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Everything posted by 0xCiBeR

  1. 0xCiBeR


    Pero el XML no es cargado cuando incias el resource?
  2. function playerJoin() local r, g, b = getTeamColor(getPlayerTeam(source)) local blip = createBlipAttachedTo(source, 0, 2, r, g, b, 255, 1) setElementParent(blip, playerBlipRoot) setTimer(updateBlipColor, 1000, 0, blip) --Upadate in 5 seconds, in case the server sets the color. end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin", root, playerJoin)
  3. 0xCiBeR


    Es posible modificar el contenido de un XML donde guardo coordenadas, sin tener que reiniciar el resource para que me tome los cambios? Gracias...
  4. Hi i would like to report a Clone server,Or better said a clone community..It copies al of PDz gamming servers, and also Names, scripts, Etc.. And they also threaten to attack PDzs, servers, And DDoS every server Who defends Us... This Behavor is unaceptable... It started because i warned the Sv Owner (Flaky) http://www.facebook.com/zcor12 That if he continuied to copy our servers, I would report Him..Now he is threatning to DDoS PDz servers , and steal all resources...(this guy is the owner of the Dedicated servers: http://www.facebook.com/shadox.longbottom ISG server IP: PDz server IP1: Please stop This..I have proof Of everything..Thanks
  5. the post keeps flaming and flaming.. OMG..What dont u understand that He Made that resource...You cant pay exclusivnes..Do you have a contract? A Paypal bill is nothing..You just told him what to make..(if you did) He made it, and sold it to you..You just used his services..Like a Website builder..You are not the owner of the script unless you made it... Bye
  6. It would be nice that you actually check the reports that the scripters leave you on Report Resource forum...Some are false..Like the 2 resources you delete that were totaly made by me, And I submited the source code as proof... So please PLEASE do check every report..Its not right to just go and delete any thing that is reported..Like my cbug :facepalm:... Thanks
  7. Thats not true..U want him to delete it..I saw the post.. Unique ideas? Have that on my server, and coded it from 0..Gonna tell me i riped u off to?v
  8. Men..No preferences..Its his work..Meaning its his copyright..He can do what ever he wants with it.. Anyway Best lock this topic..
  9. Dude..You paid for a resource..He coded it..Its HIS COPYRIGHT, Not URS...You bought the resource BEFORE it went PUBLIC...He can do whatever he wants with it...He coded it..Or wtf?I code a resource, sell it for some time, and then i cant give it for free?? What The Fu** are you asking for? Leave him alone
  10. Without custom kill save: addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn",root, function() local zombiekills = getElementData(source,"Zombie kills") if (zombiekills == 100) then outputChatBox ( "You have killed 100zombies!!!", source, 255, 255, 255 ) else outputChatBox ( "#00ffffYou have killed:#ff0000 " ..tonumber(zombiekills), source, 255, 255, 255,true ) end end )
  11. El problema es que usas el spawn de 50p, y si el team aun no esta creado, Por ahi entre que crea el team, te spawnea, ya paso el evento,Usa timers para que despues de que spawnee, obtenga el team
  12. no si corriges los Timers
  13. Edita la animacion en el slothbot
  14. Seria mas o menos asi:(fijate si anda) Acordate que de ponerlo en el client-side de el resource de humanidad ---Matar 1 function bot ( attacker ) local id2 = getElementModel ( attacker ) if (id2 == 35) then setElementHealth ( localPlayer, getElementHealth(localPlayer) - 50 ) humanidad = humanidad - 50 end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), bot)
  15. En el map editor, cuando creas un objeto en las opciones se encuentra...
  16. Haces una tabla, con varias posiciones, y usas el Evento "onPlayerWasted" , comprobando con un IF si el que te mato es el bot, y un outputChatBox
  17. Fijate que no este duplicado el nombre(ocea que tengas 2 resources que se llamen igual) que se encuentre el meta donde debe estar, Y reinicia el servidor
  18. Da igual, era de ejemplo..de seguro en xlatino has estado
  19. elseif column.name == "country" then local countryImage = ':admin/client/images/flags/'..string.lower(content)..'.png' if fileExists(countryImage) then dxDrawImage(topX+theX,y+((1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ))/2)-(11/2),16,11,countryImage) dxDrawText( string.gsub(content,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), topX+20+theX+s(1)+s(10), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( "#FFFFFF"..content, topX+20+theX+s(10), y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI,true ) else dxDrawText( string.gsub(content,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), topX+theX+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( "#FFFFFF"..content, topX+theX, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI,true ) end elseif column.name == "Rango" then column.width = 50 dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y-s(2), 20, 20, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) elseif column.name == "id" then if element == localPlayer then dxDrawText( string.gsub(content,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), topX+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "center", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( "#ff7900"..content, topX, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "center", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI,true ) else dxDrawText( string.gsub(content,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), topX+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "center", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( "#FFFFFF"..content, topX, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "center", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI,true ) end else dxDrawText( string.gsub(content,"#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), topX+theX+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(1)+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( ""..content, topX+theX, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+(1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont )), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "center", true, false, drawOverGUI,true ) end end x = x + s(column.width + 10) end end local font = iif( element and isElement( element ) and getElementType( element ) == "team", teamHeaderFont, contentFont ) index = index + 1 if getElementType( element ) == "team" then y = y + dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(font, scoreboardScale), font ) else y = y + 1.5*dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(font, scoreboardScale), font ) end end index = 1 end end end
  20. Estas en el ACL de Admin?
  21. No existe tal recurso..Debes hacer un sistema de vehiculos independiente, con el que creas un vehiculo, lo guardas, y lo estacionas... Me imagino te refieres al sistema de Xlatino o PDz.. Son sistemas hechos de 0 por XML no es tan dificil Saludos
  22. Ya lo solucione en un post en la seccion en ingles, gracias igual... y si es con shader
  23. 0xCiBeR

    Paticle .txd

    Thanks! Worked Fine
  24. 0xCiBeR

    Paticle .txd

    But u don't have the TXD work shop? Anyway the explosion is not on particle.txd maybe in effectsPC.txd Download the txd workshop open the file and export the images. Edit the image and make the script with shader for replace the image. Yes i do have it, but dont know how to relace this with shaders :c... already edited the particle.txd and effectsPC.txd .
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