I would think this would be good if you had to stop the robbery and go after the robbers if they getaway before going somewhere... And also bust some robbers somehow if you are the cops, and robbers could try to chase you before you take them to the station etcetc.. lots of cool stuff to be thought of
Hmm, I'd rather forget about one simple CRC check, I have a better idea that should be possible.. made a thread for it (ranting about cheaters etc.etc) So I don't know what optioon to choose there MY way, everyone should have the same stuff no matter, even if you don't change handling.cfg back to the original, as it would download of the server, the servers preference of handling.cfg
range bans just suck... it takes one jerk using the same isp server or isp or region as cool guys and all the cool guys are banned I wonder if there is such a thing a MAC banning...
yeah I know thats what I meant, really Just thought it would be futile to post any more specs of ppl having the problem sine its already been rectified, but what the hey
me has a ping prob ... here is the list
more info: ping goes between 50 and 1000, mainly between 250 and 1000 max. But when I'm not playing the ping is fine.
CPU : athlon 2600 xp
RAM : 512 mb
VIDEO CARD : geforce fx 5900xt
CONNECTION SPEED : 600 kbit down, 128 kbit up (cable)
ISP : http://www.ntlworld.com
ROUTER yes (linksys befsr41, tried different firmwares)
FIREWALL yes (NAT built in to router)
OS: windows xp pro
No other internet applications running
GTAVC 1.1 only
no admin stuff
pps: high ping only happens on some servers too
you can see people on bikes
hmm. thats a weird one, I can't which is strange, but its a bit weird sometimes, bikes looking as though the drive on their own lol. Dunno what would cause it?
You've already bought the controller right? (Logitech Dual Action?)
I'm using a real ps2 game pad with adapter and I'm simply using the windows drivers for a "4 axis 16 button gamepad" you get this with windows Xp.
If you are looking for drivers didn't you get any with it?
If you are looking for a real PS2 to PC adapter (you need a real PS2 dualshock controller of course), try here : http://www.ztnetstore.com/product_info. ... ucts_id=40
or always check out lik-sang! although you need to order from hong-kong adding extra tax/cash for delivery etc etc. (http://www.lik-sang.com)
oh yaeh, you need to set controls to "Classic Controls" instead of standard for PS2 like controls as said above