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Everything posted by jeremaniak

  1. Awesome i was searching for that and i even didnt had too write a post
  2. Uhm its something with vedic and i changed alot of sruff
  3. Its readable , i will send it tommorow got to sleep
  4. What is compiled and non compiled :3
  5. Yes it does and i dont know howto fix it
  6. Hi i am a server hoster and someone past by my login panel and gave himself admn lvl 10 wich is the highest and then banned al the players who were in it can someone help me to close that backdoor? Greetings Jeremy
  7. You should do this: local server = get "localhost" local user = get "root" local password = get "" -- leave blank like this local db = get "mta" -- database name like when you name your database mta call it mta local port = get 3306 local socket = get nil
  8. Someone help me when i use this scripts and i registered then i try to login but it says in the console this: [2012-02-29 10:43:22] ERROR: attempt to call a nil value [2012-02-29 10:43:22] ERROR: call: failed to call 'sql:escape_string' [string "?"] [2012-02-29 10:43:22] ERROR: account\s_account.lua:53: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
  9. Neither of this whole recources work please help me
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