTexture then destroyElement( myTexture ) end myTexture = dxCreateTexture( pixels ) end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if myTexture then local w,h = dxGetMaterialSize( myTexture ) dxDrawImage( 200, 100, w, h, myTexture ) end end ) client addEvent( "onClientGotImage", true ) addEventHandler( "onClientGotImage", resourceRoot, function( pixels ) if myTexture then destroyElement( myTexture ) end myTexture = dxCreateTexture( pixels ) end ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function() if myTexture then local w,h = dxGetMaterialSize( myTexture ) dxDrawImage( 200, 100, w, h, myTexture ) end end ) Thanks
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