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Everything posted by abu5lf

  1. abu5lf

    onLine Admins

    He repeated my name twice
  2. abu5lf

    onLine Admins

    admins = "" SuperModerator = "" function processAdminList() players = getElementsByType ( "player" ) admins = "" SuperModerator = "" for k,v in ipairs">ipairs(players) do local accountname = "" if (isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(v)) == false) then accountname = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(v)) if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user." .. accountname, aclGetGroup ( "SuperModerator" ) ) then if (admins == "") then admins = getPlayerName(v,o) admins = admins .. " | " .. getPlayerName(v,o) elseif (SuperModerator == "") then SuperModerator = getPlayerName(v,i) SuperModerator = SuperModerator .. " | " .. getPlayerName(v,i) end end end outputChatBox( "* Admins : #307D7E".. tostring">tostring( admins ), getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0 ,true) outputChatBox( "* SuperModerator : #307D7E".. tostring">tostring( SuperModerator ), getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0 ,true) end end end Do not show me the right way
  3. abu5lf

    ID Admin

    local optimize = true local ids = {} function assignID() for i=1,getMaxPlayers() do if not ids[i] then ids[i] = source setElementData(source,"id",i,not optimize) break end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",root,assignID) function startup() for k, v in ipairs">ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local id = getElementData(v,"id") if id then ids[id] = v end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,startup) function getPlayerID(player) for k, v in ipairs">ipairs(ids) do if v == player then return k end end end function freeID() local id = getElementData(source,"id") if not id then return end ids[id] = nil end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root,freeID) function getPlayerByID(id) local player = ids[id] return player or false end
  4. abu5lf

    ID Admin

    I tried in the following function IDPlayer ( sourcePlayer ) local getPlayerByID = getElementData(theID, source, "ID") or 1 end
  5. abu5lf

    ID Admin

    I do not think anyone can do it
  6. abu5lf

    ID Admin

    It is very hard, I do not know the
  7. abu5lf

    ID Admin

    I do not want to just kick I want some other actions How can I modify the admin panel
  8. abu5lf

    ID Admin

    I do not know that I work Can you help me I want to kick ban Actions mute slap 100 and so on Example: player id> = I have worked on shows that id as a chat before the player's name
  9. abu5lf

    ID chat

    <meta> <info author="[EGL]Chris" version="1.15" type="script" name="Basemode ID Tag" description="This adds the basemode ID tag before a players name." /> <script src="IDTag.lua" type="server" /> <settings> <setting name="*tagidcolor" value="#FF0000" /> <setting name="*namecolor" value="#FFFFFF" /> <setting name="*textcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /> </settings> </meta>
  10. We have already added, but did not work
  11. I have a problem when I run the resource
  12. Good work, but I want to Arabic version Or there is a multiplicity of languages
  13. I want the script Role Play mode
  14. I want it to appear on the screen such as: Cx.83 11:55 Name of the player and the maximum time
  15. I did not understand but try this function joinTime () setElementData ( source, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) setElementData ( source, "Online Time", "0 :, 0 :, 0 :" ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, joinTime )
  16. Can you help me a bit.
  17. I mean like the best drift The best time to OnLine in the server
  18. We have succeeded thanks to you But I got a new idea I want to appear on the screen with the best time, but I can not do so addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() best = guiCreateLabel(31,409,105,17,"BesT TimeOnLine :",false) guiLabelSetColor(best,255,255,0) guiSetFont(best,"default-bold-small") playername = guiCreateLabel(133,407,135,20,"",false) besttime = guiCreateLabel(140,428,81,20,"",false) end ) function() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Online Time") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Name") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "joinTime") end )
  19. They no longer show the time in the scoreboard I do not know is it saves time or not
  20. function onResourceStart() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Online Time") for index, player in pairs (getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData (player, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) setElementData (player, "Online Time", "0 :, 0 :, 0 :" ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,onResourceStart) function joinTime() setElementData (source, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) setElementData (source, "Online Time", "0 :, 0 :, 0 :" ) end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, joinTime ) function all() for index , player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do local s = getElementData(player,"joinTime") or getTickCount() s = (getTickCount() - s) / 1000 local string = string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", s/3600, s%3600/60, s%60) setElementData(player,"Online Time",string) end end setTimer(all,1000,0) exports["scoreboard"]:addScoreboardColumn("Online Time") function saveTime(player, account) if (account and not isGuestAccount(account)) then local Online Time = getElementData(player,"Online Time") setAccountData(account,"OnlineTime",Online Time) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root, function (prev) saveTime(source, prev) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit",root, function () saveTime(source, getPlayerAccount(source)) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, function(_,account) local Online Time = getAccountData(account,"Online Time") if not Online Time then Online Time = 0 end setElementData(source,"Online Time",Online Time) end) WARNING: Loading script failed: OnLineTime5\OnLine.lua:35: ')' expected near 'Time'
  21. I did not understand Did you mean when it comes out from the server? I have tried! addEventHandler("onPlayerLogout",root, function logouot(player, account) if (account and not isGuestAccount(account)) then local joinTime = getElementData(player,"joinTime") setAccountData(account,"joinTime",joinTime) )
  22. What do you think? function SaveTime ( thePlayer ) setElementData (player, "joinTime", getTickCount() ) setElementData (player, "Online Time", "0 :, 0 :, 0 :" ) local timeOnline = (getTickCount() - getElementData ( player, "joinTime" )) local player = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) local Time = getAccountData (player ) if ( account ) then setAccountData ( account ) end end
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