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Everything posted by IIYAMA


    dx image

    transparent is possible power of 2? Is that a standard size?

    dx image

    Hey I am making my own gamemode, but my images are getting ugly. I made them with illustrator to png. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2281/m ... 172454.png Is this normal that it looks like this?
  3. Well you can destroy it and replace it when you need it.
  4. Error: [string "theWeapon = createWeapon("minigun", 0, 0, 0..."]:1: attempt to call global 'createWeapon' (a nil value) Well then they are wrong..... >version uptodate<
  5. It is client side..... that is why your script must sync them... This can be done by: - Global client table. -- client core - ElementData -- client and server core - Serverside table with server to client triggers. -- client and server core
  6. getElementsByType( "object" ) if getElementModel(v) == 17950 then
  7. After I created my vehicle weapons, it wasn't synced. If it is, let me know. Then I have to change my scripts too.
  8. Sync between client and server. Not yet. But yes, you can make them synced by scripting it.

    Move camera

    aha, It works very well, I made what I wanted to make. I send you my script maybe it inspires you. (just the cam)
  10. IIYAMA

    Move camera

    btw: What is the best and lagg free way to check when the camera reached it's point?
  11. IIYAMA

    Move camera

    woow thanks I was thinking about: local distance = BeginX - endX local distance_per_frame = distance /framecount x = BeginX + distance_per_frame But interpolateBetween is much better :3
  12. IIYAMA

    Move camera

    What is the best way to move the camera from one point to another? (I am talking about math) Of course I have to put it on client Render. setCameraMatrix (117.5101852417, 163.30557250977, 5579.2065429688, 116.48139190674, 156.49519348145, 5579.0087890625) local posX, posY,posZ = 120.94383239746,162.29713439941,5579.5678710938-- location2 addEventHandler("onClientRender",root, function () local xU, yU, zU, xUt, yUt, zUt = getCameraMatrix() setCameraMatrix (xU, yU, zU, 116.48139190674, 156.49519348145, 5579.0087890625) end)
  13. Everybody who leaves the main land. It is at gta level...
  14. Oh ik heb wel een ddos gehad op mijn router en die providers doen niks. De politie kan niks doen, nutteloze mongolen. Ze kunnen je ip vinden als je hun server joined. Er zijn genoeg anderen mogelijkheden om ip's te vinden. Het enige wat je kan doen is je provider bellen en vragen of ze jou ip willen veranderen. Maar tegen die tijd heb je er al 20 aanvallen achter de rug. Btw mag ik jou ook toevoegen op skype? Ik vind het soms wel is interessant om met scripters te discussiëren.
  15. Why can you set a radius + x,y,z when it is removing a full ID?
  16. Zo als denny had gezegt. Dan haal je het ip op, ik doe dat altijd via het ip dat op myip staat. Bij mij werkt dit IP van cmd niet om bij mijn router te komen. http://www.myip.nl/ Gooi deze in je browser. (bij mij werkt dit in ieder geval) Dan moet je ff inloggen (>denny) (met je CMD IP) open je porten van 22003 tot 22010 beide soorten porten = (download en connectie). Anders krijg je download files problemen etc. Dan ga naar je server en check of de onderste 2 open zijn. Door middel van "openports" in je server window te typen. (dat een beetje op je cmd lijkt.) Bovenste is voor de serverbrowser, niet aan te raden om die open te zetten. Mensen zie je thuis ip.
  17. LOL I am thinking back to the day I started to script. This was one of my first scrips, I don't even know if it is still working local weaponsTrue = { [0]=true,[1]=true, [2]=true, [3]=true, [4]=true, [5]=true, [6]=true, [7]=true, [8]=true, [9]=true, [10]=true, [11]=true, [12]=true, [14]=true, [15]=true } local weaponsDamage = { [0]=1,[1]=1, [2]=1, [3]=1, [4]=1, [5]=1, [6]=1, [7]=1, [8]=1, [9]=1, [10]=1, [11]=1, [12]=1, [14]=1, [15]=1 } function playerDamage ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) if weaponsTrue[weapon] then local health = getElementHealth(source) local Dloss = weaponsDamage[weapon] if health-Dloss > 0 then setElementHealth ( source, health-Dloss) else killPed(source) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement (), playerDamage ) Note: you have to edit the damage by your self.
  18. IIYAMA

    draw distance

    Same functions as we post here only without shader..............
  19. How to check if somebody his key is down of my keyboard? I can find it.... oh got it.... getKeyState ( string keyName )... can be locked.
  20. Yes that is the best way. - The information that have been moved from client to server is 5 kb (dunno, but lets make this sample big) - 25 players are in the server. Elementdata: elementdata * playersInServer = bandwidth of all players. 25 * 5kb = 125kb! Server data travel. ( 24 players client download) Trigger: tabledata * 1 = bandwidth of one player. 5 * 1 = 5 kb Server data travel. (no client download) But nobody is ever listening... -_-" BTW(client): https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPedAimTarget -- get the ped rotation and send this to the server, not sure if the syncs are 100%. even so you can calculate the syncs by the client, move the index number through the server. That would be the smallest way.
  21. IIYAMA

    Alpha weapon

    You can only set element alpha to custom weapons. Not with (onhand)weapons, they aren't elements. Can only be done by mods.
  22. IIYAMA

    draw distance

    I will not contribute for something, I only like because I like scripting. I am also growing out of this.
  23. IIYAMA

    draw distance

    Well it is a limitation and I also don't like it. It makes my maps ugly.
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