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Everything posted by K4stic

  1. K4stic

    [help] license

    line 16:bad argument, got string 'No'
  2. error's at line 6,7,8,16 says: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1,got boolean] lp = getLocalPlayer() function guibuylisence ( hitElement, lp) if ( getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) and ( hitElement == localPlayer ) then if ( not guiGetVisible ( licensecenter ) ) then local test = getElementData(lp,"Driving-Test") local license = getElementData(lp,"Driving-Test") local expiry = getElementData(lp,"Driving-Expire") if test == "Completed" then guiSetVisible ( licensecenter, true ) showCursor ( true ) guiGridListSetItemText(Licenselist,0,2,"Yes",false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(Licenselist,0,3,expiry,false, false) else guiSetVisible(licensecenter,true) getElementData(lp,"Driving-Test","No") showCursor( true ) end end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", marker0, guibuylisence )
  3. K4stic

    Schokk map 3

    Map Good but i don't like the record and the blue line in screen of video!
  4. is not your script you take it from Community
  5. then one player spawn the vehicle of that id's i need restart the script all time to be work addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function ( ) for _, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "vehicle" ) ) do local model = getElementModel ( vehicle ) if ( model == 411 ) or ( model == 495 ) then setVehicleDamageProof ( vehicle, true ) end end end )
  6. Try This BRO/mate --Server side miliVeh = { [520]=true, [432]=true, [433]=true, [470]=true } miliSkin = { [287]=true, [217]=true } policeVeh = { [497]=true, [596]=true, [597]=true, [599]=true, [523]=true, [598]=true } policeSkin = { [217]=true, [287]=true, [265]=true, [266]=true, [267]=true, [280]=true, [281]=true, [282]=true, [283]=true, [284]=true, [285]=true, [286]=true, [288]=true } fbiVeh = { [490]=true, [528]=true } fbiSkin = { [286]=true, [217]=true } swatVeh = { [601]=true, [427]=true } swatSkin = { [285]=true, [217]=true } addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player, seat, jacked, door) if (miliVeh[getElementModel(source)]) and (not miliSkin[getElementModel(player)]) and (seat == 0) then outputChatBox ( "Error: You are not in the Military!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) cancelEvent() end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player, seat, jacked, door) if (policeVeh[getElementModel(source)]) and (not policeSkin[getElementModel(player)]) and (seat == 0) then outputChatBox ( "Error: You are not a cop!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) cancelEvent() end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player, seat, jacked, door) if (fbiVeh[getElementModel(source)]) and (not fbiSkin[getElementModel(player)]) and (seat == 0) then outputChatBox ( "Error: You are not in the F.B.I!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) cancelEvent() end end ) addEventHandler("onVehicleStartEnter", root, function(player, seat, jacked, door) if (swatVeh[getElementModel(source)]) and (not swatSkin[getElementModel(player)]) and (seat == 0) then outputChatBox ( "Error: You are not in the swat!", player, 255, 0, 0, true ) cancelEvent() end end )
  7. that link ded! says Permission Denied
  8. where is download? because link bugget give other pls
  9. [DM]BriaN ft RealSteel - The Tempest II [DM]Banana ft RealSteel - Dark Time [DM]RealSteel -Vol 5- Reborn [DM]RealSteel ft guillemote133 - Genesis World II Fixxed and Good maps i like it all
  10. i can't make rotation for a car spawn is not work for me
  11. download the latest version and will no have bugs
  12. Perfect Map amazing map + Perfect Record = Perfect map I love it
  13. just replace the your team save with my function setTeam() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) local team = getAccountData (account, "team") if (team) and getTeamFromName(team) then setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(team)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setTeam) function save() local team = getPlayerTeam(source) local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (team) and not isGuestAccount(account) then setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamName(team)) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), save)
  14. fixed(i add end) but it's not save
  15. Think and Know is diferend so be sure
  16. nothing missed and no errors just don't save
  17. Server Side: function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) if not isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source)) then local accountData = getAccountData(getPlayerAccount(source), "stat0") end if (accountData) then local Staminastat = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat0") local Musculestat = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat1") local Healthstat = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat2") local Pistolskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat22") local SilencedPistolskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat23") local DesertEagleskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat24") local Shotgunskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat25") local SawnOffskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat26") local Spaz12skill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat27") local Uziskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat28") local MP5skill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat29") local AK47skill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat30") local M4skill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat31") local Sniperskill = getAccountData (getPlayerAccount(source), "stat32") setPedStat(source, 22, Staminastat) setPedStat(source, 23, Musculestat) setPedStat(source, 24, Healthstat) setPedStat(source, 69, Pistolskill) setPedStat(source, 70, SilencedPistolskill) setPedStat(source, 71, DesertEagleskill) setPedStat(source, 72, Shotgunskill) setPedStat(source, 73, SawnOffskill) setPedStat(source, 74, Spaz12skill) setPedStat(source, 75, Uziskill) setPedStat(source, 76, MP5skill) setPedStat(source, 77, AK47skill) setPedStat(source, 78, M4skill) setPedStat(source, 79, Sniperskill) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then setAccountData(account, "stat22", tostring(getPedStat(source, 69))) setAccountData(account, "stat23", tostring(getPedStat(source, 70))) setAccountData(account, "stat24", tostring(getPedStat(source, 71))) setAccountData(account, "stat25", tostring(getPedStat(source, 72))) setAccountData(account, "stat26", tostring(getPedStat(source, 73))) setAccountData(account, "stat27", tostring(getPedStat(source, 74))) setAccountData(account, "stat28", tostring(getPedStat(source, 75))) setAccountData(account, "stat29", tostring(getPedStat(source, 76))) setAccountData(account, "stat30", tostring(getPedStat(source, 77))) setAccountData(account, "stat31", tostring(getPedStat(source, 78))) setAccountData(account, "stat32", tostring(getPedStat(source, 79))) setAccountData(account, "stat0", tostring(getPedStat(source, 22))) setAccountData(account, "stat1", tostring(getPedStat(source, 23))) setAccountData(account, "stat2", tostring(getPedStat(source, 24))) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuit) It's just not save
  18. K4stic

    [HELP] trigger

    It's Works Thx you denny199 the miliseconds it for check in that time the player stats (like if is charged or something else)
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