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Everything posted by jeremaniak

  1. I want them to show up as a color in the scoreboard and not as EX: #FF2222TEST
  2. thanks but one more thing .... how to make it where the names are also getting in colors with the HTML color codes sorry for double post
  3. thanks but one more thing .... how to make it where the names are also getting in colors with the HTML color codes?
  4. how to make a object turn like "onColshapeHit" getElementsByType "object" setElementPosition example when someone enters the colshape then the object moves up or down and stuff thanks in advance -Jeremaniak
  5. Still won't work WARNING: Loading script failed: scoreboardveh\server.lua:7: '(' expected near 'playersVehicle'
  6. I added it on server side but it still doesn't work with your code
  7. It doesn't work and no errors in debugscript 3
  8. I am getting a bad argument at my code line 5 getVehicleName exports [ "scoreboard" ]:addScoreboardColumn ( "Vehicle:", 3 ) function playersVehicle ( ) for index, vehicle in ipairs ( getElementsByType "vehicle" ) do setElementData ( vehicle, "vehicle", getVehicleName ( player ) ) end end setTimer ( playersVehicle, 2500, 0 )
  9. I dont know if its possible but maybe you can make a script that will hold the download till the spawn and then start the downloads because when you spawned and new script added then you will download it when you spawned
  10. You mean when you spawn and then download the files?
  11. jeremaniak


    You can easiky make your own script
  12. jeremaniak


    okay if you made a map you can just use setElementPosition ( source, posX, posY, posZ )
  13. jeremaniak


    Admin skycity? U mean a admin lounge?
  14. I know i m just sAying thAt if you wAnt to get the plAyers nAme tht is very hAndy
  15. Is there a lua editor for the iPad or any other mobile device?
  16. local player = getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer())
  17. I would like to help you Neversay , i know lua and sql
  18. I am busy with one noddy so please be quiet so i can go further with it
  19. Uhm..... yes with extra fetueres
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