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Everything posted by AJXB

  1. Please resolve the following: A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine. This what it say when installing Microsoft Visual C++ And for the MTADiag
  2. MTA Not downloading vcredist_86.exe from installer. After installing without download, it say: Faild to load Loader.dll error. I hope someone can help me, By TeamViewer if nessesary.
  3. AJXB

    PM Your Order!

    Hey MTA, First: We can make signitures for a small amout of money, Payment on PayPal. PM me for your order, Format: Name: Colors: Font(Give a link): Contian a picture(Give a link): Prices are 1 to 3$, Not much for the signitures you will get. Second: We can make userbars, Prices will be from 0.50$ to 2$ Same previous format. Hope We can help. Toff,Aboud
  4. C++, PHP, Who can make a CPanel.
  5. Hey MTA, I'm looking for a pro scripter, NOT LUA Any pro scripter is willing to help PM me, Thank you.
  6. AJXB


    uhm can i know how you make those?
  7. AJXB


    He didnt steal that he is upgrading it, Guyz help him he isnt stealing.
  8. The Group panel is mine, And No Its not the one i requested help with, And thank you for "not starting a fight".
  9. Hello all. I will be selling all kind of server scripts, DM ,DD, Race, RP. Payment will be on PayPal. Scripts we sell: Team Scripts (On Command) Group Panel Team Locked Car Spawners Custom Car Hud+Player Hud Login Panel (MySQL or Normal) Bank Roberry Custom Scoreboard Gates Maker Locked on ACL group (Editable) Robber Job Police Job (Coming Soon) A Great collection of group bases (Law-Criminal) And more.. Contact me if you're intrested, All scripts we sell are 100% done and WE DON'T REMAKE SCRIPTS OR STEAL. Post here your custom script order, And we work on it. Please don't post here if you want to make bad jokes, Use your brain before posting on mtasa.com forums. Thank you all and Happy new year.
  10. AJXB

    Group Panel Help!

    i put it in same scipt or in other? and what format for username and etc..
  11. I have a group panel, when player creates a group, it appear on scoreboard, But, When player reconnect, No Group, A problem with save, Anyone can help? And i have a group system with a mysql connection, but it only say: local mysqlcon = exports.mysql:getConnection() How to make a connection so the script can get it?
  12. And Sea-Net is not free anymore, We will host for paypal cash, 50 slots for 5$, 100 slots for 10$ with FTP, and 24/7, 200 slots for 15$ with FTP and my-SQL, 500 slots for 30$ with FTP, my-SQL, Scripting support, a month.
  13. So contact me on skype: Aboud.rockk And for the guy who saying i send viruses, there is something called, AntiVirus, thats a kind of a program that you keep it on when u dont trust some's file. learn some computer.
  14. AJXB

    For all scripters.

    I will upload pics when it is done, This still Beta version. It should be basic working.
  15. This is a Script Maker by Me, I learned a little of Lua on Wiki, And i made this to help all new scripters, And it could help the professional ones. Hope it helps all. -Link removed-
  16. AJXB

    Looking for a Logo

    Hey all, My server name is RoG: Revolution Of Gaming, And i'm looking for a logo, Its a RPG server, So if u please help me, Contact me: Skype: Aboud.rockk
  17. Hey all, The best host i have ever had is from Vortex servers, They provide the best of hosting services just for us, to make it easier, My server is being hosted by Vortex, I will never leave Vortex. They provide: 1- FULL FTP Access 2- 24/7 Support 3- 24/7 Alive server 4- NO lag 5- Unique Panel 6- Best Prices: 10 Slots for 1.50 USD 50 Slots for 7.50 USD 100 Slots for 15.00 USD 200 Slots for 30.00 USD 500 Slots for 75.00 USD Locations (Customer Choice): Chicago - New York - Dallas - Seattle - Los Angeles - United Kingdom I recommend Vortex Hosting services. For more information visit: Http://www.Vortexservers.com
  18. -.- There is 12 Members in Sea-Net MTA hosting team, All ready to keep theire Pcs online 24/7, They all like me, They all Part of my family, They all Part of this community
  19. AJXB

    FTP help

    I got FTP account with 000webhost.com, and if i upload the "server" folder how to start the server? Help me, ty
  20. AJXB

    FTP help

    You mean i should upload all GTA game + MTA:SA ??? And if i do, how to run them?
  21. AJXB

    FTP help

    Can u tell me where i get the files that i should upload? and what is the link form that i should put in mtaserver.conf ??? and do u have skype?
  22. AJXB

    FTP help

    Hey all, I have a server, and FTP account, im using FileZilla FTP Client, I tried to upload client files of my resources and put the FTP directory in mtaserver.conf, and then go in server, it sais error, Wrong directory, So if anyone can help Thank you.
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