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Everything posted by Axel

  1. Axel


    In the first video, the landing is like the when u jump from the bike at some speed. Does somebody know that animation? Or it doesn't exists? EDIT: I found this: http://www.4shared.com/rar/dyFUZ-LQ/fil ... 2=403tNull Can it be replaced somehow in mta? The roll animation looks like.. if u take damage it rolls eighter to right or left.. but i want to roll forwads.. I tryed setting the position but failed, does sombody got an idea? function fDamage ( attacker, weapon, bodypart,loss) local rot = getElementRotation(source) if (loss < 20) then --setPedRotation(source,rot+90) exports.global:applyAnimation( source, "ped", "Crouch_Roll_R", 700, true, true, false) elseif (loss > 20) then --setPedRotation(source,rot+90) exports.global:applyAnimation( source, "ped", "Crouch_Roll_L", 700, true, true, false) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), fDamage )
  2. Axel


    Can you tell me what animations you found? EDIT: I succeded with the roll animation, but can someone tell me the animation betwen falling down? I mean the one in the air..
  3. Axel


    Wow, but what u used to do it? Is there a animation on MTA similar to those? Or replacement?
  4. Axel


    Is this really possible in mta? - this -or this -or THIS!
  5. Axel

    World Objects

    I know err... but when i click on a world object nothing happens..
  6. Axel

    World Objects

    Well i tryed the wiki exemple and it didn't work .. Can someone show me an example?
  7. Axel

    damage bug..

    Copied the bugged one, fixed the first post Well it didn't work.. it appears only when u set your health.. not when u lose it
  8. Axel

    damage bug..

    I made a simple script that shows the health and armour hud when a player is damaged.. the only problem is that after the player gets damaged and the hud dissapears the health gets 100.. function healthdamage ( attacker, weapon, bodypart) showPlayerHudComponent ( "health", true ) showPlayerHudComponent ( "armour", true ) function health() showPlayerHudComponent ( "health", false ) showPlayerHudComponent ( "armour", false ) end setTimer ( health, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer(), healthdamage )
  9. Axel

    World Objects

    Is there a way to get the world objects from gta sa and use them? Like if u click on a Sprunk Machine to get a gui?
  10. Axel


    SCRIPT ERROR: roadblock/script.lua:39 unfinished string near '">pairs(rb) do' hmm
  11. Axel


    I made a little rb command that creates a roadblock and a /rbd command that deletes it.. the problem is that if i create 2 roadblocks it delets only one.. and i'm not good at tables.. here's the code if someone wants to help function rbs(source,command,state) if getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("Muncitorii Strazilor") or getPlayerTeam(source) == getTeamFromName("Las Venturas Police Department") then local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local rotX,rotY,rotZ = getElementRotation(source) if state == "1" then rb = createObject(978,x,y,z-0.15,0,0,rotZ) setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 ) outputChatBox("*Blocaj adaugat.",source,255,255,0) elseif state == "2" then rb = createObject(981,x,y,z,0,0,rotZ+180) setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 ) outputChatBox("*Blocaj adaugat.",source,255,255,0) elseif state == "3" then rb = createObject(3578,x,y,z-0.2,0,0,rotZ) setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 ) outputChatBox("*Blocaj adaugat.",source,255,255,0) elseif state == "4" then rb = createObject(3091,x,y,z-0.38,0,0,rotZ+180) setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 ) outputChatBox("*Blocaj adaugat.",source,255,255,0) elseif state == "5" then rb = createObject(1238,x,y,z-0.65,0,0,rotZ) setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 ) outputChatBox("*Blocaj adaugat.",source,255,255,0) elseif state == "6" then rb = createObject(1459,x,y,z-0.4,0,0,rotZ) setElementPosition ( source, x, y, z+1 ) outputChatBox("*Blocaj adaugat.",source,255,255,0) else outputChatBox("SYNTAXA: /rb [1-6]",source,255,255,0) end end end addCommandHandler("rb",rbs) function del(source,command) destroyElement(rb) end addCommandHandler("rbd",del)
  12. Axel


    Nvm i succeded: elseif (itemID==8) then -- sandwich giveHealth(source, 50) exports.global:applyAnimation(source, "food", "eat_burger", 4000, false, true, true) toggleAllControls(source, true, true, true) exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(source, " mananca un sandwich.") takeItemFromSlot(source, itemSlot) local burger1 = createObject ( 2880, 0, 0, 0 ) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone ( burger1, source, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, -90, 0 ) function destroy() destroyElement(burger1) end setTimer(destroy,2000,1) Edit: Were can i see a list with all the objects?
  13. Axel


    Hmm.. but i want to make more objects..
  14. Axel


    Thanks, now i want to introduce it in the item-system, i did it fine but the burger doesn't dissapear after usage.. elseif (itemID==8) then -- sandwich giveHealth(source, 50) exports.global:applyAnimation(source, "food", "eat_burger", 4000, false, true, true) toggleAllControls(source, true, true, true) exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(source, " mananca un sandwich.") takeItemFromSlot(source, itemSlot) burger1 = createObject ( 2880, 0, 0, 0 ) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone ( burger1, source, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0, -90, 0 ) Got a idea or something how to make it dissapear after the animation is finished?
  15. Axel


    Ye i noticed now.. stupid me.. i was in an interior.. realy stupid
  16. Axel


    I tryed it serverside and even clientside, nothing..
  17. Axel


    Yes the ressource is running, it works with ped = createPed(105,0,0,3) burger = createObject(2880,0,0,0) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(burger,ped,12,0,0,0,0,-90,0)
  18. Axel


    Still.. i tryed that way before.. i was trying the getElementPosition..
  19. Axel


    I'm trying to make a short function to attach a object to my player with the bone_attach script.. function burger() burger1 = createObject(2880,0,0,0) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(burger1,source,12,0,0,0,0,-90,0) end addCommandHandler("bu",burger) Am i an idiot or something were changed from the new version..
  20. outputChatBox("Progres 1/10 from taking "..gang2.."'s turf.",source) outputChatBox("Progres 2/10 from taking "..gang2.."'s turf.",source) outputChatBox("Progres 3/10 from taking "..gang2.."'s turf.",source)
  21. Well, your understood me wrong.. i don't want a progress bar, i want like a progress chatbox showing: Progress of taking turf: 1/10 Progress of taking turf: 2/10 ...
  22. How can i make the proggres of taking turfs?
  23. Axel

    Talking Animation

    THANKS MAN! You'r my hero!
  24. So i need a talking animation for a script that starts a animation when u type something. I searched alot but didn't find a good one, some suggestions?
  25. Axel


    Hmm.. now when i warp to a player that is in an interior i get killed.. Is there a way to fix that?
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