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Everything posted by Dealman

  1. So use onClientClick and getKeyState to make sure the player clicked the scrollbar and left mouse button is being held down. Then you can use either onClientCursorMove or getCursorPosition. Whichever floats your boat. Use those values to manipulate the offset value.
  2. I'm guessing maybe he lost motivation or has some other stuff to take care of. After all, it was a pretty ambitious challenge. That said, we've got some nicely made resources. I'm sure they'll be of great use for a lot of people
  3. Try it yourself, you'll learn the most if you actually give it a few attempts. We'll help from there
  4. He answered your question. First you use onClientClick, if the state is "down" - assume the player is holding the left key down. You can also make sure it's held down via using getKeyState. You then use onClientMove to calculate whether the client is moving his cursor up or down and change the offset accordingly.
  5. Could you be more detailed? Not sure what you mean; does it stop scrolling at a specific location or what?
  6. I really don't understand you... Do you have any screenshots? That would be helpful.
  7. What they mean is that when a new client joins, it requests an update. What peds are there? Their stats? What is their current behaviour and position/rotation? The server then responds to this via latest available data. It is very possible to do. You can also ask other clients for their data, and if it's vastly different - try to interpolate it. Either way I don't see the issue because you could just use getElementPosition.
  8. setObjectBreakable is client-side only. This means it can only be triggered on the client, and not the server. You can use triggerClientEvent to have the Server trigger client-side events which will set those objects as breakable or not. Use the aforementioned function to transmit the object elements to the client.
  9. I'm not interested, no, but it's like Et-win said. If you truly made a Roleplay gamemode "full with innovative and good scripts and systems" you should be proud to show it off, and not so secretive. It just makes it look like you're trying to sell a stolen resource which you actually do not have permission to sell or even distribute for that matter.
  10. Feature list? Pictures? Why should anyone bother contacting you if you can't bother to post detail qbout the rsource?
  11. Dealman

    anim katana

    Or you could just use Google or read the MTA Wiki.
  12. I can't even express how much better it is to work with now Do you think it would be possible to make it so we can assign a DX Rectangle/Image as a "parent"? So all DX stuff we draw afterwards have their positions relative to that parent, instead of the screen resolution? This would speed up the process of making movable DX windows
  13. Dealman


    He wants to add his own custom horn sounds. @OP: This is easy to do. Whenever you want someone to use a custom sound, use toggleControl to disable the default horn. Then use bindKey to bind a function, so that whenever H is pressed - it will play your sound. toggleControl bindKey getElementPosition playSound3D attachElements -- Attach the sound element to the car. Of course you'd also have to sync it for all clients using; triggerServerEvent triggerClientEvent
  14. Something like getPlayerFromNamePart?
  15. If I recall correctly there's a resource that helps you make smooth camera transitions, if you search I'm sure you'll find it. MTA uses HLSL Shaders, so if you google you'll find plenty of good tutorials and advices. Alternatively there's a few people on these forums which are pretty darn good with shaders. However, I usually do not mention names as I don't want them to be spammed with PMs
  16. Like Tina Turner would've said; "You're simply the best!"
  17. Dealman


    It returns a table of children, make a new for loop to loop through them. A table is not an XML Node. local metaXML = xmlLoadFile(":"..path.."/meta.xml") if (metaXML) then local metaChildern = xmlNodeGetChildren(metaXML) for i, m in ipairs(metaChildern) do for k, v in ipairs(m) do outputDebugString(tostring(xmlNodeGetName(v))) end end end
  18. Nil means the variables you're referring to have nothing - they're nil, null, void, empty. You will have to define the variables you use at the top of the script.
  19. Dealman

    Maths help

    What about using math.round?
  20. I assume you're using the scale argument in dxDrawText to size it up and down - so yes, obviously there will be quite a quality loss. What you'll have to do, well, at least what I do - is create several fonts. Usually one "normal" and one "smaller". Then I look up the aspect ratio of the client and use the smaller font for smaller aspect ratios.
  21. Dealman


    Oh yeah my bad, I didn't read the description.
  22. Can't you use getKeyState instead of onClientClick?
  23. Dealman


    That event should detect whenever a client uses a melee weapon.
  24. Sweet! Can't wait for the update Another thing I would like see introduced would be the ability to "lock" certain elements. For example, I like to draw a big black screen as a background - sort of an old habit from working with Photoshop. But doing so, I can't ever add anything because when I right click that, it assumes I want to edit it. What I'm asking for is something like this; 1. I draw a black rectangle, image or whatever which covers the entire screen. 2. Add some right-click option to "Freeze" that element. And then for unlocking it, I guess some keybind or whatever. This isn't really something important, just a thing of convenience
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