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Everything posted by WASSIm.

  1. WASSIm.

    Problem on install

    hi mta team my friend have problem on install MTA he show him this and take long time but don't changed
  2. search here: https://community.multitheftauto.com/
  3. viewtopic.php?f=108&t=64608
  4. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetPlayerAcls
  5. that will working ? function toboolean(bool) if (bool) then return loadstring("return " ..bool)() end return false end
  6. WASSIm.


    make it same button is better Client Server
  7. hi guys i have question. how make string boolean to boolean normaly ?. like this "false" to false
  8. local models = {[2175]=true, [2190]=true,[2009]=true,[2008]=true,[11631]=true,[2198]=true,[2172]=true,[2193]=true,[2165]=true,[1998]=true,[1999]=true} function pcText(model) local objects = getElementsByType("object") for _, object in ipairs(objects) do if (models[getElementModel(object)]) then setElementData(object, "message", "Computer") end end end
  9. you can get resources from here: https://mirror.multitheftauto.com/mtasa/resources ... s-r988.zip
  10. WASSIm.

    turf system

    https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ls&id=8123 working for any group system just need group color and edit script turf_setting.lua
  11. use DxDrawCircle and make it line 3D
  12. WASSIm.

    Problem desktop

    its just redownloading MTA and then launched
  13. WASSIm.

    Problem desktop

    hi mta team and hi guys. my friend get problem if entre mta and back desktop will desktop only make this: http://i.imgur.com/QCIvOPH.jpg
  14. WASSIm.

    Lock this

    if you want help respect please and i will not help you and is better if anyone don't help you
  15. WASSIm.

    Lock this

    you can make group system and you can't make this ?
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