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  1. Ye, but i want it a word not a player name..
  2. Hello Community, I want to know how to make when i type something on the memo only this thing appear like a search .. but i don't want to search for players, for example : a name on the gridlist I Put (for example) Na , only Na appear on the gridlist. Please help me if you can.. thanks.
  3. Hello, i need help since i can not enjoy in creating scripts.. SS: I'm using MTA:SA Language ( Highlighter & etc, [Link:https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtopic.php?f=91&t=76726] ) And i can not remove this white back ground on the resources ( when i re-load my resource/lua file on it ) Anyone may help me ? ,Thanks
  4. ,, اسف اخر سؤال ,, ضض اسألتي كثيره | اسف وش سويت عشان تسويه كذا ؟ عشان ابي اتعلم ,, لو عندك وقت فهمني , الله يعطيك اجر الي تسويه
  5. مشكور Ge[N]eraL. الله يخليك
  6. مدري عن وناسه تايم,, شوف اخي , انا ابي المود لما حد يدخل السيرفر ما ينزل ثلج لو حد يبي ينزل ثلج يكتب الcommand الي موجود ,, بالتالي موجوود! بس السيكريبت يسوي اول ما حد يدخل السيرفر , الثلج يشتغل انا ابيييييه ما يشتغل لازم لما يكتب الكوماند
  7. لا لا ,, السكريبت شغال و كل شئ تمام ,, ابي اخلي السكريبت ما يشتغل لما افتتح الريسورس , يعني لازم اكتب /snow عشان يشتغل : الكود # : local snowflakes = {} local snowing = false local box_width, box_depth, box_height, box_width_doubled, box_depth_doubled = 4,4,4,8,8 local position = {0,0,0} local flake_removal = nil local snow_fadein = 10 local snow_id = 1 sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() sx2,sy2 = sx/2,sy/2 localPlayer = getLocalPlayer() settings = {type = "real", density = 700, wind_direction = {0.01,0.01}, wind_speed = 1, snowflake_min_size = 1, snowflake_max_size = 4, fall_speed_min = 1, fall_speed_max = 4, jitter = true} guiEnabled = false snowToggle = false --local random = math.random function random(lower,upper) return lower+(math.random()*(upper-lower)) end function startSnow() if not snowing then snowflakes = {} local lx,ly,lz = getWorldFromScreenPosition(0,0,1) local rx,ry,rz = getWorldFromScreenPosition(sx,0,1) box_width = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(lx,ly,lz,rx,ry,rz)+3 -- +1.5 each side of the screen box_depth = box_width box_width_doubled = box_width*2 box_depth_doubled = box_depth*2 lx,ly,lz = getWorldFromScreenPosition(sx2,sy2,box_depth) position = {lx,ly,lz} -- let it snow for i=1, settings.density do local x,y,z = random(0,box_width*2),random(0,box_depth*2),random(0,box_height*2) createFlake(x-box_width,y-box_depth,z-box_height,0) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSnow) snowing = true return true else return false end return false end function stopSnow() if snowing then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,drawSnow) for i,flake in pairs(snowflakes) do snowflakes[i] = nil end snowflakes = nil flake_removal = nil snowing = false -- outputChatBox("Snow stopped") return true end return false end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop",resourceRoot,stopSnow) function createFlake(x,y,z,alpha,i) if flake_removal then if (flake_removal[2] % flake_removal[3]) == 0 then flake_removal[1] = flake_removal[1] - 1 if flake_removal[1] == 0 then flake_removal = nil end table.remove(snowflakes,i) return else flake_removal[2] = flake_removal[2] + 1 end end snow_id = (snow_id % 4) + 1 if i then local randy = math.random(0,180) snowflakes[i] = {x = x, y = y, z = z, speed = math.random(settings.fall_speed_min,settings.fall_speed_max)/100, size = 2^math.random(settings.snowflake_min_size,settings.snowflake_max_size), section = {(snow_id % 2 == 1) and 0 or 32, (snow_id < 3) and 0 or 32}, rot = randy, alpha = alpha, jitter_direction = {math.cos(math.rad(randy*2)), -math.sin(math.rad(math.random(0,360)))}, jitter_cycle = randy*2, jitter_speed = 8 } else local randy = math.random(0,180) table.insert(snowflakes,{x = x, y = y, z = z, speed = math.random(settings.fall_speed_min,settings.fall_speed_max)/100, size = 2^math.random(settings.snowflake_min_size,settings.snowflake_max_size), section = {(snow_id % 2 == 1) and 0 or 32, (snow_id < 3) and 0 or 32}, rot = randy, alpha = alpha, jitter_direction = {math.cos(math.rad(randy*2)), -math.sin(math.rad(math.random(0,360)))}, jitter_cycle = randy*2, jitter_speed = 8 } ) end end function drawSnow() local tick = getTickCount() local cx,cy,cz = getCameraMatrix() local lx,ly,lz = getWorldFromScreenPosition(sx2,sy2,box_depth) --local hit,hx,hy,hz = processLineOfSight(lx,ly,lz,lx,ly,lz+20,true,true,false,true,false,true,false,false,localPlayer) if (isLineOfSightClear(cx,cy,cz,cx,cy,cz+20,true,false,false,true,false,true,false,localPlayer) or isLineOfSightClear(lx,ly,lz,lx,ly,lz+20,true,false,false,true,false,true,false,localPlayer)) then -- if we are underwater, substitute the water level for the ground level local check = getGroundPosition if testLineAgainstWater(cx,cy,cz,cx,cy,cz+20) then check = getWaterLevel end -- local gz = getGroundPosition(lx,ly,lz) -- split the box into a 3x3 grid, each section of the grid takes its own ground level reading to apply for every flake within it local gpx,gpy,gpz = lx+(-box_width),ly+(-box_depth),lz+15 local ground = {} for i=1, 3 do local it = box_width_doubled*(i*0.25) ground[i] = { check(gpx+(it), gpy+(box_depth_doubled*0.25), gpz), check(gpx+(it), gpy+(box_depth_doubled*0.5), gpz), check(gpx+(it), gpy+(box_depth_doubled*0.75), gpz) } end -- outputDebugString(string.format("Gn: %.1f %.1f %.1f",ground[i][1],ground[i][2],ground[i][3])) -- outputDebugString(string.format("Gy: %.1f %.1f %.1f",groundy[i][1],groundy[i][2],groundy[i][3])) -- outputDebugString(string.format("%.1f %.1f %.1f, %.1f %.1f %.1f, %.1f %.1f %.1f",ground[1][1],ground[1][2],ground[1][3],ground[2][1],ground[2][2],ground[2][3],ground[3][1],ground[3][2],ground[3][3])) -- outputDebugString(string.format("%.1f %.1f %.1f, %.1f %.1f %.1f",(-box_width)+grid[1],(-box_width)+grid[1]*3,(-box_width)+grid[1]*5,(-box_depth)+grid[2],(-box_depth)+grid[2]*3,(-box_depth)+grid[2]*5)) local dx,dy,dz = position[1]-lx,position[2]-ly,position[3]-lz --local alpha = (math.abs(dx) + math.abs(dy) + math.abs(dz))*15 -- outputDebugString(tostring(alpha)) for i,flake in pairs(snowflakes) do if flake then -- check the flake hasnt moved beyond the box or below the ground -- actually, to preserve a constant density allow the flakes to fall past ground level (just dont show them) and remove once at the bottom of the box -- if (flake.z+lz) < ground[gx][gy] or flake.z < (-box_height) then if flake.z < (-box_height) then -- outputDebugString(string.format("Flake removed. %.1f %.1f %.1f",flake.x,flake.y,flake.z)) -- createFlake(x, y, z, alpha, index) createFlake(random(0,box_width*2) - box_width, random(0,box_depth*2) - box_depth, box_height, 0, i) else -- find the grid section the flake is in local gx,gy = 2,2 if flake.x <= (box_width_doubled*0.33)-box_width then gx = 1 elseif flake.x >= (box_width_doubled*0.66)-box_width then gx = 3 end if flake.y <= (box_depth_doubled*0.33)-box_depth then gy = 1 elseif flake.y >= (box_depth_doubled*0.66)-box_depth then gy = 3 end -- check it hasnt moved past the ground if ground[gx][gy] and (flake.z+lz) > ground[gx][gy] then local draw_x, draw_y, jitter_x, jitter_y = nil,nil,0,0 -- draw all onscreen flakes if settings.jitter then local jitter_cycle = math.cos(flake.jitter_cycle) / flake.jitter_speed jitter_x = (flake.jitter_direction[1] * jitter_cycle ) jitter_y = (flake.jitter_direction[2] * jitter_cycle ) end draw_x,draw_y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(flake.x + lx + jitter_x, flake.y + ly + jitter_y ,flake.z + lz, 15, false) if draw_x and draw_y then -- outputDebugString(string.format("Drawing flake %.1f %.1f",draw_x,draw_y)) -- only draw flakes that are infront of the player -- peds seem to have very vague collisions, resulting in a dome-like space around the player where no snow is drawn, so leave this out due to it looking rediculous -- if isLineOfSightClear(cx,cy,cz,flake.x+lx,flake.y+ly,flake.z+lz,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,true) then --dxDrawImage(draw_x,draw_y,flake.size,flake.size,"flakes/snowflake"..tostring(flake.image).."_".. settings.type ..".png",flake.rot,0,0,tocolor(222,235,255,flake.alpha)) dxDrawImageSection(draw_x, draw_y, flake.size, flake.size, flake.section[1], flake.section[2], 32, 32, "flakes/".. settings.type .. "_tile.png", flake.rot, 0, 0, tocolor(222,235,255,flake.alpha)) -- end -- rotation and alpha (do not need to be done if the flake isnt being drawn) flake.rot = flake.rot + settings.wind_speed if flake.alpha < 255 then flake.alpha = flake.alpha + snow_fadein --[[+ alpha]] if flake.alpha > 255 then flake.alpha = 255 end end else -- outputDebugString(string.format("Cannot find screen pos. %.1f %.1f %.1f",flake.x+lx,flake.y+ly,flake.z+lz)) end end if settings.jitter then flake.jitter_cycle = (flake.jitter_cycle % 360) + 0.1 end -- horizontal movement flake.x = flake.x + (settings.wind_direction[1] * settings.wind_speed) flake.y = flake.y + (settings.wind_direction[2] * settings.wind_speed) -- vertical movement flake.z = flake.z - flake.speed -- update flake position based on movement of the camera flake.x = flake.x + dx flake.y = flake.y + dy flake.z = flake.z + dz -- outputDebugString(string.format("Diff: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f",position[1]-lx,position[2]-ly,position[3]-lz)) if flake.x < -box_width or flake.x > box_width or flake.y < -box_depth or flake.y > box_depth or flake.z > box_height then -- outputDebugString(string.format("Flake removed (move). %.1f %.1f %.1f",flake.x,flake.y,flake.z)) -- mirror flakes that were removed due to camera movement onto the opposite side of the box (and hope nobody notices) flake.x = flake.x - dx flake.y = flake.y - dy
  8. اقصد , يعني انا جبت سكريبت الثلج [ snow ] من الcommunity هو يشتغل لما حد يدخل السيرفر و لما السكريبت يشتغل [ تسوي /snow عشان الثلج يقف / يشتغل ] انا ابي اسويه لما السكريبت يشتغل الثلج ما يشتغل لازم اللاعب يسوي /snow عشان يشتغل , ما فيه كود او شئ ؟
  9. السلام عليكم , شباب ابي اعرف كيف اسوي المود او الgui ما يشتغلو لما السكريبت يشتغل او لما حد يدخل السيرفر ابي الكود الله يخليكم ++ انا حملت مود الثلج , يشتغل لما السكريبت يشتغل او لما الشخص يدخل ممكن تساعدوني الله يخليكم ؟ انا موب مبرمج محترف ,, انا اقدر اسوي لوحه و الأشياء البسيطه هاد فقط شكرا
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