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Everything posted by Gallardo9944

  1. This has a disadvantage. You still have to check names for similarity so the names' lengths don't become extremely huge due to the amount of old nicks. It's better to save last 5 or something
  2. I'm pretty sure he meant the way of outputting all player's previous names depending on the serial.
  3. Same stuff, the player falls out of the vehicle when he dies.
  4. I don't need to check if a player is in vehicle, i need to keep the player there. Forever. Without falling out when died standing still.
  5. That was unpredictable... lel.
  6. math.round doesn't seem to exist in original Lua. Use this function: function math.round(val) return math.ceil(val-0.5) end You can round this to 2 last diggits like this: local num = math.round(val*100)/100 Or just use this function: function math.round(val,todiggit) local todiggit = todiggit or 0 return math.ceil((val-0.5)*(10^todiggit))/(10^todiggit) end Untested though
  7. Tried warping the ped instantly, it works, but the transition is rather visible even for an unarmed eye. Cancelling death didn't seem to help at all. Those falling peds are so annoying. There has to be a way to trick that...
  8. I'm pretty sure the guy got server files which he wants to inspect for passwords. They should be hashed. Aren't they?
  9. Hello. I've got a really dumb question, but how can I keep the player in the vehicle in any situation? So he stays in the vehicle even if he dies still. Cancelling onClient(Player)VehicleExit/onVehicleStartExit don't really help with that. Thanks.
  10. I update it every frame with full resolution and there's no lag what so ever. Players don't complain.
  11. I do it like that: function doRefresh() outputDebugString("Starting automated server refresh",0,255,0,100) local tick = getTickCount() refreshResources(false) outputDebugString("Finished automated resources refresh for "..getTickCount()-tick.." ms",0,255,0,100) end setTimer(doRefresh,1000*75,0) I also have a crontab job executed every minute to recache all files in kernel IO cache: #!/bin/bash time find /path/to/mta/server/mods/deathmatch/ > /dev/null (Time is to measure the length of the cache process, just in case i need it) Discussed here: http://bugs.mtasa.com/view.php?id=8680
  12. Add a timer (onClient(Pre)Render if clientside) and reattach it if it's not attached.
  13. INSERT INTO yourtable (info,two,three) VALUES ("Exists",2,3) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT info WHERE info="Exists") Will add a row and check if it exists further on. Untested tho.
  14. Or you could simply create a column once (and for all) and forget about table's structure after that.
  15. Not really. For example, you can import multiple chassis' into 1 infernus model and use them as variants or components. But that works too, yeah.
  16. Clientside fetchremote can't access remote hosts except the one it's connected to. Are you sure your server is located on emp-clan.eu too?
  17. Uhu, element data can be faked cause it's synced with the client. Never do what MIKI785 suggested, unless you protect your element data by resetting it if it has been changed clientside.
  18. You could try to create 1 render target with a text and then draw the render target twice: your colored one (use 255,255,255,255 color) and the shadow one (0,0,0,255 color) behind it. The lengths should be identical and the shadow should look better.
  19. You can import multiple models into one and use vehicle variants, they can be set on per-player basis.
  20. If you want to remove vehicles standing on the exact point (they never do, though), you should find all vehicles and check their positions. getElementsByType("vehicle") and getElementPosition should help.
  21. MySQL should be more reliable because it doesn't depend on your MTA server. You can configure the way your MySQL runs, in opposite to SQLite in MTA. You can access the same data from MySQL on 2 or more servers, MTA's SQLite can't be shared unless you edit db files via your code. This list can go on forever though.
  22. It gets removed from ACL because you have to stop the server before editing ACL. Or use admin panel to alter your ACL without stopping the server.
  23. I always do something like local LOCALPLAYER = localPlayer just because my text editor highlights uppercase variables with bold black colour. I don't think there is any other use of that.
  24. You can get similar problems with Wine + Pulseaudio, if you're low on resources.
  25. You can use dxDrawLine3D without getScreenFromWorldPosition.
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