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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. Meta : "SALE7" type="script" name="SALE7" description="script" />
  2. ورني الميتا والكلنت
  3. He wants in the nametag, not in the chat. Ah , Sorry Will I Will Edit it soon .
  4. iPrestege


    So? Create The Marker What's The Problem?
  5. iPrestege


    So You Want To Create The Marker With The Vehicle? And Attach The Marker To The Vehicle? Or What?
  6. iPrestege


    What You Are Trying To Do?
  7. -- Server -- Function's getPlayerWantedLevel getPlayerName outputChatBox cancelEvent Event : "onPlayerChat" Try This Server Side : addEventHandler("onPlayerChat",root, function (text, msgtype) local name = getPlayerName( source ); local Wanted = getPlayerWantedLevel ( source ); cancelEvent() outputChatBox("[ "..Wanted.." ] ".. name .. " : " .. text, root, 255, 255, 255, true); end );
  8. ما فهمت عليك يعني نخليه getAccountName getPlayerAccount getAccountName
  9. ^^ اممم ... كيف تسوي احظار الحساب بـ اسم الاعب مو شرط اسم الحساب يكون اسم الاعب ! username: The username of the account you want to retrieve
  10. جرب كلنت ----client function open() triggerServerEvent("open",getLocalPlayer()) end bindKey("هنا اسم زر فتتح النافذه","down",open) function kemo() if guiGetVisible(اسم النافذه) then guiSetVisible(اسم النافذه,false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) showCursor (false) else guiSetVisible(اسم النافذه,true) showCursor (true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end addEvent("open",true) addEventHandler("open",getRootElement(),kemo) سيرفر -----server function open() local account = getAccount ( getPlayerName(source) ) if account == "حسابك" then triggerClientEvent(source,"open",source) end end addEvent("0pen",true) addEventHandler("0pen",getRootElement(),open) خرابيط تايمم
  11. Hello Community , Today i Made A New Resource When You Have 1 Wanted Level Or More You Will Have A Star On You're Head And OutChatBox With Player Name And Wanted Level Pic : Download : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=6729 Have Fun
  12. ولا واحد فاهم الوضع # الرجال يبي يشغل مود لـ سريال معين !!#
  13. Hmmm... Will Be Easy Use Table With Many Positions .
  14. isMove = false bindKey("الزر", "down", function() if isMove then return end if guiGetVisible( wnd ) then guiSetVisible(wnd, false) showCursor(false) else guiSetPosition(wnd, -300, 54, false) guiSetVisible(wnd, true) showCursor(true) if isTimer(Time) then return end Time = setTimer(function() local x, y = guiGetPosition(wnd, false) guiSetPosition(wnd, x + 13, y, false) end, 50, 50) isWindowMove(true) setTimer(isWindowMove, 100, 1, false) end end ) function isWindowMove(bole) isMove = bole end الاستبدال # الزر = زر فتح النافذهـ # wnd = نافذتك #
  15. Check it out : http://acamso.com/notepad-tutorial-change-colors-themes/
  16. Try : function startbank () setElementData ( source, "bankrobber", true ) exports ["guimessages"] : outputServer ( source, "You start bank rob!" , 255, 255, 0) exports ["guimessages"] : outputServer ( source, "You must stay in bank 5 minutes to get money!" , 255, 255, 0) setElementInterior ( source, 3, 387.6708, 173.8050, 1008.3893 ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 6 ) bankTimer = setTimer (function(player) if not isElement(player) then return end givePlayerMoney ( player, 50000 ) removeElementData( player, "bankrobber" ) exports ["guimessages"] : outputServer ( player, "You successfully robbed the bank and get $50000!" , 255, 255, 0) end ,10000,1,source) end addEvent ( "start", true ) addEventHandler ( "start", root, startbank )
  17. Hmm.. Try This : function startbank () setElementData ( source, "bankrobber", true ) exports ["guimessages"] : outputServer ( source, "You start bank rob!" , 255, 255, 0) exports ["guimessages"] : outputServer ( source, "You must stay in bank 5 minutes to get money!" , 255, 255, 0) setElementInterior ( source, 3, 387.6708, 173.8050, 1008.3893 ) setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 6 ) bankTimer = setTimer ( function(player) givePlayerMoney ( player, 50000 ) removeElementData( player, "bankrobber" ) exports ["guimessages"] : outputServer ( player, "You successfully robbed the bank and get $50000!" , 255, 255, 0) end end ,10000,1) addEvent ( "start", true ) addEventHandler ( "start", root, startbank )
  18. طيب مدام كذا اي واحد يزرف اوم الحسابات ؟ لول؟ حسابك انت بينزل بس ذذ بـ ملفاتك لانك انت اللي كتبت واللي ينكتب بالايديت ينرسل للملف اللي بـ جهازك
  19. iPrestege


    I've got this problem before re-install "MTA" Again .
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