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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. What? You didn't change any think and i swear my code is right.
  2. debugscript 3 Also copy it again i forget something.
  3. local aButtons = { GUIEditor.button[1],GUIEditor.button[2],GUIEditor.button[3],GUIEditor.button[4],GUIEditor.button[5],GUIEditor.button[6] } addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',root, function ( ) for i,v in ipairs ( aButtons ) do if source == v then if getElementData ( source,'AntiButtonFlood' ) == true then return outputChatBox('Wait 1 Minute!!') end setElementData ( source,'AntiButtonFlood',true ) setTimer ( setElementData,60000,1,source,'AntiButtonFlood',false ) end end end ) Try this .
  4. I think he want any vehicle not a veh[player] only ?
  5. You just mix castillo code with your . This isn't good.
  6. function fix ( ) if ( isPedInVehicle ( localPlayer ) ) then local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer) local succes = fixVehicle ( theVehicle ) if ( succes ) then outputChatBox (" Vehicle fixed. " ) else outputChatBox ( "Failed to fix your vehicle.") end else outputChatBox ( "You must be in a vehicle!" ) end end
  7. bool logIn ( player thePlayer, account theAccount, string thePassword ) getAccount --Use it
  8. انت يعني تبي اول مايدش الروم يسجل دخول تلقائي لـلي يكتب الكوماند؟
  9. يعطيك العافية يالغالي خلاص الكود ضبط 100 % ((= مآقصرت ذذ مثآل لانة سيرفري مآيدعمه والكود شغال اصلا
  10. iPrestege

    Help Plz

    Castillo meant teams.xml file.
  11. onClientMouseEnter playSoundFrontEnd or playSound
  12. guiGridListSetItemColor ( aGridList,aRow,aColumn,math.random( 255 ),math.random( 255 ),math.random( 255 ) )
  13. الله يسلمك .. لآ آحلل استخدامة فـي مآلآيرضي الله..
  14. addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',guiRoot, function ( ) if ( source == Yes ) then aSound = playSound ( 'lol.mp3' ) elseif ( source == No ) then if isElement ( aSound ) then destroyElement ( aSound ) end end end ) لم يتم التجربة و العذر مآنتبهت لانة كآبيتآل ..
  15. ياخي ماطلبت الزر؟ طلبت الفنكشن اللي تشغل منة الزر ؟ حق الصوت
  16. ورني الكود اللي تشغل منة الصوت للمرة الثانية ؟
  17. guiGridListSetItemColor Ex : guiGridListSetItemColor ( aGridList,aRow,aColumn,r,g,b )
  18. ورني الكود اللي تشغل الصوت منة ~_~ ؟
  19. Yes but you can use a timer destroy after for example let's say 1 minutes then start it again you get it?
  20. اطرح الكود كامل ..
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