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Everything posted by iPrestege

  1. I still don't understand, converting a table into a JSON string won't change how the table is ordered or made. Example: myJSON = toJSON ( { [ 1 ] = "Hello", [ 2 ] = "World" } ) outputChatBox ( myJSON ) myTable = fromJSON ( myJSON ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( myTable ) ) What would the result be for myTable?
  2. Please note actual feature requests must be filed on Mantis @http://bugs.mtasa.com/main_page.php
  3. If you're using freeroam and there's a command called 'setpos' you can use bind command : bind key setpos x,y,z
  4. getElementsByType ( 'team' )
  5. iPrestege


    You're welcome .
  6. iPrestege


    Copy it again i forget something.
  7. iPrestege


    sx,sy = guiGetScreenSize() local marker = createMarker ( 0,0,2, "cylinder", 1, 0,255,255,155 ) function gui ( ) dxDrawRectangle ((sx/2)-50,(sy/2)-50,100,100, tocolor (0,0,0,155), false) end function aShowDx ( player ) if player == localPlayer then addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), gui ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker, aShowDx,false ) function aDestroyDx ( player ) if player == localPlayer then removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), gui ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerLeave", marker, aDestroyDx,false ) Not tested.
  8. @ البندر مآيحتاج البرآمج ذي .. @ ميدو : يوجد برنامج او شيء يمنع تشغيل الـ MTA Anti Virus ? اذا انت مركب CELO هو ملف .asi يتحمل مع تشغيل GtaSa MTA لاتسمح بـ استخادم تشغيلها مع البرنامج الخاص بها .. لآسبآب وآضحة .. يقوم بتعديل اللعبه .. وتغير الكثير ممآ يسبب مشآكل .. --- حل آخر .. الغاء تثبيت الـ MTA ريستارت للجهاز .. تثبيت MTA و جرب .. ذذ
  9. Event's : onClientMouseEnter onClientMouseLeave Function : guiSetAlpha
  10. الله يعافيك .. ذذ
  11. takePlayerMoney ( client,Amount ) هذي ما فهمتها يأخذ فلوس الكلينت؟ ياخذ فلوس اللي اتصل من كلنت
  12. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ?? -- Client Side -- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',MyButton, function ( ) triggerServerEvent ( 'aTakeMoney',localPlayer ) end,false ) -- Server Side -- addEvent('aTakeMoney',true) addEventHandler('aTakeMoney',root, function ( ) takePlayerMoney ( client,Amount ) end ) لاتنسى تغير الزر و المبلغ .. MyButton Amount
  13. Wrong + Note: Using this function client side (not recommended) will not change a players money server side.
  14. iPrestege


    You're welcome . P.S : I know you're 6ArHxiMr'3a[Z]eF .
  15. iPrestege


    addEventHandler('onResourceStart',resourceRoot, function ( ) setTimer ( function ( ) local aPlayer = getRandomPlayer ( ) local aMoney = math.random ( 3000,15000 ) if aPlayer and aMoney then givePlayerMoney ( aPlayer,aMoney ) outputChatBox ('[RANDOM] #FFFFFF'..getPlayerName ( aPlayer )..' #FFFFFFget '..aMoney..' !',root,255,136,0,true) end end,10000,0 ) end ) Not tested.
  16. But it's wrong anyway .
  17. player is not defined in getPlayerTeam.
  18. 6ArHxiMr'3a[Z]eF's Your code is wrong.
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