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Everything posted by jeremaniak

  1. you could just use this setTimer(attachElements, 250, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0.2, .30, -0.09) -- 1st frame setTimer(attachElements, 320, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0.2, .40, 0.4) -- 2nd frame setTimer(attachElements, 390, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0.2, .40, 0.7) -- 3rd frame setTimer(attachElements, 460, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, .50, 1) -- 4th frame setTimer(attachElements, 530, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, .50, 1.5) -- 5th frame setTimer(attachElements, 600, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, .90, 1.7) -- 6th frame setTimer(attachElements, 670, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 1.30, 1.-- s8) --> -- 7th frame setTimer(attachElements, 740, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 1.70, 1.9) -- 8th frame setTimer(attachElements, 810, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 2.0, 2) -- 9th frame setTimer(attachElements, 880, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 2.30, 2.1) -- 10th frame setTimer(attachElements, 950, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 2.70, 2.2) -- 11th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1020, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.10, 2.3) -- 12th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1090, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, 2.3) -- 13th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1160, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, 2) -- 14th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1230, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, 1.6) -- 15th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1300, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, 1.3) -- 16th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1370, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, 1.0) -- 17th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1440, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, 0) -- 18th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1510, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, -0.6) -- 19th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1580, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, -0.10) -- 20th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1650, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, -0.20) -- 21th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1720, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, -0.30) -- 22th frame setTimer(attachElements, 1800, 1, ball[thePlayer], thePlayer, 0, 3.55, -0.90) -- 23th frame toggleAllControls(thePlayer, false, false, false)
  2. the circled thing here is the line of code function loadAllInteriors() local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player") for k, thePlayer in ipairs(players) do exports['anticheat-system']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, "interiormarker") end local result = mysql_unbuffered_query(handler, "SELECT id FROM interiors")--here is the bad argument at argument1 local counter = 0 if (result) then local ids = {} for result, row in mysql_rows(result) do ids[ tonumber(row[1]) ] = true counter = counter + 1 end mysql_free_result(result) for id in pairs( ids ) do local co = coroutine.create(reloadOneInterior) coroutine.resume(co, id, true) table.insert(threads, co) end setTimer(resume, 1000, 4) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadAllInteriors) this is in his server but it doesnt work i tried stuff and i checked the mysql if someone sees this help
  3. This is the same as the one from vedic gaming but he just added a warp point
  4. for k, v in ipairs do -- your shit here
  5. when i start race and i die so i am second place and my friend wins the race it says he gets the money but i get it please help me local activePlayers = getActivePlayers() if #activePlayers == 1 then self.rankingBoard:add(activePlayers[1], timePassed) showMessage(getPlayerName(activePlayers[1]) .. ' is the final survivor! and has won $3000', 0, 255, 0) givePlayerMoney ( source, 3000 ) triggerEvent ( "onPlayerDestructionDerbyWin", activePlayers [1] ) end end
  6. jeremaniak


    What withiut timer ?
  7. jeremaniak


    Yeah because its server sided
  8. jeremaniak


    carros = createVehicle ( 440,1543.98962, -1670.46398, 13.300, 0,0,90) warpPedIntoVehicle ( thePed, carros ) --make sure you define theped end )
  9. Wist je dat ...... Ik een reply heb op een van de grootste BLASTA topics die er zijn
  10. So how to make it for the 2nd place and third ? Btw thanks already!!!!
  11. Any errors in debugscript 3?
  12. DM/DD otherwise i would use onPlayerFinish
  13. i am trying to make when someone finishes 1st he gets 3000 dollars but i just need a example thanks
  14. so is this possible if exports[ "race" ]:getPlayerRank ( thePlayer )== 1 then ? i dont know how to get the rank and if the rank = a value then give the money
  15. whats up mind helping with some race script i am trying to make that when the player finishes 1st he gets 3000 dollars 2nd 2000 dollars and 3rd 1000 dollars but i just dont know on wich event and how to make the getPlayerRank work thanks in advance <3
  16. i tried those function in server side but i get bad Argument at set and give setPlayerMoney( thePlayer, 5000 ) givePlayerMoney( thePlayer, 5000 )
  17. jeremaniak

    Cheat codes....

    Do the cheat code commands work like in single player when you type "hesoyam" it will fix your car does that work ?
  18. Greenie i am busy with youtube mta tut but i recorded till lesson 3 so when i finish i will put it on
  19. https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=4599 And description says: "Dont delete this assholes"
  20. Is that for the scoreboard too?
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