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Everything posted by AJXB

  1. An error I get each time I connect to a server, other servers work fine Any Solution?
  2. AJXB

    Settings Error

    Any Solution? Why the script is not connecting to in meta?
  3. AJXB

    Settings Error

    settings["business.key"] or settings["business.blip"] This is the meta list:
  4. AJXB

    Settings Error

    Hey, i'm using a business resource made by JR10, posted on the community, so i'm having a problem, in a server, its fully working, on another, error on this line: local settings = get("") that settings is nil Any help? anything on the server that might cause trouble?
  5. AJXB

    SMF Themes

    Hey guys, Ever needed a theme for you SMF forum? if you ever do, Contact me on skype or PM me here, Best Themes, Best prices. I don't have cool themes? High prices? Not safe? Try me Skype: aboud.rockk Oh and P.S for smart people, Skype is free
  6. I'm sure, not accusing.
  7. How to create my own custom MtA SA GUI interface?
  8. This is UIP Resources, Leaked.
  9. AJXB

    Table issue

    local R = 255 --------------------------------- local G = 0 --This sets Radar Areas Color-- local B = 0 --------------------------------- local A = 125 -- Alpha local turfs = { areas = { {918.95215, 1650.05286,65.546630859375,168.57604980469, R,G, B, A}; {1877.18555, 642.92706, 100, 125, R,G, B, A}; {1997.5, 683.15210, 140, 65, R,G, B, A}; {2155, 643.28558, 122.5, 65, R,G, B, A}; {2290, 640, 120, 70, R,G, B, A}; {2515, 702, 160, 70, R,G, B, A}; {1575, 660, 175, 125, R,G, B, A}; {2775, 835,120,189.79992675781, R,G, B, A}; {1017.66577, 1383.37659,159.2412109375,319.53955078125, R,G, B, A}; {1295.58142, 2099.19238,135,123, R,G, B, A}; {1577.30359, 2282.80029,179.78796386719,61.214599609375, R,G, B, A}; {1628.58630, 2023.49329,68.798461914063,139.65148925781, R,255, B, A}; {1837.53394, 2184.07544,78.707885742188,77.761474609375, R,G, B, A}; {1993.63599, 2122.64014,113.74291992188,73.606201171875, R,G, B, A}; }, colshapes = { {1877.18555, 642.92706, 9.8, 100.05969238281, 120.13433837891, 13}; {1997.5, 683.15210, 9.8, 140, 60, 13}; {2157.44653, 643.28558, 9.8, 119.50463867188, 60.064758300781, 13}; {2303.51489, 642.98639, 9.8, 113.763671875, 59.806884765625, 13}; {2517.10059, 702.93488, 9.8, 160.19873046875, 60.3056640625, 13}; {1577.50818, 663.07349, 9.8, 180.07995605469, 119.92926025391, 13}; {2776.77539, 833.34174, 9.89844, 118.11865234375, 189.79992675781, 15}; {1017.66577, 1383.37659, 5, 159.2412109375, 319.53955078125, 15}; {918.95215, 1650.05286, 7.64844, 65.546630859375, 168.57604980469, 15}; {1295.58142, 2099.19238, 9, 135, 123, 20}; {1577.30359, 2282.80029, 9.75, 179.78796386719, 61.214599609375, 17}; {1397.97644, 2323.18579, 10, 159.28210449219, 59.93896484375, 17}; {1577.84595, 2182.70288, 10, 139.12902832031, 80.190185546875, 17}; {1628.58630, 2023.49329, 9, 68.798461914063, 139.65148925781, 17}; } }; for key, value in ipairs( turfs.areas ) do area = createRadarArea( unpack( value ) ); end for key, value in ipairs( turfs.colshapes ) do colshape = createColCuboid( unpack( value ) ); end setElementData (colshape,"Owner","N/A") -------- Turf 1 -------- local pCubo = colshape local pRadar = area addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colshape, function( player ) outputChatBox ("TEST") end ) i made this, problem is, onColShapeHit, the colshape source will take the last col values only, i mean, the "Basic test" output will only appear in {1628.58630, 2023.49329, 9, 68.798461914063, 139.65148925781, 17}; Any solution i want it to appear in all of the values ?
  10. AJXB

    Script Help

  11. I Would not Buy anything a lot of servers have it -1000
  12. Ye this should be added +1 -
  13. AJXB

    .REG Needed

    i need the MTA:SA installation registry files, when i install it it make some registry things, i need them in a .reg file, please its just for saving time.
  14. AJXB


    Is it possible to export a server logs to a website? if yes, How?
  15. Its actually easy to make shops, just when make the shop, additem and a GUI panel, ( i made it simple ) Ye it would be close to this
  16. Ye, its possible, need some work, not a lot, Good luck.
  17. this, the one you fixed, it output to the message box, and to chat box
  18. Castillo, this script do outputChatBox too
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