local R = 255 ---------------------------------
local G = 0 --This sets Radar Areas Color--
local B = 0 ---------------------------------
local A = 125 -- Alpha
local turfs =
areas =
{918.95215, 1650.05286,65.546630859375,168.57604980469, R,G, B, A};
{1877.18555, 642.92706, 100, 125, R,G, B, A};
{1997.5, 683.15210, 140, 65, R,G, B, A};
{2155, 643.28558, 122.5, 65, R,G, B, A};
{2290, 640, 120, 70, R,G, B, A};
{2515, 702, 160, 70, R,G, B, A};
{1575, 660, 175, 125, R,G, B, A};
{2775, 835,120,189.79992675781, R,G, B, A};
{1017.66577, 1383.37659,159.2412109375,319.53955078125, R,G, B, A};
{1295.58142, 2099.19238,135,123, R,G, B, A};
{1577.30359, 2282.80029,179.78796386719,61.214599609375, R,G, B, A};
{1628.58630, 2023.49329,68.798461914063,139.65148925781, R,255, B, A};
{1837.53394, 2184.07544,78.707885742188,77.761474609375, R,G, B, A};
{1993.63599, 2122.64014,113.74291992188,73.606201171875, R,G, B, A};
colshapes =
{1877.18555, 642.92706, 9.8, 100.05969238281, 120.13433837891, 13};
{1997.5, 683.15210, 9.8, 140, 60, 13};
{2157.44653, 643.28558, 9.8, 119.50463867188, 60.064758300781, 13};
{2303.51489, 642.98639, 9.8, 113.763671875, 59.806884765625, 13};
{2517.10059, 702.93488, 9.8, 160.19873046875, 60.3056640625, 13};
{1577.50818, 663.07349, 9.8, 180.07995605469, 119.92926025391, 13};
{2776.77539, 833.34174, 9.89844, 118.11865234375, 189.79992675781, 15};
{1017.66577, 1383.37659, 5, 159.2412109375, 319.53955078125, 15};
{918.95215, 1650.05286, 7.64844, 65.546630859375, 168.57604980469, 15};
{1295.58142, 2099.19238, 9, 135, 123, 20};
{1577.30359, 2282.80029, 9.75, 179.78796386719, 61.214599609375, 17};
{1397.97644, 2323.18579, 10, 159.28210449219, 59.93896484375, 17};
{1577.84595, 2182.70288, 10, 139.12902832031, 80.190185546875, 17};
{1628.58630, 2023.49329, 9, 68.798461914063, 139.65148925781, 17};
for key, value in ipairs( turfs.areas ) do
area = createRadarArea( unpack( value ) );
for key, value in ipairs( turfs.colshapes ) do
colshape = createColCuboid( unpack( value ) );
setElementData (colshape,"Owner","N/A")
-------- Turf 1 --------
local pCubo = colshape
local pRadar = area
addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colshape,
function( player )
outputChatBox ("TEST")
i made this, problem is, onColShapeHit, the colshape source will take the last col values only, i mean, the "Basic test" output will only appear in {1628.58630, 2023.49329, 9, 68.798461914063, 139.65148925781, 17};
Any solution i want it to appear in all of the values ?