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Everything posted by IIYAMA

  1. You did not said it was serverside, But as I said, the element data must first be exist.
  2. That means you don't have set the element data yet, you have to set the element data first or to zero, bevore this script can be executed.
  3. How do you call this way of recreive data? and is this a good or bad way? pls don't start about function etc.... it is just a sample.. test = {} test[1]=2 test[2]=3 test[3]=4 test[4]=1 A = 4 B = test[A] outputChatBox (B) -- output in chatbox 1
  4. Check your bugs:(admin) /debugscript 3 I am not sure, but should this not be a:1 setTimer(startResource, 10000,1, true) --14 Because, he is already triggering him zelf again. Don't you need to use: localPlayer ? localPlayer = getLocalPlayer ( ) Player = getLocalPlayer ( ) function texto(texto) outputChatBox ( "Aviso: " .. texto ) end setTimer(texto,3600000,0,"Tienes hambre, come un poco") function startResource() local nivel = getElementData (player, "nivel") if nivel == 1 then setElementHealth ( player, getElementHealth ( player ) - 70 ) end setTimer(startResource, 3600000, 1, true) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), startResource)


    [s.K] You don't need, you are just lazy. Learn it your self or pay for it. Free does not exist, maybe in your dreams. The forum is for: help with the works and help with the language. Forum isn't for: free scripting, also stealing is out of the question.
  6. Lets hope they ported next time better from Xbox to pc. Now I got i7 quate 3,5 ghz, 7970 cuii top and still lagg in gta 4 (I like to play everything on max>veryhigh/ultra settings, Xbox does not give that to me)
  7. These bugs are "most of the time" caused by mods. sample:(in the past) Stealth gamemode does have a shield, this shield was bevore a ramp. (joined bevore [GCC]stealth server) When I joined a race/dd server this ramp wasn't sollid any more. The funny thing was that I drove with arround 5 players the same direction and the next moment I fall trought the floor. The next moment all player exploded, because under this ramp were barrels. :3 But somehow this bug has been fixed for me, never had this problem again. As I said most of the time, it also depends on the server. In my own server the object of an "olie drum" is sollid, but when I join the stealth server with the same map, it isn't sollid.

    Camera loss hp

    When you set you camera to another location, the objects under the ped will be gone(unloaded) and he will fall in the ground. At the moment your camp will be back, your ped will be in the ground. Thats probally why you have the damage. https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/OnC ... ayerDamage < cancel the damage when u use the camp. If you don't believe me, go inside a hydra(or what ever you like, hydra is creates the most problems) ON the GROUND and spectate your friend with admin pannel, return afther 20 sec and see what happens.
  9. Thats why: so blind as a chicken
  10. If you can't find this leg shot, you are so blind as a chicken. Love you to Casper ! Greets adminstrator [GCC]
  11. The peds of the spawns are just peds, If your position is right, the players will be spawned inside. So if you are able to place the spawnpoints under the map. You are able to change in the .map the Z -as, of the spawnpoints + circa 3/5 Else you can create makers on the spawnpoints(the place) and copie the maker position to the spawnpoints. or if you aren't able to fix that on the .map, you can copie the maker objects of differend teams and 2 pedspawnpoint(does not matter where this ped might be)of each team. and I make it for you. (these objects are in the .map)
  12. Why don't you set the alpha to zero when the door should be in the wall? https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementAlpha
  13. Sometimes I got this bug to, no Idea why. Very annoying in a deathmatch mode
  14. IIYAMA

    sync players

    That's why I rebuilded one of Path Looser his script and make damage server side.Thx to Phat Looser, all proud rights are yours. I don't really care about high pingers, I just wanna have a fair game. Since the Spain people joined the server (not racist intended), I only saw high pingers and I had no fun in mta any more. If they are timed out because of their lagg, they will simply be killed at the moment they shoot and aren't at the place where the bullets are created. If they are not timed out and still close but not at the right position(distance) the bullets won't be count. That's how I like to have my server and my competitors with the old stealth are only failing. The only other stealth server that I do like is that one of Chaose.de. Only there aren't so much players. If you know the game battlefield 3, and you have 300 ping in a server, you can't even run without setting back to your previously location. That is for me the bullet in the chest, if 300 ping would be fair.
  15. ok, that last part should work. thank you very much
  16. how can I make this work? warning ........................ Bad argument @ 'getVehicleType' local thrownout = { ["Bike"]=true, ["Boat"]=true, ["BMX"]=true, ["Quad"]=true} if (getVehicleType(theVehicle) == thrownout) then outputChatBox ("works!! fap fap fap") end wiki: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/GetVehicleType
  17. IIYAMA

    How to hide clouds?

    or you can do:(the way I always stop the clouds) 1: login as admin. 2: /start runcode 3: /srun setCloudsEnabled ( false ) --> the command isn't visible for other players, but the clouds are gone for everybody. /run setCloudsEnabled ( false )
  18. IIYAMA

    sync players

    ok, I run a stealth server and players sync's are very important for me. But people with high ping, will have higher ping? thank you for the information
  19. IIYAMA

    sync players

    player_sync_interval 100 This parameter determines the time in milliseconds between player sync packets. Available range: 50 - 500; default value: 100 This parameter can be changed and saved while the server is running with setServerConfigSetting Suggested values for this and the other sync_interval settings can be found here: Sync interval settings What is better? high or low number for good syncs. (good internet)
  20. IIYAMA


    I don't get what you mean: "for for and while"
  21. IIYAMA


    What can you do with break? Does it works the same as return? (I can't find this on wikimta)
  22. yes they are, nothing you can do about it. (alpha does not work)
  23. How to solve the ped laggs? Even in my own server with 0 ping these bots are lagging.
  24. copie everything: .xml-.map-scripts and past in side a new folder.
  25. change speed of planes does not really work.
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