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Everything posted by ZL|LuCaS
despite being similar functions are not the same thanks for download
você adicionando isso no "textlib.lua" você vai poder user "dxDrawColorText" function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) if alignX then if alignX == "center" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) ax = ax + (bx-ax)/2 - w/2 elseif alignX == "right" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) ax = bx - w end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then local h = dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) ay = ay + (by-ay)/2 - h/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then local h = dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) ay = by - h end end local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(tonumber("0x"..col:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(5, 6)), 255) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(tonumber("0x"..col:sub(1, 2)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(3, 4)), tonumber("0x"..col:sub(5, 6)), 255) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font) end end
Bom voce pode pedir a agum scripter aqui no forum mais creio que ninguem fara nada de graça e ainda mais copiar um gm de um servidor.
apague isso em baixo esta o scripts fixed --setElementInterior(vehicle, 999) --setElementInterior(player, 999) -- removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),carclose) -- removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),caropen) --removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),wateropen) --removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),waterclose) local me = getLocalPlayer() local maxStreamedPlayers = 16 sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() function isDM() for i, pu in pairs (getElementsByType("racepickup")) do local puType = getElementData(pu, "type") if (puType == "vehiclechange") then local puVehicle = tonumber(getElementData(pu, "vehicle")) if puVehicle == 425 then return true end end end return false end enabled = false function toggleHideAll() startTimess = getTickCount() setElementData(me, "hideAllPlayers", not getElementData(me, "hideAllPlayers"), false) if enabled == false then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),mapwindowa) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),mapwindowda) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),mapwindowda) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),mapwindowa) end enabled = not enabled end bindKey("O", "down", toggleHideAll) function getPlayers() return getElementsByType("player") end streamedPlayers = {} function hidePlayer(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle then if getElementModel(vehicle) == 425 then showPlayer(player) return end if getElementDimension(vehicle) ~= 999 or getElementDimension(player) ~= 999 or getElementInterior(player) ~= 999 or getElementInterior(vehicle) ~= 999 then setElementDimension(vehicle, 999) setElementDimension(player, 999) --setElementInterior(vehicle, 999) --setElementInterior(player, 999) end end end function showPlayer(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if vehicle then if getElementDimension(vehicle) ~= 0 or getElementDimension(player) ~= 0 or getElementInterior(player) ~= 0 or getElementInterior(vehicle) ~= 0 then setElementDimension(vehicle, 0) setElementDimension(player, 0) --setElementInterior(vehicle, 0) --setElementInterior(player, 0) end end end setTimer( function() streamedPlayers = {} if getElementData(me, "state") ~= "alive" then for id, player in ipairs(getPlayers()) do if getElementData(player,"state") == "alive" then showPlayer(player) end end else if getElementData(me, "hideAllPlayers") and isDM() then for id, player in ipairs(getPlayers()) do if player ~= me then hidePlayer(player) end end return end local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition(me) for id, player in ipairs(getPlayers()) do if player ~= me then local x1,y1,z1 = getElementPosition(player) local d = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 ) if d < 200 then table.insert(streamedPlayers, {player, d }) end end end if #streamedPlayers > maxStreamedPlayers then table.sort(streamedPlayers, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end) for i = 1, maxStreamedPlayers do showPlayer(streamedPlayers[i][1]) end for i = maxStreamedPlayers+1, #streamedPlayers do hidePlayer(streamedPlayers[i][1]) end else for id, player in ipairs(getPlayers()) do if getElementData(player, "state") == "alive" then showPlayer(player) end end end end end, 500,0 ) function mapwindowa() deltaTime = (getTickCount()) - startTimess if deltaTime <= 1000 then beta = sy - ((deltaTime/1000)*100) elseif (deltaTime > 1000) and (deltaTime < 4000) then beta = sy-100 elseif (deltaTime >= 4000) and (deltaTime <= 6000) then beta = sy-((1-((deltaTime-4000)/800))*100) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),mapwindowa) end dxDrawRectangle((sx-400)/2,beta,400,110,tocolor ( 255, 0, 0, 255 )) dxDrawText("Hidden Cars",125+(sx-400)/2,beta+15,((sx-400)/2)+400,beta+55,tocolor(255,255,255),2,"default-bold","left","top",true) dxDrawText("Disabled",165+(sx-400)/2,beta+60,((sx-400)/2)+400,beta+85,tocolor(255,255,255),1.7,"default","left","top",true) end function mapwindowda() deltaTime = (getTickCount()) - startTimess if deltaTime <= 1000 then beta = sy - ((deltaTime/1000)*100) elseif (deltaTime > 1000) and (deltaTime < 4000) then beta = sy-100 elseif (deltaTime >= 4000) and (deltaTime <= 6000) then beta = sy-((1-((deltaTime-4000)/800))*100) else removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),mapwindowda) end dxDrawRectangle((sx-400)/2,beta,400,110,tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 )) dxDrawText("Hidden Cars",125+(sx-400)/2,beta+15,((sx-400)/2)+400,beta+55,tocolor(255,255,255),2,"default-bold","left","top",true) dxDrawText("Enabled",165+(sx-400)/2,beta+60,((sx-400)/2)+400,beta+85,tocolor(255,255,255),1.7,"default","left","top",true) end
[host] Alguem sabe onde eu encontro Host para MTA 1.3 ?
ZL|LuCaS replied to Snes's topic in Portuguese / Português
GustHost.com.br -
chat_range = 100 addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), function () bindKey(source,"i","down","chatbox","localchat") end) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function () for index, player in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do bindKey(player,"i","down","chatbox","localchat") end end) function isPlayerInRangeOfPoint(player,x,y,z,range) local px,py,pz=getElementPosition(player) return ((x-px)^2+(y-py)^2+(z-pz)^2)^0.5<=range end function onChat(player,_,...) local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(player) local msg = table.concat({...}, " ") local nick = getPlayerName(player) for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if isPlayerInRangeOfPoint(v,px,py,pz,chat_range) then outputChatBox("#FF6464(Local) "..nick..":#FFFFFF "..msg,getRootElement(),0,0,0,true) end triggerEvent ( "onPlayerLocalChat", player, msg ) end end addCommandHandler("localchat",onChat) local showtime = tonumber(get("chatbubbles.DefaultTime")) local characteraddition = tonumber(get("chatbubbles.PerCharacterAddition")) local maxbubbles = get("chatbubbles.MaxBubbles") if maxbubbles == "false" then maxbubbles = false else maxbubbles = tonumber(maxbubbles) end local hideown = get("chatbubbles.HideOwn") if hideown == "true" then hideown = true else hideown = false end function sendMessageToClient(message,messagetype) if not wasEventCancelled() then if messagetype == 0 or messagetype == 2 then triggerClientEvent("onMessageIncome",source,message,messagetype) end end end function returnSettings() local settings = { showtime, characteraddition, maxbubbles, hideown } triggerClientEvent(source,"onBubbleSettingsReturn",getRootElement(),settings) end addEvent ( "onPlayerLocalChat", true ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLocalChat",getRootElement(),sendMessageToClient) addEvent("onAskForBubbleSettings",true) addEventHandler("onAskForBubbleSettings",getRootElement(),returnSettings)
how can I use this to save the maps [DM] and carregalos want without having to download I got it local file = xmlCreateFile("map.xml", "xml") if file then saveMapData ( file, getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ) loadMapData ( file, getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) ) xmlSaveFile ( file ) xmlUnloadFile ( file ) end