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Everything posted by ZL|LuCaS

  1. what do you mean by expired?
  2. example callServerFunction("getServerMaps",getLocalPlayer()) end,500,1) function callServerFunction(funcname, ...) local arg = { ... } if (arg[1]) then for key, value in next, arg do if (type(value) == "number") then arg[key] = tostring(value) end end end triggerServerEvent("onClientCallsServerFunction", resourceRoot , funcname, unpack(arg)) end
  3. That does not make sense
  4. you need to check the "meta.xml" game mode is this correct. you receive errors on your console?
  5. this will not work in this toptimes
  6. I do not understand what do you want wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerTeam
  7. yes it would work properly!
  8. Your code well add him to the ~|EG|~Admin team ! What he wants is : I do not understand
  9. function assignNewTeam ( source ) theTest = createTeam ( "~|EG|~Admin", 200, 0, 100 ) if theTest then setPlayerTeam ( source, theTest ) end end addCommandHandler ( "jointeam", assignNewTeam )
  10. you read the wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerTeam setPlayerTeam
  11. I believe this. https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=6542
  12. put in a folder? if I'm right iso not working note the name of the folder must have [] example: [scripts]
  13. you need a racevoting_server.lua uncompiled and as @ Mike said above. "needs editing destructionderby.lua"
  14. ZL|LuCaS


    which modem you use? i using a router TP-LINK I think this video can help watch the video is in Portuguese but just follow the same steps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP7mIV5ZRro login: admin senha: admin you also need to open ports in the firewall on your pc
  15. or you can try and ask for our help. observção only help.
  16. download here uncompiled, and not stolen https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ls&id=5801
  17. Thanks but how i can get the next map's name?? because i want to make a dxText that tells you what's the next map is. function getNextMap() if (g_ForcedNextMap) then return getMapName( g_ForcedNextMap ) else return "Random" end end
  18. I do not understand what do you say
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